Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 217 Confronting the power of God, man can defeat God

At this time, the earthquake had lasted for three minutes. Ye Feng could already feel that the magnitude of the earthquake was decreasing. It was estimated that it would end in about one minute at most.

Of course, if there are aftershocks or the like, that's another matter.

But at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

You know, Ye Feng's height has reached 2585 meters, and his sight can be moved to any place in the whole tree.

So if he looked down from a high altitude, he could even see places twenty or thirty kilometers away without clouds blocking it.

At this time, at the end of his field of vision, a large crack with a diameter of a hundred meters suddenly appeared on the ground, and this large crack was still spreading at a terrifying speed.

Wherever it passes along the way, whether it is mountains, rivers or other things, anything that stands in its way will be split into two.

Moreover, wherever the big crack passes, many small cracks will spread, as if everything around it will be swallowed into the bottomless abyss.

At this time, this large crack was spreading straight towards Yangcheng City.

At this speed, we will arrive here in less than a minute, and Yangcheng City will definitely encounter horrific destruction by then.

"Why does this situation happen again?" Ye Feng frowned tightly, but at this time there was no extra time for him to think.

He immediately divided his mind and used part of his ability to control the world to try to suppress the large crack that was spreading forward.

As he took action, he immediately discovered something was wrong. He could feel that the front end of this large crack seemed to have some kind of strange energy.

It is this strange energy that causes this crack to spread straight forward.

And as the large crack continued to approach, Ye Feng's perception became clearer and clearer. He even had a clear understanding in his heart that this terrifying earthquake might be caused by this strange energy.

The level of this strange energy is even much higher than the power of rules. Ye Feng's reverse use of earthquake ability to suppress it has a very limited effect.

Even if he has gone all out, according to the current trend, when the big crack spreads to Yangcheng City, the degree of weakening may not even be 1%.

At that time, this big crack can easily cause huge damage to the entire Yangcheng city.

"Damn it, is there no other way?" Ye Feng's mind was running at high speed.

Soon he thought of the scene when his tree roots were swallowed up by the power of rules.

Although the level of the strange energy in front of me is more advanced, as long as it is still energy, the old method should still be effective.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng no longer hesitated and took action immediately.

In an instant, a bolt of thunder and lightning as thick as a water tank condensed in the sky, striking directly towards the depths of the large crack that was spreading below.

That was where he sensed the strange energy, which was the front end of the crack.

The next moment, harsh thunder and lightning erupted from the depths of the crack. The terrifying thunder snake spread to an area of ​​nearly 1 kilometer, directly turning the nearby soil into charred black.

Even people in Yangcheng City can see the light of thunder and lightning reflected on the clouds.

This terrifying power even shocked Ye Feng, because when he used the lightning attack, it was as if he had divine help.

Although limited by his realm, he could only use up to 50,000 points of faith power in a single attack, but he felt that the thunder and lightning he had condensed this time was completely comparable to the power of an explosion of 500,000 points of faith power.

And in his induction, the strange energy was weakened by 2% in just two seconds.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's eyes lit up. The effect was much better than directly weakening the earthquake.

He no longer hesitated. Thunder and lightning the size of water tanks fell down in the sky one after another, stretching endlessly without any pause at all.

In the face of this terrifying power of God, the speed of the large cracks spreading seems to have slowed down. Of course, the most obvious thing is the width of the large cracks.

The large crack that first appeared was enough to separate the ground for a hundred meters, but as lightning fell one after another, the size of the crack was slowly shrinking.

From 100 meters to 90 meters, 80 meters...

At this time, when the crack was only the last 3 kilometers away from Yangcheng City, it had been weakened by half, only 50 meters.

But Ye Feng didn't have much joy anymore.

Because according to the current progress, this big crack will eventually enter Yangcheng City, and at least tear apart most of Yangcheng City before it can stop.

Although its power has now been reduced by half, even so, it will cause at least tens of thousands of deaths.

Not to mention property losses.

"Forget it, let's draw some more blood! If you still can't stop it, I'll have a clear conscience."

After Ye Feng murmured, except for the five main roots that stayed in place to protect his parents, he gathered the rest of the tree roots to the north city wall.

Then 500 tree roots quickly interspersed under the ground in the last kilometer from Yangcheng City.

His approach is somewhat similar to using "needle and thread" to sew the entire ground together as much as possible to make it stronger.

If this big crack wants to tear Yangcheng City apart, it must tear off all 500 tree roots.

And because its roots are long enough, each root can go back and forth at least ten times under the ground.

Therefore, the big crack must tear off its tree roots at least 5,000 times before it can pass through this last line of defense.

When Ye Feng was getting ready, the big crack was only one kilometer away from Yangcheng City.

As the continuous thunder and lightning struck, the strange power was further weakened, and now the large crack could only tear the ground apart by 40 meters at most.

But even so, the terrifying power contained within is unimaginable.

When the front end of the large crack entered the 1 kilometer ground reinforced with tree roots, Ye Feng suddenly felt that every root of his tree was experiencing extremely strong tearing force.

You must know that the defensive power of tree roots is not comparable to that of fifth-level creatures. Coupled with the terrifying toughness and repair ability, the defensive power of tree roots alone even exceeds that of most sixth-level creatures.

However, in the face of this terrifying tearing force, his tree roots were easily torn off one by one like a rotten hemp rope.

Boom boom boom!

The severe pain made every branch of Ye Feng's body tremble, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Although his tree roots were continuously torn off, the speed of the large crack suddenly slowed down after entering the last 1 kilometer.

However, the speed of thunder and lightning did not slow down at all, and the strange energy in the large crack was quickly eliminated.

"We can do it!" Seeing this scene, Ye Feng was shocked. He endured the pain and frantically used thunder and lightning to attack.

At this time, dozens of armed helicopters were hovering over Yangcheng City.

Now that it is clear that the disaster is a major earthquake, what is the best way to deal with such a disaster? Of course it means leaving the ground.

So at this time, it is undoubtedly the safest to stay on the armed helicopter.

Of course, the space on the armed helicopter is limited, so not many people can get on it, but Liu Zaoxin and Bai Yinghui are definitely qualified to be on it.

Originally, both of them were on the helicopter, busy giving instructions through the radio.

But when the Dragon King began to perform miracles and protect the entire Yang City, both of them stopped, with expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

They never expected that the Dragon King could even handle such a terrifying earthquake.

But this excitement didn't last long, and soon I saw the terrifying big crack approaching from far away.

The mood of the two of them, which had just soared, fell to the bottom again.

Because judging from the spreading direction and terrifying power of the large crack, it seemed that it was going to split the entire Yangcheng City into two.

No one knows how many buildings will be damaged by then.

But soon, they saw thick thunder and lightning striking down from the sky.

At the beginning, they still didn't understand, but as thunder and lightning struck down one after another, both of them could see that the power of the terrifying large crack was constantly weakening.

Moreover, the number of small cracks extending from the large cracks is also constantly decreasing.

At this time, they still didn't understand that these thunder and lightning must be the Dragon King's method. During the battle in the restricted area, the Dragon King had shown that he could use thunder and lightning.

Although they were a little confused as to why these lightning strikes on the large crack could weaken its power, this did not prevent them from being excited about it.

Finally, when the big crack stopped, it was only 10 meters away from the city wall of Yangcheng City.

"The strength of the Dragon King is getting more and more terrifying." Liu Zaoxin couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes! But I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Bai Yinghui said with a complicated mood.

Although he already recognized the Dragon King from the bottom of his heart, he didn't even mind and regarded it as the patron saint of Yang City.

But as a soldier, he had to remind himself that this situation was actually very dangerous.

Because the lives and deaths of the more than 15 million people in Yangcheng City, to a certain extent, depend on the other party's thoughts.

If the two sides break up, they may be able to withstand the dragon king's animal army, but against the dragon king, they may not even be able to defeat the opponent's giant dragon in thick fog.

As for nuclear weapons?

When the opponent attacked the Yangcheng City Zoo, they demonstrated the method of using lightning to detonate missiles. Now that the opponent is many times more powerful, they are no longer a threat to the opponent.

The smile on Liu Zaoxin's face faded slightly. He could also guess the other party's worries. He patted Bai Yinghui on the shoulder and said, "Don't think so much. Besides, I'm not attacking you. It's useless to think so much." .”

"Instead of being on guard, we should try our best to find ways to strengthen cooperation with the Dragon King Palace and make the two parties closer."

Bai Yinghui nodded, but was still a little silent.

"Hey, I'm not even depressed. Why are you depressed? The main reason why we are so passive is that there are no truly top experts among us humans."

"But isn't the country trying its best to cultivate this aspect? What we lack now is just time." Liu Zaoxin said.

Hearing this, Bai Yinghui took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

"You are right. All we lack is time. I believe we will be able to catch up sooner or later."

"The big earthquake should be over soon, but we can't take it lightly. There may be aftershocks later. Let me arrange this. As for the Dragon King, will you go over in person to thank me?" Bai Yinghui asked.

In terms of communication, he is definitely not as good as the mayor Liu Zaoxin.

"Okay! Doesn't the Dragon King like fame? What happened this time can also be made into a promotional video or a movie. It should like it very much." Liu Zaoxin nodded.

In a few words, the two of them made arrangements for the next thing.

As for Ye Feng, who had just saved Yangcheng City, he was grinning in pain.

If his mental power were not strong enough, Ye Feng doubted that he would faint from the pain.

For Ye Feng, the pain of breaking a tree root is actually about the same as pulling out a hair.

So usually just a few tree roots were broken, and he didn't feel much.

But this time is different.

Each tree root was basically torn off 10 times, and the total pain was nearly 5,000 times, and these all broke out within a minute.

You can imagine what it would be like for a normal person to have 5,000 hairs pulled out in one minute.

However, apart from the pain, the damage caused was not significant. The main reason was that the torn tree roots basically grew back at a speed of 1,000 meters per minute with the blessing of healing ability.

So it wouldn't take more than a few minutes for him to fully recover.

After the pain eased slightly, Ye Feng raised his sight again and looked far into the distance.

Soon he discovered that two more large cracks appeared within his field of vision.

To Ye Feng's relief, these large cracks did not come towards Yangcheng City, but spread to other places.

However, he was not too happy. Counting the big crack in Yangcheng City, there were three big cracks within his field of vision.

This means that this is not an isolated case.

Even the frequency of large cracks appearing is probably terrifyingly high.

So how many such large cracks will there be in Donghai Province, across the country, and even around the world?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng quickly used his mental power to control his phone to float over, and then opened the web page to see if there was any new information.

But at this time, the world is still in a state of major earthquakes. In this case, who dares to take out their mobile phones to play.

However, Ye Feng's guess was not wrong.

At this time, countless large cracks have appeared all over the world, and they are spreading on the surface of the earth. Almost every city on the earth will be damaged by such large cracks.

At this time, if someone can come to the strange space, they can see that the light ball in the center, which represents the origin of the world, has dense cracks on it.

These cracks are similar to the large cracks that appear on the earth. is completely corresponding.

In addition, the light ball is still vibrating, but the frequency of vibration is slowing down, which seems to indicate that the major earthquakes on the earth are about to end.

But at this moment, a strange energy appeared, and soon a layer of blue light enveloped the ball of light that represented the origin of the world.

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