Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 223 The only way to break the situation

After Ye Feng determined the range of temperature control, he only needed to allocate part of his mental power to maintain the ability to control the world.

With his current mental strength, he can simply maintain his ability to control the world and mobilize one-tenth of his mental strength, so he can still have his hands free to do other things.

However, Ye Feng was not in a hurry to practice. Now a new round of cooling has begun, and the cold wave has arrived in the southern area of ​​​​Yangcheng City. Most of the remaining areas have probably cooled down.

So he turned on his phone and checked the latest situation.

If you don’t know it, you will be shocked to see that in most areas in the north, the temperature has actually dropped to minus 20 degrees.

At this time, there are already many requests for help on the Internet.

Due to the impact of the earthquake, heating facilities in many cities in the north were damaged. It has been less than a day since the earthquake. It is impossible to repair them in such a short period of time.

If you can even repair most of the heating facilities in ten days and a half, that is probably considered fast.

Not only heating, but electricity is also a big problem.

Although many power stations have considered earthquakes when they were built, they are basically earthquake-proof.

But this big earthquake was really scary. They are all at least level seven, and some even reach level eight.

Even if those power stations did not collapse, many of the facilities inside were damaged by the violent vibrations.

At this time, almost half of the country's many power stations stopped working.

Even if they can still work, most of them cannot operate at full power and can only maintain basic power consumption.

In this case, you can imagine how bad the quality of life is. Such temperatures can really freeze people to death, especially the elderly or people with underlying diseases.

Fortunately, in the face of this situation, the country also came up with a response plan as soon as possible.

That is burning coal.

As long as the coal is simply made, it can be turned into briquettes and then distributed to the people for burning and heating.

Of course, if burned directly indoors, it can easily cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

However, as long as these briquettes are placed in an iron bucket, and then the top of the iron bucket is connected to a metal pipe extending outside the house, it can be turned into a simple fireplace, which can greatly reduce the probability of carbon monoxide poisoning.

So at this time, many posts on the Internet are asking for help and want to buy briquettes.

However, coal mining and excavation take time.

Fortunately, China is a big coal country. Although coal mining has been decreasing year by year in the past to promote the development of new energy, it does not mean that the mining speed is slow.

It is not difficult to mine enough coal when the state machinery is fully activated and even the army is deployed to assist.

Therefore, Ye Feng feels that this shortage of briquettes will only last for two days at most, and it should be fine in the future.

He simply took a look at the situation of residents across the country, and then focused on the animals and plants.

Because it is not his turn to worry about the survival of these residents in the country. Naturally, high-level officials will take care of it, but the ecological environment is different.

To be honest, he was worried that the ecological balance would be disrupted and animals and plants would die on a large scale.

Because he had a feeling that if something like this really happened, there would be bad consequences.

While thinking about these things, Ye Feng quickly browsed the information.

There are not many news reports about wild animals and plants, but they are not few either.

Soon Ye Feng found relevant news. In many areas, there were cases of animals and plants dying due to cold.

Ye Feng opened one of the news and looked at it. There were a lot of pictures on it, and basically every picture showed some mutated insects that had been frozen into ice sculptures.

However, these mutated insects are all small in size. Ye Feng estimates that either they have not yet broken through to the second level, or they are still in their infancy.

So it's not surprising that if you can't withstand such low temperatures, you'll freeze to death.

No large-scale passive death of mutated insects was found, which was good news, but Ye Feng didn't know to what extent these mutated insects could sustain themselves.

In addition to mutated insects, there are also many pictures of plants frozen into ice sculptures.

It is worth mentioning that under normal circumstances, northern plants will fall off their leaves when winter comes.

But the cold snap came too suddenly, giving these plants no time to prepare for the cold.

So in the picture, many of the plants turned into ice sculptures look green. But with a slight touch, it will crack and open like brittle ice.

However, most of the plants that have been frozen to death are low shrubs, weeds and the like. The proportion of dead trees is still relatively small, and even if there are, they are those that have not yet grown.

It can be said that the current temperature is not enough to cause large-scale death of animals and plants, but if the temperature continues to drop, it will be difficult to say.

This situation is not limited to China.

Ye Feng opened the international news interface and took a look. The situation abroad was similar, and their lives were even worse.

After many countries suffered major earthquakes, they simply failed to launch rescue operations as soon as possible.

And after they delayed for a few hours, when heavy rains began to hit the world, the rescue would become even more difficult, and what they would face later would be even more cold disasters.

It can be said that for some small countries, let alone issues such as heating at this time, even the supply of food, clothing and other necessities for residents cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, residents of some countries have been frozen to death in large numbers.

After reading the news, Ye Feng felt a little heavy. He didn't know how many people would die after this disaster.

But one thing is certain, the comprehensive strength of each country will inevitably plummet, and the decline in national power will also affect the economy and military.

So after this disaster is over, how many countries will have the ability to block off those restricted areas?

After Ye Feng was silent for a long time, he wanted to turn off his phone, but at this time, he discovered that the power of faith gathered in the mutated king cobra began to increase in speed.

He was slightly surprised, but it didn't take long to find the reason.

Several pieces of news appeared on the hot search list at an extremely rapid speed, and reached the top ten in just ten minutes.

# The Dragon King takes action again, allowing Yangcheng City to see the light of day again. #

# Where is the limit of Dragon King? Can the gods of ancient times really change the world? #

# Yangcheng City has adopted a traffic restriction policy and registration is required to go. #

Ye Feng opened the news and looked at it. There was no doubt that it was him who took action.

There are a lot of videos attached to these news, many of which were shot with mobile phones. Although the pictures are not clear, they are shocking enough.

The 10,000-meter-long thick fog giant hovered three times over Yangcheng City before crashing into the clouds above.

Then the heavy clouds dispersed, the sun shone on the earth again, and even the wind and snow stopped.

Behind the video is the scene of countless people walking out of their homes, laughing and laughing.

"Why do I feel like I'm watching the end of a disaster movie when I see this scene? I'm so jealous!" someone said sourly in the comment area.

"For the residents of Yangcheng City, isn't this the end of the disaster? I looked at the dark sky outside my window, and then at the bright sunshine there, and I almost felt envious." Someone immediately echoed.

"Before, some people compared the other fifth-level creatures with the Dragon King. Now it's really funny to see what those fifth-level creatures can do? Can they help withstand major earthquakes? Can they control the climate?"

Ye Feng looked at the comments below and couldn't help but smile when he saw so many people recognizing him.

At the same time, he had to admit that he had underestimated the influence of this matter.

Even from the perspective of providing the power of faith, it is more than the ability to withstand the impact of a major earthquake.

Because the Yangcheng City official side released the documentary yesterday.

But just as Liu Zaoxin said at the beginning, the impact is limited.

Ye Feng felt that there were two reasons for this. The first was that the news spread after the earthquake was over. Even if he saw the documentary later and got more complete information, the shock would have passed long ago.

As for the second point, it was natural that the temperature started to cool down last night. When my own food and clothing had not yet been solved, I naturally didn't have much thought to pay attention to things on the Internet.

But that's different now.

Now everyone is in the cold, but the sun is shining brightly here in Yangcheng City. This strong contrast will make anyone envious.

Ye Feng briefly observed the speed of the gathering of the power of faith, and now it can increase the power of faith by 10 million almost every hour.

Although it will definitely weaken later, Ye Feng feels that the impact of this incident will bring him at least 300 million power of faith in the next few days.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's mood improved a lot. The reserve of the power of faith is his current confidence!

Ye Feng scrolled through the comments for a while before turning off his phone.

Looking at the rapidly increasing power of faith, Ye Feng was also hesitant whether to continue to expand the range of temperature control.

According to his estimate, if 5 million of the power of faith are spent every hour, the entire Dongling Mountains can be enveloped.

"No, this consumes too much. To maintain it for one day, it requires 120 million of the power of faith, which is probably too much." Ye Feng looked towards the rest of the Dongling Mountains and couldn't help but sigh.

However, he couldn't do nothing, so he issued an order to all the contracted animals.

Let them lead the animal army out and drive all the animals within the Dongling Mountains to the area with sunlight.

In fact, before Ye Feng gave the order, many animals had already migrated towards this area.

However, the Dongling Mountains are very large, and with the arrival of the cold wave, there is already a snowstorm outside, which will greatly obstruct the view. Some areas in the distance of the Dongling Mountains cannot be seen in this direction.

After driving all the animals from the Dongling Mountains, Ye Feng plans to let the animal army go to the mountains and forests in several surrounding cities to bring back as many animals as possible.

"Being able to provide a shelter for animals in several nearby cities is almost my limit." Ye Feng sighed lightly.

And the only animals he could help were animals. As for the plants, he was really powerless.

Although his current temperature control range covers one-third of the Dongling Mountains, it is already very wide. This area is even more than five times that of Yangcheng City.

The range is so large that it has exceeded the limit distance that his root system can extend. In other words, it is completely sufficient for his cultivation.

But Ye Feng knew very well that this was just for now.

Every time he advanced to a higher level, the length of his tree roots would increase several times. Even after reaching the sixth level, Ye Feng was not surprised that his tree roots could cover the entire Dongling Mountains.

Now that he cannot preserve these plants in the Dongling Mountains, it is a huge loss to him.

"I hope you can hold on! Even if half of the plants can stay, it will be good." Ye Feng prayed in his heart.

At the same time, his mental power also swept over these plants. In the area where he did not control the temperature, with the arrival of the cold wave, the temperature had dropped to minus 5 degrees.

Although it does not sound too low, it is different in the case of a snowstorm. If ordinary people stand in such an environment without taking protective measures, they will be frozen in a short time.

Even the plants were not much better. The cold wind was blowing the trees and they were swaying. Some low shrubs were even covered by snow.

However, Ye Feng also felt the tenacity of life from these plants. Under such harsh conditions, these plants were also desperately absorbing the spiritual energy in the air to resist the cold.

Not only plants, but many animals or insects hiding under trees are also doing the same thing.

This is the advantage of mutated animals and plants. In addition to their bodies becoming more powerful as they evolve, their aura can also protect their bodies from freezing, giving them a greater chance of survival.

Ye Feng also discovered that some plants that originally shed their leaves in winter, such as maple trees, showed no signs of losing their leaves in order to absorb more spiritual energy.

Looking at these phenomena, Ye Feng was still sighing at the tenacity of life at first, but suddenly he was stunned.

At this moment, it was as if a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind, and an idea emerged.

His eyes became brighter and brighter, "Yes, why didn't I expect that these mutated animals and plants can rely on absorbing spiritual energy to resist the severe cold."

"Then as long as they absorb more spiritual energy, the hope of surviving this disaster will be greater."

As for how to make these mutated animals and plants absorb more spiritual energy, others may not be able to do it, but Ye Feng is different.

As long as he allows the fourth spiritual energy recovery to start in advance, the concentration of spiritual energy between heaven and earth will inevitably increase greatly, and these animals and plants will be able to absorb more spiritual energy.

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