Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 216 Terrifying Earthquake, Blessed by the Dragon God!

Sure enough, as this wonderful feeling appeared, when Ye Feng once again displayed his ability to control the world, he instantly found that his perception of the world became dozens of times clearer.

In this case, it is natural to sense the world and feed back more information.

Just a moment later, Ye Feng opened his eyes again.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, because this time, he actually accurately sensed what kind of disaster would happen.

A global earthquake!

This kind of information is important because before, all the officials could prepare were supplies, and the vast majority of people stayed at home to avoid disasters.

If there is a major earthquake, hiding at home is tantamount to waiting for death.

Now that he has obtained this information in advance, it can at least increase the probability of human survival in this disaster by two or three times.

He controlled the mutated parrot for the third time and flew towards the municipal building.

When he landed, not only Bai Yinghui and Liu Zaoxin, but also the leaders who were basically free came out to greet him.

"Parrot Messenger!" Liu Zaoxin looked expectantly at the mutated parrot falling from the sky, hoping that this time the other party would bring good news.

Ye Feng was not polite to these people at all, and said straight to the point: "The upcoming disaster is a major earthquake. You should prepare quickly."

The expressions of everyone in the field changed instantly. This information was really important to them.

Liu Zaoxin took the lead. After bowing to the mutant parrot to express his gratitude, he immediately took out his communicator and roared.

Since it is a major earthquake, many of the previous plans will have to be changed. More importantly, everyone needs to get out of the house and onto open space immediately.

Soon the city's radio rang, directly announcing that the disaster was a major earthquake.

Let them go downstairs immediately with supplies and, under the instructions of the military, go to the designated open space to take refuge.

At the same time, the news spread to the whole country and then the whole world immediately.

There is no doubt that this will cause another commotion.

However, the military was well prepared and controlled the situation immediately. The news was notified to everyone half an hour in advance, so there was enough time to go downstairs and there would be no stampede.

As for foreign countries, after learning the intelligence, chaos once again arose.

Because many foreigners managed to bring home what they needed during the previous chaos.

At this time, if they want to take these things out, it may mean that they will be robbed again.

But if you don't go out, you will most likely die at home when a major earthquake comes.

Of course, no matter what, they are lucky to be able to learn the information in advance.

As for Ye Feng, after notifying Yangcheng City officials, he was not idle either.

Now that he knows that the disaster is a major earthquake, he can make corresponding preparations.

His ability to control the heaven and earth can simulate any disaster, which naturally includes earthquakes.

However, Ye Feng has never tried this ability before. On the one hand, it is because of the high consumption, and on the other hand, it is naturally because of the low power.

At least for the enemies Ye Feng faces, a mere earthquake is nothing. Is it possible that it can even cripple their legs?

But now the situation is different, because he is not dealing with the enemy, but looking for a solution.

Ye Feng began to exert his ability to control the world, resonate with the earth, and then gradually cause it to vibrate.

Soon one of the open spaces in the Sunset Valley began to shake violently, and cracks appeared one after another on the ground.

"Hey! How come it was performed so easily?" Ye Feng was a little surprised.

But he soon discovered that it was not that he had become easier to perform, but that after his mental power became significantly stronger, his ability to control the world had improved to a large level.

Although his current mental strength, after many optimizations, is only 70% of Tianyun's power.

But the strength of Tianyun’s mental power is so terrifying! At least ten times more than he was before.

In other words, even if he only reaches 70% of Tianyun's mental power, the intensity of his mental power is still seven times higher than what he used to be.

Under this situation, it is naturally much easier to exert the ability to control the world.

After discovering this, Ye Feng became more confident in his idea.

He used the earthquake not to destroy anything, but to observe and then try to find out if there was any way to weaken the big earthquake.

As he observed, Ye Feng really made some new discoveries.

"Although it is a bit difficult, if I use my earthquake ability in reverse, I can reduce the magnitude of the earthquake."

Ye Feng's eyes shone slightly, and he began to try again and again. As he tried again and again, he found that he was becoming more and more skilled in using the earthquake ability in reverse, and the effect was getting better and better.

Half an hour is neither long nor short.

This is enough to make anyone leave their home and find an empty space.

Like here in Yangcheng City, it only took 15 minutes, and there was basically no one in all the residences.

The next step is to wait silently.

Everyone is looking at the time, and there is a huge countdown on Yangcheng City's official website.

When the last minute was left, many family members hugged each other and prayed that this earthquake would not be too scary.

At this time, Ye Feng finally stopped training.

After half an hour, with his strong perception and using it over and over again, he became more and more proficient in the earthquake ability.

This is true whether it causes earthquakes or weakens the power of earthquakes.

"Is it finally here?" Ye Feng quietly sensed the changes in this world.

Perhaps ordinary people haven't noticed it yet, but they can already feel the depths of the earth's crust beginning to vibrate, and the vibrations are getting more and more intense.

In a square not far from Kuanglong Security Company, Ye Xiangfeng held Ye Rou in one hand and Wang Shuwen in the other.

Not far from them, Chen Dalong, the strongest man in the entire Yangcheng City, stood. Next to him were four confidants, Li Huosheng, Zhang Chenggang, Zhao Rong and Qin Fang.

They have awakened through the Evolution Fruit, and their strength and potential are stronger than those who awakened through genetic medicine. Now they have shown considerable strength.

And further out, there are a group of heavily armed personnel from the Kuanglong Security Company and their relatives. The total number of people there exceeds 1,500.

But even with so many people around, Ye Xiangfeng still felt uneasy.

At this time, from their square, they could just see a huge countdown composed of various lights on a building not far away.

At this time, it has entered the final 30 seconds, and everyone's spirits are getting more and more tense.

At this moment, Chen Dalong, the strongest among them, looked at the ground with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Did you feel the ground shake?" He asked the people around him.

Everyone was nervous, but they all lowered their heads and looked at the ground in confusion because they didn't feel anything.

Li Huosheng opened his mouth. Just as he was about to ask, the whole ground shook violently.

"The ground... was shaken."

"Oh my God! There was an earthquake."

"What should we do? Will our house collapse?"

"Don't worry so much. Try to stay away from those buildings. If they collapse and get hit, you will be dead."

Suddenly, the square became a mess.

Seeing this scene, Chen Dalong's face turned cold, and he jumped directly onto the street lamp not far away.

He took a deep breath, his chest swelled slightly, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, be quiet and don't move around. The combatants will take care of your family members. If someone causes a stampede that shouldn't happen or causes additional casualties, Don't blame me for settling the scores."

As a third-level evolver, Chen Dalong's physical fitness has already reached an inhuman level, including his vocal cords and throat.

At this time, under his deliberate roar, the sound was comparable to a high-power loudspeaker. Especially in conjunction with the third level of coercion he released, the place instantly fell silent.

At the same time, the military team at the edge of the square also quickly ran over.

The captain at the head took a loudspeaker and said loudly: "Don't panic, everyone, it is safest to stay where you are."

"You don't have to worry, the surrounding high-rise buildings will collapse. We have installed demolition bombs on all high-rise buildings. When necessary, we will detonate them in advance to make these high-rise buildings collapse in the designated direction."

With Chen Dalong's coercion and shock, and the military team arriving to explain, the more than 1,500 people in this small square stopped the riot.

Of course, riots were not limited to this place. Military teams were guarding all places where people gathered, so riots in various parts of the city were quickly suppressed.

Of course, panic was inevitable, because everyone felt the vibrations under their feet becoming more and more intense.

Some people had begun to lose their balance. They looked around and saw that the trees had begun to shake.

From the surrounding buildings, there was the sound of objects falling to the ground from time to time. It was the sound of something in the house being shaken and falling to the ground.

Even some sharp-eyed people can see cracks appearing on the wall of an old house not far away due to the vibration.

All this shows that the intensity of earthquakes is still rising.

Some brave people took out their mobile phones and checked the news.

"The current earthquake intensity has reached 5.5 magnitude, and it is still increasing. It is expected to increase to 6.5 magnitude in a few minutes. The final intensity of the earthquake may increase to 7.5 magnitude, or even higher." Someone looked ugly. said.

The difference between level 5.5 and level 7.5 doesn't sound very big.

But you must know that for every one level of earthquake magnitude, the energy difference is about 32 times, and if there is a difference of two levels, the energy difference between them will reach 1,000 times.

In fact, it is not necessary to reach level 7.5 at all. It only needs to reach level 6.5 to make most houses crack and tilt. Even if they do not collapse, they will become dangerous buildings.

As for an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5, it is catastrophic. At that time, it is not only the collapse of houses, but also the earth cracking, landslides, bridges breaking, and dams collapsing. For a city, the damage caused is absolutely fatal. .

However, knowing this was of no use, they could only wait feebly and pray.

Perhaps the only lucky thing is that if they are prepared in advance, their chances of survival will be much greater.

At this time, Ye Feng was also ready to start using his ability to control the world.

Of course, what he did first was not to reduce the intensity of the earthquake, but to condense a giant dragon of dense fog that was 10,000 meters long in the high altitude of Yangcheng City.

As this giant dragon of thick fog hovers and dances in the sky, more thick fog will continue to spread around it, gradually forming a wall of fog that surrounds the entire Yangcheng City.

If you look at it from a high altitude, it looks like Yangcheng City is wrapped in a huge protective cover.

The appearance of the giant fog dragon instantly attracted the attention of the 15 million people in the city. The giant fog dragon, 10,000 meters long, simply covered the entire sky, making it difficult not to attract attention.

"That's...the giant dragon in thick fog?"

"Yes! The Dragon King must have taken action."

"The Dragon King is our patron saint. He must have a way. Dragon King, please save us."

Many people began to pray immediately after being shocked.

At this time, Ye Feng could feel countless powers of faith converging on the mutant king cobra.

After a brief glance, he could estimate that with the terrifying gathering speed of this power of faith, it was estimated that at least 5 million points of power of faith could be obtained every minute.

If it were normal times, he would definitely be ecstatic, but now he just glanced at it and looked away, because he knew very well that his consumption would only be greater in the future.

He was the first to make such a big noise just to harvest another wave of faith power and reduce losses as much as possible.

"Come on!" Ye Feng felt the ground shaking more and more violently. He knew that he could not wait any longer and began to use all his strength to control the world.

To be honest, this is the first time that Ye Feng has used his ability on such a large scale, directly covering the entire city.

Then, use the earthquake ability in reverse.

In Yangcheng City, where the magnitude of the earthquake was still increasing, a reverse force suddenly appeared, which directly prevented the magnitude of the earthquake from continuing to increase.

And as Ye Feng continued to increase the output of the power of faith, the earthquake level was even slowly decreasing.

However, Ye Feng glanced at the system panel and saw the rapidly declining power of faith, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Actually, a full 10 million points of faith power are consumed every minute.

He had previously felt that he had more than 200 million in the power of faith, but he didn't know how to spend it, but now if he didn't calculate it, he could only sustain the power of faith that the Dragon King was continuously receiving for twenty minutes.

But fortunately, earthquakes generally don't last too long, only a few minutes at most, and he can still hold on.

As Ye Feng exerted his strength, the magnitude of the earthquake in Yangcheng City continued to decrease, until it dropped to level 5, and then stopped.

But other cities were not so lucky, and earthquake magnitudes continued to rise everywhere.

At this time, worldwide, in all areas except Yangcheng City, the magnitude of earthquakes has exceeded 7, and some have reached the terrifying magnitude 8.

However, by this time, the magnitude of the earthquake finally stopped increasing.

Ye Feng originally thought that this natural disaster was about to end, but the scene that happened next made his pupils suddenly shrink.

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