Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 221 The cold wave hits and the temperature drops rapidly

Ye Feng thought about it for a while, and after he really had nothing to think about, he stopped looking for trouble.

After all, as long as he is strong enough, no matter what kind of disaster, he is sure to protect himself and his family, and that is enough.

He released his mental power and checked on his family's situation. After confirming that they were back home and that nothing happened, he felt at ease and began to gather the fruits of evolution to help the remaining mutated animals break through.

The earthquake started at noon, followed by an afternoon of rescue operations, so by now there are many mutated animals that have reached the bottleneck of breakthrough.

Soon, hundreds of evolutionary fruits were condensed by Ye Feng, and then distributed one after another.

These mutated animals that wanted to break through came to Ye Feng's tree one after another to break through.

Mutated animals that have reached the second level are no longer very intelligent and can realize that Ye Feng is the safest place.

Not only them, many of these animals in the Dragon King Palace usually live in the Dongling Mountains.

But today because of the big earthquake, everyone seemed to be frightened, and they all came to sleep in the Sunset Valley.

Seeing these mutated animals sleeping together in groups, Ye Feng felt an inexplicable warm feeling.

But suddenly, he realized something.

"That's wrong! It's only mid-September now, and October isn't even here yet."

At this time of year, the power of the "Autumn Tiger" is still very scary, especially since Yangcheng City is still in the south. The temperature during the day is still above 35 degrees, and it doesn't get much cooler even at night.

So at night, these animals usually stay wherever they feel cool. They may even fight for a cool place, so how can they sleep next to each other?

Ye Feng turned on his phone and took a look. He didn't feel that he was strong, but the temperature now had dropped to 20 degrees without even realizing it.

And as night falls, the temperature tends to drop further.

He looked at the temperature for the next two days and found that it had dropped to single digits. This was a situation that would only occur after winter in Yangcheng City.

Ye Feng quickly checked the temperatures in other cities, and suddenly found that some northern cities were about to drop to 0 degrees.

"Because of the cooling caused by heavy rain? But this is too exaggerated. Could the next crisis be a snow disaster?"

The more Ye Feng thought about it, the more it seemed possible. He even wanted to tell Liu Zaoxin and the others the news immediately.

But he soon suppressed this impulse.

He could see the problem through the weather forecast, and it was impossible for the officials not to know about it.

He won't go to the class to do anything to avoid embarrassment later.

So after Ye Feng harvested a wave of spiritual energy, he continued to practice and optimize his mental power.

Creating your own method is bound to be a long and time-consuming task.

In the blink of an eye, another few hours passed, and it was already early morning.

The heavy rain still hasn't stopped, and the temperature has dropped further, almost to about 10 degrees.

At this time, even Ye Feng's physical fitness felt a bit chilly, not to mention the animals under the tree.

The low temperature and heavy rain made many animals huddle together in the clammy feeling.

Of course, those who can hide under the maple trees are considered good. The density of the maple trees can completely withstand all the rain and prevent them from getting wet.

But it was not easy for the mutated animals he kept in captivity in the Dongling Mountains to find a place where they could completely hide from the rain. The cold rain penetrated along their hair, freezing them into their bones.

Ye Feng swept away his mental energy and frowned slightly. The adult mutated rabbits, mutated chickens, ducks and geese in the mountains were fine, but the ones that were just born were already shivering from the cold.

If the temperature continues to drop like this, freezing to death is not impossible.

"Let's see what happens tomorrow first!" Ye Feng sighed.

These are the food reserves of the Animal Legion, and he certainly cannot leave them alone.

When Ye Feng was about to continue practicing, he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked towards the road in the distance. Several military jeeps were driving quickly in this direction.

Ye Feng swept over with his mental power and found that Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin had actually come together.

"You won't come here to ask for the Life Fruit again!" Ye Feng frowned slightly.

The 5 million life fruits he promised before have been produced one after another, and he asked the mutant goshawk to help deliver them.

If the other party is not satisfied with this, he will not be able to come up with more.

Soon three military jeeps stopped. The guards on the vehicles came down and quickly built an awning. Ye Feng also possessed the mutated parrot and flew over.

"Parrot Messenger!" Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin greeted each other respectfully when they saw the mutated parrot coming.

"What's wrong with coming here so late?" Ye Feng asked.

"It's true that something happened. Parrot Messenger, you must have also felt the sharp drop in temperature, right?" Liu Zaoxin said.

"Yeah! Such a drop in temperature is indeed abnormal, and I read the weather forecast and it will drop below 0 degrees in the next few days." Ye Feng nodded.

"But in fact, the situation is much worse than this. We don't even dare to publish the real data." At this time, Bai Yinghui took over and said in a solemn tone.

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly froze, "Show me your real data."

Bai Yinghui took the tablet that had been prepared, opened an image, and handed it to the mutant parrot.

"This is the data detected by our weather satellite at 5 p.m."

"The Antarctic and the North Pole, for unknown reasons, are constantly releasing terrifying cold currents, and our temperatures have dropped sharply, which is also caused by this."

"In addition, this is the Meteorological Bureau. Based on the existing model, the temperature changes in the next three days are deduced, and the error will not exceed 5 degrees." Bai Yinghui said, opening the deduction data.

When Ye Feng saw the temperature change above, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Previously, Ye Feng was on the weather software. Although the temperature dropped sharply in the next few days, it would stabilize after it dropped to about 0 degrees.

Such a problem is already very incredible for Yangcheng City, but it is not yet alarming.

However, the data provided by Bai Yinghui was different.

In the next three days, the temperature will drop sharply every day. By the third day, it will drop to minus 30 degrees in Yangcheng City.

Ye Feng instantly realized the seriousness of this matter.

Although minus 30 degrees is nothing to him, it is different for other creatures.

All the poultry he kept in captivity will probably freeze to death. If the supply of these food is lost, it is difficult to say whether the Animal Legion can maintain its current scale, let alone continue to expand.

What's even more troublesome is that not only weaker animals will freeze to death, but most plants may also freeze to death, especially those plants in the south that are not very cold-resistant.

When the time comes, a large number of plants will die. Where will he harvest spiritual energy?

Without the spiritual energy supply of these plants in the Dongling Mountains, he alone would not be able to absorb the spiritual energy in the air, let alone cultivate an animal army.

When Ye Feng thought that such news was bad enough, Bai Yinghui continued, "This prediction result is actually predicted based on the cold current released now in the North and South Poles."

"In other words, if the North and South Pole continue to release cold currents, the temperature will probably drop further."

At this time, Ye Feng's brows were already frowning. 30 degrees below zero was scary enough. If the temperature continued to drop, he doubted whether those mutated creatures that had reached the second level could withstand it.

"Have you been monitoring the situation of the cold wave? How did it break out? Is it possible to solve the problem from the source?" Ye Feng asked with a frown.

"I've been checking, and that cold wave breaks out from time to time. Generally speaking, it breaks out every two or three hours, and it has no fixed location. It just appears out of thin air at the North and South Poles."

"Now all our countries have discovered this situation, and some countries are wondering whether it has reappeared in a place similar to a different space. They want to use nuclear bombs for coverage bombing to see if it can be effective."

"But that would cause too much pollution, so this proposal has been put on hold for the time being, but if the temperature continues to drop, this proposal may eventually be launched." Bai Yinghui told all the information he knew.

Ye Feng's brows furrowed even more tightly. He was actually more interested in whether the problem could be solved from the source.

It's hard to say about Antarctica, but if it's the North Pole, he can go there. He just needs to go all the way north and then pass through the polar bear country to reach it.

But in that case, his true identity will inevitably be exposed, and after he leaves, he is also worried about whether something unexpected will happen to his family.

What's more important is that even if he goes, he really doesn't have much confidence that he can solve this matter.

What he can rely on is the ability to control the world, but this power is not invincible. At least it seemed a little weak when dealing with large cracks before.

That was just one of the tens of thousands of big cracks in the world, and it made me so embarrassed.

That was definitely a very high-level power, and he was in danger of dying if he wasn't careful.

While Ye Feng was thinking about what to do, Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin also secretly looked at the mutated parrot.

After 5 minutes, seeing that the other party was still silent, Liu Zaoxin finally couldn't help but said, "Parrot Messenger, can you help report this matter to the Dragon King."

Ye Feng also came back to his senses from the state of war between heaven and man. He glanced at the two of them and could naturally guess what the other person was thinking.

Without further explanation, he flapped his wings and took off into the sky, flying towards the Sunset Valley.

Ten minutes later, he flew out again, and then shook his head under the expectant gazes of the two people.

"The Dragon King said that unless it can return to its peak state, there is no good way." Ye Feng said directly.

The two people who were full of hope felt a little sad after hearing this.

Although, when they come back, they will know that changing the global climate will probably be difficult for the Dragon King to solve.

But the Dragon King's previous miraculous performances gave them too high expectations, so they still came with hope.

"Okay, I understand." Liu Zaoxin said slightly disappointed.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Ye Feng thought for a moment and asked, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"We plan to prepare materials to keep out the cold first. Although we do not have heating facilities in Yangcheng City, our industrial system is complete and we can manufacture equipment such as heaters in large quantities."

"Of course, this will definitely increase electricity consumption, and we also need to build a thermal power station as quickly as possible."

"But in the next few days, if the temperature drops sharply to minus 30 degrees, the construction difficulty will greatly increase. We don't know how long it will take to complete." Liu Zaoxin immediately explained their plan.

Ye Feng nodded after hearing this and said, "It's very good. Just follow this plan and don't worry about the rest."

"Although Lord Dragon King has no way to solve the global severe cold problem, it is still possible to just change the climate in this area of ​​Yangcheng City."

"Really?" The two of them asked in surprise, both feeling like they were going through a twists and turns.

"Of course it's true. Don't you still believe in the Dragon King's abilities?" Ye Feng said.

He was not joking. With his ability to control the world, at least within this range, he could partially change the climate.

Of course, considering the consumption of the power of faith, it is not very realistic to make huge changes, but it is still possible to keep the temperature above 0 degrees.

"That's great." The two of them undoubtedly saw another glimmer of hope.

If the Dragon King can really change the climate around Yangcheng City, then there are a lot of things that can be done.

They asked for some more details, and after confirming to what extent the Dragon King could probably change the climate, they left in a hurry.

They need to report this matter to the country as soon as possible. If the earth's climate continues to deteriorate to the point where it is difficult for humans to survive, then Yangcheng City will be their last hope.

After watching the other party leave, Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm still not strong enough!"

If he had enough strength, there would be no need to sit here in frustration.

He would go directly into the restricted area and crush all the gadgets that had survived until now in ancient times. He believed that the problem would be solved naturally.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng closed his eyes and started practicing again.

I don't know if it was because of a sense of urgency, but Ye Feng found that at this time, his mind was particularly flexible and his thoughts were spinning very quickly.

Various plans for optimizing mental power came to mind, and then they were quickly tried.

In Ye Feng's practice, the night passed quickly.

The next morning, Ye Feng had a smile on his face.

After one night of practice, his mental strength had improved a lot.

Moreover, Ye Feng also felt that he was about to find the most suitable way to build his mental power.

As long as he finds this method and completes the construction of his mental power, his mental power will undergo a transformation and his strength will naturally increase greatly.

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