Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 242: Annihilate the giant dragon, the war ends

When the fire disappeared, Ye Feng looked over immediately.

The dragon that was the main target of the attack had the right half of its head covered in blood and flesh, and even one of its eyes was blind.

In addition, the wings on the back were also severely damaged and even a little twisted.

Of course, what was even more exaggerated was the abdomen, which had the weakest defense. A large hole of nearly 10 meters was blown open, and even the organs inside could be seen.

Obviously, after this round of attacks, the dragon was seriously injured. Although the opponent tried his best to activate his spiritual energy, these wounds were recovering quickly.

But doing so would consume a huge amount of money, and Ye Feng felt that the dragon's aura was rapidly weakening.

The other five giant dragons that were affected also had wounds of at least seven or eight meters on their bodies. Even for them, which were a hundred meters long, such injuries were definitely not minor.

Suddenly, the entire dragon group became angry.


Under the roar of an exceptionally strong dragon.

In an instant, a total of 10 dragons separated from the group of dragons and chased the retreating fighter jets. It was obvious that it was impossible for them, and they would only be beaten without fighting back.

Although the fighters of the first formation have begun to completely attack the battlefield at this time, their highest speed is only 4 times the speed of sound, and these dragons can explode at 5 times the speed of sound.

The gap between the two sides is twice the speed of sound. Even if the distance is 3 kilometers, it will not take the other side 10 seconds to catch up.

But Xia Lei had expected this kind of thing before.

That's why he sent the fighters of the second formation to respond.

Whoosh whoosh!

Another ten rounds of sun-chasing missiles flew out, attacking directly towards the group of giant dragons.

These giant dragons have already seen the power of the Sun Missile before, so how can they dare to take it head-on now?

Of course, they also want to dodge, but unfortunately, this is impossible when facing missiles with locking functions.

So at this time, the five giant dragons flying in the front had spiritual energy surging on their bodies, all gathered at their mouths.

Then he opened his mouth, and a large sheet of flames spurted out from his mouth, forming a flame area of ​​hundreds of meters directly in front of them.

The ten sun-seeking missiles were all swallowed up by the flames, followed by a series of explosions.

Of course, although they blocked the missile attack, they were delayed for a moment. The fighters of the first formation had already distanced themselves from the dragon and reached a safe position.

After such a round of testing, the background of these giant dragons has basically been figured out.

But Xia Lei frowned.

To be honest, the current situation is very troublesome. Although he knew before that the defense power of these giant dragons was very powerful, he did not expect that their self-healing ability was so powerful.

He glanced at the giant dragon who had been seriously injured just now. In just ten seconds, the opponent's injuries actually stabilized.

It is estimated that if the opponent is given another half an hour, he will be able to regain his fighting strength.

In other words, it is difficult for them to wear each other out.

In addition, the opponent's flame breath is also a huge headache for them.

Although the distance of the flame breath is not far and it is difficult to hit their fighter jets, the problem is that the opponent simply uses flames for defense and detonating the sun-seeking missiles is enough!

Thinking of this, he was a little undecided, but fortunately, he was not the only one.

Immediately, Xia Lei switched the communication channel and said, "Parrot Messenger, what tactic do you think is more appropriate to use next?"

"Separate as much as possible! Let the fighter jets attack from all directions. If they want to intercept the sun-seeking missiles, they will need to spit out more flame breath." Ye Feng thought for a while and said.

"Is this... effective?" Xia Lei asked hesitantly.

In fact, according to his idea, it is best to concentrate firepower and quickly kill some of the dragons, so as not to give them time to recover, and try to avoid a war of attrition.

Ye Feng thought for a while and probably guessed what Xia Lei was thinking, and said directly: "It must be effective. Do you think those flames can be sprayed out at will? You can think of the flames as superpowers, and you need to consume spiritual energy to use them. .”

"It's not just about breathing flames. As long as they are injured and recover from their injuries, they also need to consume a lot of spiritual energy. Otherwise, why do you think they can recover so quickly."

"So we don't have to worry at all. Even if this batch of missiles is finished, we can go back to reload and bomb them again. Sooner or later they will be killed."

Ye Feng told him all his thoughts.

As for how much damage a long battle would cause, that was not something he needed to consider.

Hearing this, Xia Lei immediately felt relieved, but he still asked a key question: "If we disperse the attack, will it increase the burden on your security work?"

"Don't worry." Ye Feng said confidently: "As long as the distance between you and the dragon is 3 kilometers, we will do the rest."

In a few words, the two of them finalized the next battle plan, and Xia Lei quickly issued orders one after another.

Soon, the fighter jet formation that had gathered together quickly dispersed, and then began to attack from all angles.

What they have to do is also very simple. Try to keep the distance between the attacks of each daily missile as far as possible to avoid the situation where the opponent can intercept two missiles with one breath of fire.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sun-seeking missiles dragged their tail flames from all directions and shot towards the dragon group at eight times the speed of sound.

Seeing this scene, the dragon, who was extremely angry before, couldn't help but change his anger to solemnity.

Due to the powerful attack power of the Sun Missile, they did not dare to resist it and could only use the flame breath to resist it. But as Ye Feng said, every time they released the flame, the spiritual energy in their bodies would be consumed a lot.

There are only 29 giant dragons in total, which is definitely not a large number. Even if they take turns to resist, they will not be able to sustain it for too long.

What's more, seeing that the situation was improving, the more than 200 third- and fourth-generation fighter jets that were originally on the periphery also seized the opportunity to approach and use missile attacks.

Facing the indiscriminate bombardment of more than 200 fighter jets, these giant dragons were unable to hold on for only about 3 minutes.

When the leader of the giant dragon roared, the group of dragons instantly changed their strategy.

They no longer react passively, but instead take the initiative to attack.

These giant dragons stared at the nearest fighter jet and then rushed directly towards it.

Seeing this scene, the other fighter jets naturally launched missiles desperately to intercept.

But the giant dragons didn't have any intention of stopping. After spraying out a flame breath and detonating the missile in advance, these giant dragons continued to pursue even though they were carrying the shock wave.

Seeing this scene, Xia Lei's heart tightened.

If it were before, they could only bear such losses and quickly kill all these dragons.

but now……

His eyes immediately looked at the envoys from the Dragon King Palace not far away.

At this time, Ye Feng naturally saw what happened and immediately ordered the mutant goshawks to intercept.

At this time, he did not dare to have any reservations. The roots of his body immediately entered the state of spiritual energy possession.

The auras of the mutated goshawks also began to increase steadily, and their strength, speed, defense, recovery speed, etc. were all directly increased three times.

At this moment, the speed at which they exploded even surpassed that of the sun-driving missiles.

The flames generated by the friction of their bodies with the air enveloped their bodies, and they were like six meteors, crashing directly into the group of giant dragons.

After Ye Feng enters the state of spiritual energy possession, each tree root can burst out at 12 times the speed of sound.

Although this speed is reduced by 80% through attribute transfer, it is still 9.6 times the speed of sound. Coupled with the speed of the mutated animal itself, it reaches at least 10 times the speed of sound.

With the absolute speed advantage, these giant dragons couldn't hide even if they wanted to.

At critical moments, they desperately used their claws or wings to resist.

But unfortunately, if you are slow, you are destined to be beaten.

The attacking mutated goshawk only needs to adjust its direction slightly to use its absolute speed advantage to easily evade the opponent's defense and go straight to the vital point.

Puff puff!

Almost instantly, blood splattered everywhere among the giant dragons.

Whether it was a mutated goshawk or a mutated sparrow, they all chose to use the hardest beaks to attack.

Because it not only has high attack power, but also can tear. With a peck and a pull, it can make the opponent drop a large piece of meat.

And under this attack, the wounds caused by the two mutant sparrows were about 5 meters long.

As for the mutated black crows, mutated bats and mutated parrots, one bite would at least tear out a wound of nearly 10 meters on each other.

More importantly, such an attack caused more than just superficial wounds. When their beaks penetrated the opponent's body, they even injured the dragon's internal organs.

As for the mutated goshawk, it was the most ferocious. With a size no less than that of a giant dragon, it didn't care about the opponent's defense and directly collided with it.

After knocking away the dragon wings used for protection by the opponent, the huge bird's beak went straight towards the opponent's neck.



The neck of this giant dragon, which was targeted by the mutated goshawk, was suddenly torn off, and its huge head fell downwards.

It also became the first dragon to be killed.

This scene stunned Xia Lei and others, even though they knew before that these envoys had received the power given by the Dragon King and should be very powerful.

But according to their estimation, no matter how powerful they are, they are still only fourth-level mutant creatures. If they can delay a sixth-level dragon for a while, it is considered very scary.

But what do they see now?

In the blink of an eye, five dragons were seriously injured and one was killed.

They were all thinking about a question, if these messengers were given time, would they be able to kill all these giant dragons?

But Ye Feng didn't dare to have such thoughts, and even ran away in a hurry the moment he completed the attack.

Because not only were the other giant dragons surrounding them, but more importantly, spiritual energy had gathered in their mouths, which was obviously a sign before they breathed out flames.

Whoosh whoosh!

The mutated sparrows flapped their wings desperately and began to escape from here, using their speed to the extreme.

But the flames spit out by these giant dragons were faster, instantly turning this large area into a sea of ​​​​fire.

At this critical moment, the mutated goshawk took action, and its superpower was unleashed, but this time it was not a wind blade, but a hurricane.

In an instant, strong winds appeared around the six mutated animals, which separated the sweeping flames as much as possible, directly weakening the power of these flames by 70 to 80%.

The remaining flames, with their defense now enhanced to the sixth level, are able to withstand it.

With the help of the strong wind, they quickly rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. Although the feathers on their bodies were a little burnt, that was all.

Even with the injection of spiritual power, these feathers quickly became shiny.

"But the consumption of resisting the flames is really a bit high."

Ye Feng felt the spiritual energy in the mutant goshawk's body, and at that moment, more than one-third of it had been consumed.

In other words, under normal circumstances, he can only resist the flame breath three times at most.

But if you think about it a little, it’s actually not surprising.

Although the mutated goshawk's physical quality has been raised to the sixth level by using the ability of attribute transfer, its superpowers are still at the fourth level. It is used to withstand the attack of the sixth level dragon, so it will consume a lot of money.

But fortunately, Ye Feng was well prepared. Every animal carried the Fruit of Life and the Spiritual Energy Fruit, so they could afford it.

This attack launched by Ye Feng completely disrupted the pursuit of the dragons.

After seeing the envoy from the Dragon King Palace and the explosive fighting power, Xia Lei suddenly felt reassured.

Orders were issued one after another, and the surrounding fighter jets began to attack, becoming even more unscrupulous.

First of all, the five dragons that were seriously injured before became the key targets of the attack. In less than two minutes, they fell one after another.

These giant dragons, unwilling to accept the situation, launched several charges, but were intercepted by Ye Feng every time.

Although when the giant dragons at the back saw the mutated goshawks rushing towards them, they immediately spit out flames.

But after Ye Feng found out the details of these giant dragons, he was not afraid at all. He directly used his hurricane ability to blow away the flames as much as possible and rushed in.

He retreats with one strike every time. As long as he is not surrounded by giant dragons, he can easily exit.

This is not only because they are faster, but also because of the terrifying power that bursts out.

Even two mutant sparrows, in a one-on-one situation, can overpower these mutant dragons.

Even if you are accidentally injured during this process, you can use the Fruit of Life to heal quickly.

The next battle situation began to tilt towards the human camp.

In fact, when Ye Feng was able to intercept the giant dragons, their fate was already doomed.

Under the bombardment of more than 200 fighter jets, only 9 of the 29 mutant dragons remained after only 15 minutes.

By this time the dragons, as before, again ran away with their tails between their legs.

But it is a pity that no matter how they evade this time, Ye Feng will use the ability to control the world to lock them, and they will not be able to escape at all.

Finally, half an hour later, when the last dragon that ran out of the penalty area was killed, Ye Feng let out a long breath.

He doesn't have to worry about what happens next. He can just order the mutated goshawks to return.

After this battle, he was very satisfied with the effect of his attribute transfer ability.

As long as he cultivates a batch of fourth-level mutant animals, he won't have to worry about high-end combat power at all.

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