Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 243 The strange temple reappears

After this actual battle, Ye Feng also felt that if he wanted to fully utilize his attribute transfer ability, it would be best to choose some larger mutated animals.

Take the battle just now as an example. Even if the mutated sparrow is blessed with its own power and has 240 tons of power, it can completely crush the dragon, but the effect is not ideal.

In the final analysis, it is because both its claws and beak are too small, so the wounds caused are relatively small, only five or six meters at most.

But with the same power applied to the mutated goshawk, with one talon of the opponent, it can tear out a wound of ten or twenty meters.

Of course, if the enemy is smaller and more flexible, that's another matter, and you can adjust it according to the situation.

But overall, the ones who are naturally bigger will have an advantage.

Therefore, for the elite team he wants to build later, these factors must be carefully taken into consideration.

Of course, the most important thing now is to get the quantity up first.

If he had not only 6 mutated birds, but also 29, it wouldn't be so troublesome at all.

It's done in one quick move.

These mutated animals, blessed by their own attributes, surpass these giant dragons in terms of overall strength.

First of all, in terms of physical fitness, it is at least twice that of these giant dragons, but the problem is that most of the subordinates he has improved have no superpowers.

And unlike those giant dragons, he also has a flame breath that is no less than a fire-type alien.

Of course, Ye Feng did not feel any depression or anything like that.

You must know that the group of men he sent out, even the most powerful mutated goshawks, were only in the middle of the fourth level, but they were facing enemies at the peak of the sixth level.

If you wait until they reach the same level, and then cooperate with your own attribute transfer ability, you can directly sweep these giant dragons in the future.

When the mutant goshawks returned to Sunset Valley from abroad, Ye Feng also drew up a training list.

He will cultivate a total of 1,000 mutant creatures until they reach the peak of the sixth level as candidates for elite troops.

As for the rest of the Animal Legion, after helping them break through to the fourth level, Ye Feng doesn't plan to care about them anymore.

At most, it only provides aura. As for the evolution fruit, don't even think about it.

In the end, how far they can go depends entirely on their own destiny.

Among these 1,000 elite troops, Ye Feng selected 200 mutant goshawks, 200 mutant tigers, 200 mutant lions, 100 mutant rhinos and 100 mutant hippos.

As for the remaining 200 places, they are a hodgepodge. If they are distributed evenly, there is no guarantee when they will be used.

As for the 1,000 mutant animals that were selected, their priority in obtaining spiritual energy was only inferior to the mutant animals in Ye Feng's contract.

After simply arranging these, Ye Feng added some points and picked up his phone to browse the news.

Just as he expected.

That night, the Internet was destined to be unstable. Soon, the news that the dragons had been wiped out in the international news quickly soared.

# Dragon King Palace takes action to deal with the dragon! #

# The strength ranking of Dragon King Palace envoys. #

# How strong is the Dragon King really? #

The overwhelming news directly swept the entire Internet, especially the international news. Their discussion was actually even higher than the domestic news.

Moreover, videos of these mutated animals fighting in the Dragon King Palace have also been posted on the Internet. Especially the scene where the mutated goshawk instantly killed the sixth-order giant dragon made many people marvel.

"It's too exaggerated! Is this still Level 4 vs. Level 6? I feel like it's almost the same."

"Yeah, there's a big difference in speed and strength. If those giant dragons weren't able to breathe fire, they would have died long ago."

"No, no, no, you have misunderstood the point. The real strong one is the Dragon King, not the mutated goshawk. If the Dragon King is willing to give me power, I can go up and tear the giant dragon apart with my bare hands."

Seeing these comments, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile.

Of course, the reason why he smiled was only part of the reason why he was praised. What was more important was the power of faith that was blazing loudly on the system panel every minute.

Especially the people in Europe, as he killed all the giant dragons that came out of the restricted area, they were having a great time, and they were having a steady flow of faith.

On the system panel, the power of faith increases every hour by at least 30 to 40 million points.

The next morning, when Ye Feng finished his mental training, he immediately opened the system panel and took a look.

The power of faith: 985 million.

In just one night, the power of his faith soared by a full 400 million.

If you include those who increased during the day, then the European people have provided him with nearly 500 million points of faith power.

This is directly double the 265 million he originally expected.

Seeing such a result, Ye Feng felt relieved.

Of course, he also understood that the matter in the European restricted area was finally over.

Therefore, he can no longer pick up the wool over there. Of course, this matter will definitely have subsequent effects, but the power of faith provided is limited. It is estimated that if they are all added up, they will be exhausted, and only tens of millions of faith power will be collected.

"So, from now on, the source of my power of faith will mainly come from Yangcheng City." Ye Feng couldn't help but mutter.

He already knew about Yangcheng City's final plan to build a metropolis with a population of 50 million.

At that time, even if each person is provided with 1 point of faith power every day, he will still have 50 million faith power!

Thinking of this, he took a look at the road in front of Sunset Valley. It was full of traffic in the early morning.

It is almost inevitable for all people who come to settle in Yangcheng City to come to Sunset Valley to worship the Dragon King.

It's not just the outsiders, but also the people in Yangcheng City. In the past two or three days, the tasks of the security company can be said to have increased sharply.

And more than 90% of the tasks they took on were to escort residents to Sunset Valley.

"My place is about to become a tourist attraction!" Ye Feng took a look and saw that on the grassland he had designated, there were already small vendors doing business there.

This left Ye Feng speechless for a while.

Of course, he didn't think about stopping it. He even considered whether to make the area larger to accommodate more tourists.

The reason for this is of course to increase the income of the power of faith. After all, human beings are very complex creatures, and praying to gods and Buddhas is only done at critical moments.

Therefore, on average, the residents here in Yangcheng City only provide 0.1 points of faith power per day.

But if you come here and worship sincerely, it will take less than an hour and you will be able to provide about 10 points of faith power. The difference between this is not a tiny bit.

However, Ye Feng thought about it and decided to wait.

Even if he really wanted to expand the scope of this "scenic spot", he would have to do it passively and never take the initiative, otherwise it would damage the image.

Ye Feng checked the news and continued practicing, thinking that today would be relatively peaceful.

But at 9 o'clock in the morning, Liu Zaoxin and others came over.

Ye Feng originally thought that the other party came here deliberately because Sunset Valley was overcrowded.

But the other party's first words immediately made Ye Feng's expression become solemn, "Parrot Messenger, those temples have appeared again."

Ye Feng felt that something was wrong about those temples yesterday. When he heard that they appeared again today, he immediately perked up, "How many appeared? Where are they?"

"It's still in the original place, and this time these temples actually appeared together." Liu Zaoxin's expression was extremely solemn.

If it was possible that it was a mirage yesterday, then judging from today's situation, it is obviously impossible.

"They actually appeared together?" Ye Feng frowned in thought and asked, "Are there any other differences?"

Liu Zaoxin thought for a while, "The temple seems to be a little clearer. Does this count?"


"Yes, when we showed up yesterday, we could only see the main door clearly, and the rest of the place was blurry, as if there was a layer of mist on the surface. But today it is much clearer, and we can see more of the temple. Details." Liu Zaoxin said immediately.

"If I remember correctly, there is also a temple here in Donghai Province, right?" Ye Feng asked.

"Yes, it's near Tianhe City." Liu Zaoxin nodded immediately and said.

"Okay, then I'll go and investigate in person." Ye Feng said directly.

What Liu Zaoxin was waiting for was this sentence from the other party, and he quickly said: "Do you need me to send a helicopter to guide you?"

"No, just tell the team stationed over there."

After Ye Feng said a simple word, he controlled the mutated parrot and left. However, he did not go straight to Tianhe City, but returned to Sunset Valley first.

Then he used the ability of attribute transfer to first increase the mutant parrot's combat effectiveness to the sixth level.

But this was not enough, Ye Feng called the mutated goshawk over again, and also used the ability of attribute transfer to enhance the opponent's combat effectiveness.

After making preparations, let them set off.

There is no way, no matter from which angle you look at it, there is something wrong with this new temple, so it is best to be careful.

In fact, Ye Feng wanted to send more mutant animals there, but gave up after thinking about it.

After all, if the enemy's strength is level six, then the mutated goshawk is enough to deal with it.

But if the enemy is a seventh-level strong man who has controlled the power of rules, then even if he sends all the mutated creatures there, it won't be effective.

Soon the mutant parrot and mutant goshawk took off quickly, directly increasing their speed to ten times the speed of sound.

The people worshiping in front of Sunset Valley only heard a series of sonic booms, but when they looked up, they could not see anything.

At 10 times the speed of sound, just a few minutes later, Mutant Goshawk and the others quickly arrived at Tianhe City. Although they didn't know the specific location, it didn't matter at all.

They circled around half a circle and found the extremely huge temple.

Ye Feng flapped his wings and landed. A brigade of a hundred people was stationed here.

They had obviously received the order, and they were not surprised when they saw the mutated parrot arriving.

At the same time, a regiment leader in charge here quickly came over to greet Ye Feng after seeing him land.

"Hello, Parrot Messenger, I am Zhao Sheng, the person in charge here. If you need any assistance here, just ask." Zhao Sheng said respectfully.

Ye Feng nodded, but his eyes kept falling on the huge temple not far away.

This temple seems to be the residence of a giant, and the buildings vaguely seen inside are all grand.

Just a giant door a hundred meters wide can show it, and the vague buildings inside are hundreds of meters high on each floor.

All the buildings in the temple are made of rocks, but they do not make people feel rough, because every rock has been polished and has patterns carved on it.

Such a magnificent building will give people a delicate feeling if you pay careful attention to the details.

"How long has it been since the temple appeared this time?" Ye Feng stared at it for a while, then turned to look at Zhao Sheng and asked.

"It's been 22 minutes." Zhao Sheng replied.

"Then have you sent anyone in to investigate?" Ye Feng asked again.

"Well, we have sent people in and used instruments to detect it. Nothing was found. This temple seems to be a holographic projection. It can be seen but cannot be touched."

"And it didn't have any impact on people or instruments," Zhao Sheng said.

"Did your people take any video when they went in?" Ye Feng thought for a while and asked again.

"Yes, please wait a moment." Zhao Sheng said, and quickly asked someone to bring over a tablet computer.

"This is how they went in to investigate." He said as he clicked on a video to play.

This video is a bit like a surveillance screen. The screen is divided into four and was shot from four different angles.

Ye Feng estimated that these were images from the battlefield recorder.

Zhao Sheng did not make Ye Feng wait any longer. He directly dragged the progress bar and fast-forwarded to the scene where the four people entered the temple.

The gate of this temple was closed, but the man walking in front walked directly through the gate.

However, after the four people entered, they did not act immediately. Instead, they conducted an experiment by the gate. They touched all the objects inside, whether it was a huge door, a wall, or a building inside, without exception. It's all illusory.

Moreover, someone directly took the camera off his body and inserted it into the wall. The picture captured by the camera suddenly turned into darkness.

The man put down the camera, stepped back a certain distance, waited for a moment and then walked back again.

The camera was still in place, and after it was taken out, the video inside continued without any damage.

It is obvious from these phenomena that this temple seems to be really illusory and will not have any impact on them, at least for now.

Of course, they didn't just hang around the door. After doing a simple experiment, they quickly walked towards the interior of the temple.

But the further inside, the more unreal the scenery becomes, or in other words, it is blocked by a thin layer of fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

After they reached the end, they walked out of a mist and reached the other side of the woods.

After watching the entire video, Ye Feng frowned again.

Because he didn't find any abnormality, but the absence of abnormality is the biggest abnormality.

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