Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 220 The power of faith soars

Hearing the nervous tone of the other party, Ye Feng couldn't help but cough lightly, "Lord Dragon King didn't feel anything this time. It was me who found something wrong. Look at the sky."

Bai Yinghui, who was on the other side of the phone, immediately answered: "Are you talking about the heavy rain coming later and you are worried about flooding?"

"It seems you all know." Ye Feng was a little surprised at first, but soon felt relieved.

He can see this situation from the weather forecast, so it makes no sense that the people from the Meteorological Bureau did not issue a warning.

"How are you going to deal with it?" Ye Feng asked immediately.

"If the next disaster is just a flood, we actually have nothing to worry about. For example, in Yangcheng City, thanks to the blessing of the Dragon King, the city's drainage system has not been damaged. We only need to evacuate those in lower-lying areas. Residents are fine," Bai Yinghui said.

Ye Feng: "What about other cities?"

"There is no need to worry about other cities. Almost all cities are penetrated by large cracks. Large cracks hundreds of meters wide and thousands of meters deep are actually the best drainage channels." Bai Yinghui continued to explain.

Hearing this, Ye Feng felt a little ashamed. He was so anxious that he almost forgot about it. Fortunately, it was not in the name of the Dragon King this time.

After confirming that the official side was ready to deal with the flood, Ye Feng didn't talk much and quickly hung up the phone.

Because time on his side is also very tight. After the heavy downpour, if all the rainwater flows into these cracks, the survivors inside may be drowned.

Fortunately, the small cracks they fell into were not as deep as the big cracks, and the flood water would flow to the big cracks.

As for whether the survivors below will be washed away by the flood during this process, it all depends on fate.

And it was not just Ye Feng who realized this, everyone's movements became quite agile.

Ye Feng looked at the map and directly asked the soldiers here to help contact Jiangpu City, the next city to be rescued.

Let the rescuers from Jiangpu City first locate the survivors under the crack. They will be there in half an hour at most, and then they can carry out rescue as quickly as possible.

After receiving the communication from Dragon King Palace, the mayor of Jiangpu City was overjoyed and quickly expressed that they would cooperate well.

In the restricted area of ​​Xiaofeng Mountain, deep in the different space, Qiongqi turned into a stone sculpture again, and his eyes moved.

Through its own original power, it can vaguely feel how far the world-destroying plan has been advanced.

In the previous seven days, it was not like they had done nothing, especially on the side of Dragon Bree, which had a group of dragon men who successfully broke through and went to the outside world.

Those dragons have roughly explored the situation in the outside world, and at the same time passed this information to the giant dragon Bray through special methods.

"The big earthquake has ended. Those human cities should have been severely damaged. The industrial system has been damaged, and it will be difficult to cope with the next disaster." Qiongqi said softly to himself.

They never thought that a major earthquake alone could wipe out the creatures in the Resurrection Land on a large scale.

A major earthquake sounds terrible, but it is only for humans, or for human buildings, but for those creatures in the wild, it is nothing at all.

Basically, as long as you reach the second level, unless you happen to fall into a crack, there will be no problem.

So their real plan to destroy the world is to bring the land of recovery into an ice age.

In the next few days, the temperature in the Resurrection Land will drop below minus 50 degrees and last for a year.

In such cold temperatures, most mutated creatures below the second level will freeze to death.

Even second-level mutated creatures may be able to survive for a short time, but it will be difficult to survive for a long time.

In addition, plants will also die in large areas. Even if some cold-tolerant plants can survive, it will be difficult to provide food for those herbivores.

When the time comes, herbivores will starve to death without food, and then it will be the turn of carnivores to starve to death as well, and the ecological chain will completely collapse.

When food is scarce, perhaps only mutant animals of level four or above can survive.

But that doesn't matter anymore. When most of the creatures in this era die, it means that this era has come to an end.

Without the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, the cultivation speed of this group of creatures will be weakened by at least 10 times, and there will no longer be a threat to them.

Thinking of this, Qiongqi closed his eyes with some joy.

Time continued to pass. After rescuing the survivors in Jinping City, Dragon King Palace immediately rushed to Jiangpu City.

While their flying team was still on the road, thunder flashed in the sky, and then it rained heavily.

There is no doubt that this will cause considerable obstacles to rescue operations.

The average rescuers on the human side don't dare to go into the cracks at this time. On the one hand, the visibility is too poor, and on the other hand, the rainwater is flowing down the cracks. Although it has not yet formed a torrent, normal people It is already difficult to stand.

Only the evolved ones dare to go down at this time, but in this case, the speed of rescue will undoubtedly be slowed down a lot.

So when the flying brigade from the Dragon King Palace appeared in the rain, cheers immediately erupted at the rescue scene.

Since I had already contacted the mayor of Jiangpu City before arriving, I took action without any delay after arriving.

But what I have to say is that flying in rainy days, especially in this type of heavy rain, is quite difficult even for these mutant birds.

However, there is still a way. After the rescue location is determined, the huge mutated goshawk will hover high in the sky because it cannot get down.

They are like a giant moving umbrella. As long as a dozen mutated goshawks gather together and circle each other, they can temporarily form a "rain-free zone".

Then those mutated sparrows can ride on the rescuers and quickly go to the rescue.

This unique rescue method was filmed by some surrounding residents and was quickly posted on the Internet.

There is no doubt that this has added a lot of popularity to the Dragon King Palace.

Next, not only Jiangpu City, but also several cities that were rescued later basically adopted the same method.

The rescue operation at Dragon King Hall lasted until around 6 p.m. in the evening.

A total of 6 cities have been rescued.

When the flying brigade led by Ye Feng returned to Sunset Valley, Liu Zaoxin was already waiting here.

And behind the other party, there were many people following him.

Ye Feng did a rough count and estimated that there were no less than 50 people, and these people were obviously not followers.

This surprised Ye Feng, and he immediately controlled the mutant parrot and flew over.

"Hello Parrot Messenger!"

"Parrot Messenger, you are more powerful than what you see in the video!"

"Parrot Messenger, we in Fengyuan City want to form an alliance with you. I wonder what conditions need to be reached?"

Ye Feng had just landed on the ground, and everyone immediately gathered around him, talking in all directions.

Seeing this scene, he was a little confused and could only turn his attention to Liu Zaoxin.

Liu Zaoxin quickly stepped forward and explained: "These are representatives sent by other cities. Many people were injured in this earthquake. Our self-produced life liquid alone is obviously not enough."

"So, they heard that Dragon King can produce life fruits in large quantities here, so they wanted to come and buy them."

"These are the first batch to come here. It is estimated that more cities will come to buy the Fruit of Life in the future."

In fact, Jinlong Pharmaceutical, controlled by Chen Dalong, can produce 50,000 bottles of life essence every day, and surrounding cities stock at least 10,000 to 20,000 bottles.

Logically speaking, with so much life liquid, not to mention the loss of normal soldiers, even if the fourth spiritual energy recovery later encounters the crisis of mutant creatures, it can last for a while.

But the earthquake came so quickly and violently that the little inventory they had was simply not enough.

After hearing this, Ye Feng looked at these city representatives with eager eyes and said, "Yes, but the Dragon King's energy is limited, and it is impossible to make unlimited life fruits."

"Our Dragon King Palace can provide up to 5 million life fruits. If there is no city where you can buy them, you can only find another place."

Although a simplified version of the Life Fruit only requires 10 points of spiritual energy and 10 points of biological energy, he would not be able to bear it if the quantity was large.

5 million pieces would require him to spend 50 million points of spiritual energy. Now, Ye Feng only has more than 90 million points of spiritual energy on hand.

After selling this batch of life fruits, there will be more than 40 million left, which will even affect his progress in cultivating the animal army.

Of course, there are benefits. After selling all 5 million Life Fruits, he can get 50 billion Chinese coins.

When the time comes, this money will be used to purchase mutant animals. If calculated based on the average of 3 million Chinese coins per mutant animal, such a large amount of money will bring you more than 16,000 mutant animals.

By then, the number of animal legions had more than doubled.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone looked overjoyed. In fact, the number of life fruits they came to ask for was not much. Fifty or sixty thousand for each city was almost enough.

Ye Feng took out 5 million Life Fruits, which can help almost 100 cities.

Next, everyone thanked them for a while, but Ye Feng was too lazy to deal with them.

Ye Feng and Liu Zaoxin made a brief explanation, telling each other that the Life Fruit would be delivered to Yangcheng City later and asked him to sell it on his behalf, and then flew away.

It was only then that Ye Feng felt at ease. Although it was only 6 o'clock in the evening, the dark clouds in the sky basically blocked all the remaining sunlight. It was now almost pitch black in the wild. .

“I don’t know how long it will rain.”

Ye Feng muttered, then used his mental power to control the phone and floated up. He first checked the weather forecast.

What surprised him was that according to the latest display, the rainstorm would almost end by tomorrow.

"If the weather forecast is correct, then it seems that this crisis is really not a flood, so what could it be?" Ye Feng couldn't help but frown in thought.

Because the lingering sense of crisis has not dissipated yet.

There were no clues for the time being, so Ye Feng did not look for trouble, but turned on the news and started reading.

What surprised him was that out of 10 of these news items, 8 were related to him.

Especially on the hot search list, almost all of the top 30 people are him.

In fact, the Dragon King's popularity has been soaring since the earthquake.

And not only is he completely out of the trend list across the country, but most of the news on Facebook is also about him.

Although it can't be said that everyone knows it or knows it, it is almost the same.

At this time, people both at home and abroad, without exception, expressed envy, jealousy and hatred towards the residents of Yangcheng City.

There is no doubt that Yangcheng City has become one of the safest cities in the country and even the world.

Therefore, this has become the most desirable place to live for countless people. You will know these just by looking at the hot search titles.

# How to get to Yangcheng City? #

# House prices in Yangcheng City skyrocketed 10 times in one day. #

# Beware of scams. A woman bought a fake ticket to Yangcheng City at an exorbitant price. #

Ye Feng couldn't help but be curious, clicked in and took a look, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Basically, everyone is asking how they can go to Yangcheng City to live.

Especially since many people have found information before, Yangcheng City will be expanded to have a population of 20 million. Now it only has a population of 15 million. Obviously, there are still vacancies.

Not only the domestic people, but also many wealthy people from abroad want to immigrate to Yangcheng City.

As for why Yangcheng City is so popular, it is of course because of the Dragon King.

So when Ye Feng looked through the comments, he saw many people leaving messages to welcome the Dragon King to their city.

He silently clicked a like below and then turned off his phone.

Because he thought of one thing, Yangcheng City didn't even broadcast the documentary about the earthquake. He actually became so popular. How much has his power of faith increased?

Ye Feng quickly opened the system panel and checked the column of faith.

The power of faith: 235.62 million.

You must know that just a few hours ago, after he helped Yangcheng City survive the crisis, the power of faith was reduced to 170 million.

In other words, in just one afternoon, he actually increased the power of faith by a full 50 million yuan.

This kind of growth rate is even more exaggerated than after the last Battle of the Forbidden Zone movie was played.

It's just dark now, and many people are probably sleepless tonight. According to this growth trend, it is estimated that an additional 100 million people can have the power of faith in one night.

Even with the broadcast of the documentary of this major earthquake, I am afraid it will not stop.

Ye Feng was slightly excited when he thought of this, but this excitement was quickly diluted by the sense of crisis in his heart.

Thinking of this, he once again released the ability to control the world, but it was no different from before, and he still failed to get feedback.

"What is the crisis this time?" Ye Feng looked up at the dark sky and murmured to himself.

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