Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 224 Execution of the spiritual energy recovery plan

Of course, the method has been thought of, but there are still problems.

If you want the fourth spiritual energy recovery to start early, the number of fifth-level mutant creatures must reach 100.

Moreover, these creatures need to be original to their planet, and do not include those that come out of the restricted area.

Ye Feng used his ability to control the world to sense and found that the number of fifth-level mutant creatures in the world was only 66, a full 34 short.

If we extrapolate based on normal time, it will take at least one or two months to reach this amount.

As for now, if the global temperature drops, a large number of animals and plants will die in the future. When there is not enough food, it will be even more difficult to give birth to fifth-level mutant creatures.

It may take four or five months to delay before we can get together 100 fifth-level mutated creatures.

Ye Feng wants to speed up this process, but his own ability alone is not enough to do it.

Because the contracted animals under him, even the mutant King Cobra, which is currently the highest level, are only in the middle of the fourth level. It will take at least half a month to cultivate it to the fifth level.

Therefore, he needs to use the official power to find those mutated animals that have reached the peak of the fourth level. When the time comes, he will give them a push and help them reach the fifth level.

After finalizing the plan, Ye Feng couldn't hold it any longer and immediately controlled the mutated parrot and flew towards Yangcheng City.

At this time, a meeting was taking place in the largest conference room in Yangcheng City, and the scale of this meeting was extremely high.

Only a dozen or so people from both the military and political parties in Yangcheng City are qualified to participate.

Because of this meeting, not only officials from Yangcheng City participated, but also more than a dozen leaders from Donghai Province were also connected through online video.

There is also a heavyweight in the field, Mr. Guo.

With Mr. Guo present, as well as the leaders of Donghai Province, the officials in Yangcheng City basically just listen and can't say anything at all.

"Okay, the industrial transformation of Yangcheng City has been decided. In the future, Yangcheng City will take on the heavy responsibility of manufacturing. After all, for the time being, this is the most stable place." Mr. Guo said with finality.

After finishing speaking, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then looked at Liu Zaoxin and asked: "Xiao Liu! Your task is very heavy next, but if you want to achieve our expected goals, you won't have enough manpower. of."

"So the state plans to continue to increase its resource investment in Yang City and allow you to further expand. However, I would like to hear your opinion on this. How much expansion do you think is appropriate for the city?"

Liu Zaoxin stood up immediately after being named. He had already considered this issue before.

At this time, he said directly without any further hesitation: "Mr. Guo, to tell you the truth, we had already considered the issue of further expansion of the city when planning the new city."

"So when we originally planned and built the city wall, we designed it based on a population of 30 million."

"However, if we want to achieve the goals set by the state, I hope that policy conveniences can be provided in terms of population migration. For example, professional and technical personnel will enjoy priority migration and settlement policies."

Hearing what Liu Zaoxin said, let alone the leaders of Donghai Province, even Mr. Guo showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Haha!" Mr. Guo couldn't help laughing out loud: "Okay, I didn't expect you to have considered the expansion behind the city before, which is very good. But just expanding the city to a population of 30 million is actually not enough. "

"I have discussed with Mr. Qin and others that Yangcheng City will become the largest manufacturing production base in the country in the future, so Yangcheng City will continue to expand in the future. Eventually, we hope that the permanent population here will reach 50 million."

Hearing this, all the officials in Yangcheng City couldn't hide their joy. This is indeed the scale of a super first-tier city.

Mr. Guo paused after saying this, and then looked at the provincial leader Tang Chaosheng, "Comrade Xiao Tang, most of the people accepted by Yangcheng City are from your Donghai Province. Do you think there is any problem with the talent introduction plan? ?”

Tang Chaosheng immediately expressed his position: "No problem, we in Donghai Province will definitely give our full support to build Yangcheng City into the largest economic city in our Donghai Province."

Mr. Guo nodded, "Okay, then this matter is settled. Let's discuss the next topic, building a nuclear power plant around Yangcheng City."

"According to the plan of the Ministry of Energy, they hope to build three large nuclear power plants here in Yangcheng City."

"At that time, the requirement of these three large nuclear power plants is to provide power to the entire East China region. Even in special moments, such as the current power shortage situation, they must also provide basic power to the entire northern region."

Having said this, Mr. Guo looked at Liu Zaoxin and asked, "Xiao Liu, do you have any problems with the construction of nuclear power plants?"

"Um...we don't have such technical personnel here, and it should take a long time to build this, right?" Liu Zaoxin asked.

"You don't have to worry about technology. We will send a special construction team here, and engineers in this area will keep an eye on it. Other departments will also be responsible for the production of supporting equipment."

"Actually, you don't have to do anything, you just need to carve out a piece of land." Mr. Guo waved his hand.

Liu Zaoxin was a little confused. If he didn't have to do anything, why would he ask if he had any questions?

However, the question just popped up in his mind, and he suddenly woke up. The other party asked if he had any questions, not for him, but for the Dragon King.

Thinking of this, Liu Zaoxin considered his words and said: "I feel that the Dragon King will not be too resistant to this kind of thing, and it should be possible to negotiate. Of course, our address must be chosen well, and it cannot be too close to Sunset Valley. It’s good that we don’t even get close to the Dongling Mountains.”

Mr. Guo nodded after hearing this, and immediately asked: "Then what do you think the probability of the negotiation being successful is?"

Liu Zaoxin made an estimate and said: "We are 70% certain."

After hearing this number, Mr. Guo was quite satisfied, "In that case, let's talk about the plan!"

However, at this moment, a guard came to the door of the conference room and knocked. Seeing this scene, Liu Zaoxin frowned slightly.

But he also understood that if it wasn't an urgent matter, the other party wouldn't be able to come here now, so he nodded towards the other party.

The guard came in quickly, then leaned into his ear and whispered something. Chen Dalong's expression changed slightly in an instant.

"Everyone is very sorry. The parrot messenger came and said that there is something very important. I hope the meeting can be temporarily suspended." Liu Zaoxin apologized to everyone in the venue.

The standards of this meeting are very high. Under normal circumstances, no one is qualified to suspend the meeting, but the mutant parrot and the Dragon King it represents are obviously not in this category.

Of course, what's more important is that the other party said that they have very important information, so everyone has to pay attention to it.

Because the last time the other party said this, it was a big earthquake!

"Go quickly! If there is any news, I will inform you as soon as possible." Mr. Guo said.

Soon Liu Zaoxin left the scene in a hurry, followed by Bai Yinghui.

When the two walked out of the conference room and came outside, they saw the mutant parrot waiting outside.

"Parrot Messenger, why do you want to see us?" Liu Zaoxin asked nervously, fearing that there would be some bad news.

Seeing the slightly nervous expressions on the two people's faces, Ye Feng smiled and said, "It's a good thing to be reassured, and it's a huge good thing."

Hearing this, both of them couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know what's a good thing?" Liu Zaoxin asked quickly, his tone seemed to become lighter.

"Lord Dragon King has found a way to deal with the cold disaster." Ye Feng said.

Hearing this, both of them could not help but breathe heavily.

You know, they are now monitoring the North and South Poles 24 hours a day, but the cold wave that broke out there has not weakened at all, and there are even signs of getting worse.

In the end, they judged that the global temperature would definitely exceed the minus 30 degrees they had previously speculated, and might even reach minus 40 degrees, or even minus 50 degrees.

If such temperatures were reached, more than 90% of the world's animals and plants would die in just over a month.

By that time, even if humans have enough cold-warming supplies to survive, food shortages will become the most critical thing.

They have not been less worried about this matter, and now they are happy to hear that Dragon King actually has a way to solve this problem.

As a soldier, Bai Yinghui quickly calmed down and asked: "Parrot Messenger, what is the Dragon King's method? Do you need our cooperation?"

"Well, I do need your help."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Actually, Lord Dragon King's method is relatively simple. You should also know that the animals and plants in the wild have basically mutated and can absorb spiritual energy."

Both of them nodded, of course they knew this.

"Reiki has many wonderful uses. In addition to enhancing strength and making breakthroughs, it is also a magical energy that can help the body heal and resist some negative states, such as cold."

"So what we have to do is very simple, that is to speed up the process of spiritual energy recovery. As long as we enter the fourth spiritual energy recovery, there will naturally be more spiritual energy in the world, and the probability of animals and plants surviving will also be greatly increased. .”

The two of them looked at each other, with unconcealable surprise in their eyes.

"The Dragon King has a way to advance the fourth spiritual energy recovery?" Bai Yinghui couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." Ye Feng said: "Actually, spiritual energy recovery is not as complicated as you think. As long as certain conditions are met, spiritual energy recovery will naturally enter the next stage."

"For example, if you want to revive the fourth spiritual energy, you need 100 fifth-level mutant creatures to be born in our world. Now there are 66 of them. As long as there are 34 more mutant creatures, it will be enough to break through to the fifth level."

"I came to see you this time because I want the official to help find those mutated creatures that have reached the peak of the fourth level. Once found, Lord Dragon King will have a way to help them break through to the fifth level." He said the plan in one breath. .

Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin looked at each other with joy, surprise, and a hint of worry.

"Understood, we will report this matter immediately and will get back to you soon." Bai Yinghui said after taking a deep breath.

Watching the two people leave, Ye Feng thought for a while and left quickly without staying any longer.

But it wasn't like he didn't do anything. Instead, he released a wave of spiritual power that shrouded directly into the administrative building.

He wanted to know the progress of this matter as soon as possible.

The two people who returned to the conference room did not hide anything. They immediately told the meeting what they learned from the mutant parrot.

Everyone in the venue was surprised and happy after hearing this.

As a provincial leader, Tang Chaosheng was the first to lament: "I feel more and more that the Dragon King is unfathomable. It actually knows how to revive the spiritual energy again, and it can also help other mutated creatures break through to the fifth level."

"If the information I learned is correct, the Dragon King seems to be only at the fourth level now, right?"

"Yes." Bai Yinghui nodded and said, "But according to the intelligence we collected before, it seems to have the ability to help his subordinates break through."

"As for knowing how to further revive the spiritual energy, it is the reincarnation of an ancient true dragon. Considering this level of identity, it is actually understandable."

The others couldn't help but nodded after hearing this. By this time, no one doubted that the Dragon King was the reincarnation of the ancient true dragon.

"In that case, let's discuss our gains and losses after the fourth spiritual energy recovery."

Tang Chaosheng said in a solemn tone: "The benefit of the fourth spiritual energy recovery is that it will naturally allow more animals and plants to survive, but for us, the disadvantages are not without them. We may have to face another mutant biological crisis. Can we bear the current situation?”

Many people in the audience were silent when they heard the other party mention this matter. In fact, this is also the reason why Liu Zaoxin and Bai Yinghui were not only excited and surprised, but also worried after hearing the method proposed by the mutant parrot. .

Because they not only have to consider the problems of animals and plants, but more importantly, they also need to consider their own problems.

There was a bit of silence in the atmosphere next, and many people's eyes were directed at Mr. Guo, who had not yet expressed his stance. It was obvious that his attitude was the most important.

Mr. Guo thought about it, and after about 5 minutes, he slowly said: "Which is the lesser of two powers harming each other, for us, there is actually no choice."

"Now the defensive walls of various cities have been built. Although they were damaged after the big earthquake, they are not difficult to repair. More importantly, our military strength has not been weakened much."

"So compared to the last mutated insect crisis, it will definitely be easier to deal with this time. I estimate that the number of casualties is only a few million."

"If the cold disaster continues like this, we will not be able to sow food. As time goes by, the food gap will become larger and larger. By then, millions of people will starve to death."

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