Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 180 Rescue everywhere, faith surges

After getting the answer, Ye Feng looked thoughtful.

In fact, he had already switched the possessed state back to his body, used his mental power to control his cell phone, and quickly searched for information about Yonghe City.

Although Yonghe City and Yangcheng City are both part of Donghai Province, they are not as famous as Yangcheng City before, and there are no famous attractions. Ye Feng has never been there and doesn't know much about them.

Soon the information about Yonghe City appeared on the mobile phone. This is a third-tier city with a permanent population of about 800,000.

There are many plains around Yonghe City and abundant rainwater resources, which are very suitable for the growth of crops. Due to the climate, it is even possible to sow three crops of rice a year like the South Island, which is also their pillar industry.

The rice grown in Yonghe City can supply almost half of the population of Donghai Province. In addition, Yonghe City also has the largest granary in the entire Donghai Province.

After seeing this, Ye Feng had already decided to go to the rescue. Otherwise, if Yonghe City was breached, there would be problems with the food supply of the entire Donghai Province.

Of course, Ye Feng is not a reckless person. He still needs to understand the war situation over there.

Although Yonghe City and Yangcheng City are adjacent, there is a distance of nearly 80 kilometers between the two cities.

This has exceeded the scope of his control of the world. Without this back-up, the animal legions sent out may be in danger.

Soon, Ye Feng clicked into the local news interface of Yonghe City and took a rough look at the current situation.

Since there are not many mountains and forests around Yonghe City, the number of mutated insects attacking them is only about 100 million. Now that one day has passed, there are only 80 million left.

Seeing this, Ye Feng has nothing to worry about.

Immediately switch the possessed state back to the mutated parrot.

At this time, Mayor Li Yanlin was still waiting nervously. Not only him, but Bai Yinghui had also come over. The two of them were talking in low voices, but neither dared to disturb the mutated parrot who was deep in thought.

"Okay, no problem. Our Dragon King Palace is willing to send troops. The price will be as you said, which is 50% higher than that in Yangcheng City. So how many mutated creatures do you want to invite to help in the battle?" Ye Feng asked.

Seeing that the mutated parrot in front of him agreed, Li Yanlin was overjoyed and said quickly: "According to the scale here in Yangcheng City, do you think it's okay?"

Although the mutated insects attacking Yonghe City are much less than those here in Yangcheng City, the problem is that they are not as good as the number of soldiers and equipment here in Yangcheng City.

Therefore, their situation is not much better than that in Yangcheng City before, and is even a little more dangerous.

After all, Yangcheng City still had a trump card like thermobaric bombs, but they didn't.

"No problem. We will probably have to defend against 1 to 2 waves of mutant insect swarm attacks here. After they are dealt with, we can go there again," the mutant parrot said.

At this time, Bai Yinghui, who was listening silently, suddenly said: "Actually, we can deal with the remaining mutated insects. At most, we just need a few more rounds of bombing. If possible, I hope that you, the Dragon King Palace, can go over and help early."

He had already roughly understood the situation in Yonghe City. The situation was already quite critical. Otherwise, Mayor Li Yanlin would not have taken an armed plane and flew over in a hurry.

It can be said that even if an hour had passed in the Dragon King Palace, the situation would probably be different.

Hearing this, Li Yanlin's face suddenly showed joy, and at the same time he looked at the mutant parrot expectantly.

It doesn't matter to Ye Feng, as long as the other party gives him enough money.

"Okay, let's go there now!" After Ye Feng finished speaking, he did not delay and immediately began to gather the mutated animals everywhere again.

The flying troops can go there first. The 80-kilometer journey can be reached in about 20 minutes.

But the ground troops will probably take an hour.

After telling Li Yanlin the time, the other party was even more overjoyed and sent the good news back immediately.

Soon the flying troops were assembled and took off directly.

As for Li Yanlin, he did not fly back immediately, but followed Bai Yinghui to the logistics office.

Because Bai Yinghui also told him about the original liquid of life.

He understood the importance of this kind of thing in an instant. With the life liquid, the evolvers could fight without any scruples, and their combat power would be improved by no means.

Of course, Bai Yinghui's efforts to help the other party were not free.

If something happens in the future that causes a food shortage, then Yonghe City must give priority to selling food to Yangcheng City.

This can be said to be a precautionary measure. No one can say what will happen in the future.

As for such a request, Li Yanlin naturally agreed immediately. After all, the food was not sold to any city, so there was no loss for him at all.

What's more, if we make good friends with Yangcheng City, if any difficulties arise in Yonghe City in the future, we can also ask for help here.

On the other side, Ye Feng possessed the mutated goshawk and led the team.

The flight speed of the entire team is quite fast, close to 250 kilometers per hour.

But in fact, this is still slow for Ye Feng, because this is the speed of ordinary second-order mutated creatures.

For third-level mutant creatures, their top speed can even reach 500 kilometers per hour, and they can reach Yonghe City in less than ten minutes.

However, Ye Feng thought for a moment and did not let a few third-level mutated animals pass first. After all, it was not short of ten minutes. If he couldn't hold on for even this time, there was no need to hold on.

Compared to this, he cares more about how to better demonstrate the strength of the Dragon King Palace.

He is willing to go and defend the city. Money is only one aspect. What Ye Feng cares about more is actually the power of faith.

After letting King Cobra appear, he has deeply realized the importance of pomp and circumstance.

You must show enough strength to make the other party worship and believe in you.

In addition, the current situation in Yonghe City is already precarious. After he appeared as the savior, he felt that the power of faith could definitely increase slowly.

20 minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the birds soon arrived in the sky above Yonghe City.

Only then did Ye Feng clearly see the situation below.

Although city walls have also been built here in Yonghe City, their city walls are more appropriately called walls because they are only 2 meters high and only 2.5 meters wide.

After all, not all cities can mine without any scruples like Yangcheng City.

It was obvious that such a low city wall could not stop the insect swarm.

Therefore, the Yonghe City military had no choice but to find another way, and the way they finally came up with was to dig trenches.

Of course, compared to conventional trenches, the trenches they dug here are more like passages connected together.

Between each trench, there are a large number of minefields and obstacle areas.

These trenches spread from the city wall to an area of ​​nearly one kilometer. Each trench can be said to be a new line of defense.

The idea here in Yonghe City should be to directly trade space for time and try their best to persist for a longer time.

But the final result was obviously not ideal. In just one day, they were already forced to the city wall.

It can be said that this is their last line of defense and there is no retreat.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng controlled the mutated goshawk and let out a loud hawk cry.

This eagle call was so penetrating that many soldiers and officers below heard it.

When they looked up and saw the huge flock of birds approaching, they were surprised at first, then excited and cheered.

After Li Yanlin reached the cooperation, he sent the news back as soon as possible in order to boost morale.

So the soldiers and officers here have been waiting eagerly for a long time.

How could they not be excited when they saw the reinforcements finally arriving.

And although there are only 200 birds in the flock, each one has a wingspan of at least six or seven meters, and is quite huge.

This also caused the entire flock of birds to look very spectacular, no less than the scene of thousands of birds flying together before the spiritual energy was revived.

Following the cry of the mutated goshawk, the flock of birds immediately split into four, flying towards the four walls of the southeast, northwest and northwest respectively.

Compared with the Yangcheng City side, which mainly guards the northern city wall, there is no priority here in Yonghe City.

Basically, the number of mutated insects coming from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest is almost the same.

Of course, the scope of Yonghe City is far smaller than that of Yangcheng City, so the length of each city wall cannot be compared with that of Yangcheng City.

Under Ye Feng's precise command, every mutant bat or mutant black crow can accurately land at the most anxious place in the battle.

And after they land, their first priority is to deal with the mutated insects near the machine gunner.

Only by ensuring that the firepower output of the heavy machine gun is not interrupted can the offensive of the mutant insect swarm be contained to the greatest extent.

In an instant, the situation improved considerably, and many shaky places were stabilized.

This scene immediately lifted the spirits of many officers, and they secretly sighed that it was indeed the legendary Dragon King Palace.

This move stabilized the situation, which was a real ability.

And everyone soon discovered that they still underestimated the strength of the Dragon King Palace.

Because as the mutated goshawk, mutated black crow, mutated bat and two mutated sparrows began to fly around the city and released their own pressure, they finally saw the powerful dominance of the Dragon King Palace on the battlefield.

Wherever the third-level mutated animals passed, the mutated insects shivered as they were suppressed by the aura, and did not dare to continue attacking.

And with Yangcheng City, after the experience of that battle, Ye Feng became more knowledgeable in this aspect.

Under his control, these five mutated birds are not flying around. Wherever there is an emergency, they will go there first.

If necessary, they will temporarily linger around there until the soldiers on that section of the defense line regain their advantage and then evacuate.

It can be said that the role played by the five third-level mutant animals is no less than that of the 200 second-level mutant animals.

As for the mutated parrot, Ye Feng did not let it go on a mission. After arriving, it immediately started flying around the city.

Quickly locating a frontline reporter, Ye Feng possessed the mutated parrot without hesitation and landed.

Facing the giant bird that appeared from the sky, even a male frontline reporter was frightened.

In particular, the mutated parrot folded its wings and stood nearly 6 meters tall, which directly brought a great sense of oppression to everyone in the field.

Ye Feng ignored it and trembled in panic. The reporter who did not dare to step forward spoke directly to the camera on the side.

"Hello residents of Yonghe City, I am the representative of the Dragon King Palace. You can call me the Parrot Messenger. I am invited to assist in the defense."

"Everyone can rest assured that as long as our Dragon King Palace is here, Yonghe City cannot be destroyed. Next, the battlefield situation will be changed soon. You can wait and see." After the mutated parrot finished speaking, it flew up again, leaving everyone alone A shadow was left behind.

At this time, Ye Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, because he could feel that the power of faith began to quickly gather towards the mutated parrot.

Moreover, the speed of gathering was still accelerating, and soon it reached the level of gathering 10,000 points of faith power every minute.

This speed surprised Ye Feng.

You know, the permanent population of Yonghe City is only 800,000. Compared with the current population of Yangcheng City, which has exceeded 7 million, the population is directly 8.75 times smaller.

But in this case, one minute can contribute 10,000 points of faith to him, so one can imagine how pious these residents are to their Dragon King Palace.

Of course, this is also related to the experience of Yonghe City residents.

The battle situation in Yangcheng City had been relatively smooth until the locust army appeared and it was out of control, so the time for the residents there to panic was short.

But it is different here in Yonghe City. The situation here is constantly deteriorating. It can be said that the residents in the city have been afraid all day long.

You can imagine how excited I was when I saw the light in this situation.

It is estimated that many people's prayers to the gods and Buddhas in the sky were directly changed to prayers to the Dragon King Palace, so that so much power of faith was gathered in the mutated parrot.

Next, the direction of the battle, just as the mutant parrot said, quickly changed.

The precarious line of defense was immediately stabilized.

And this is just the credit of the flying force.

Soon, nearly half an hour passed. After the local troops arrived, they launched a direct counterattack against the mutant insect swarm.

In particular, the huge team composed of mutated African elephants, mutated white rhinos, mutated hippos and mutated buffaloes has become a killer weapon.

Wherever it passes, a large swarm of mutant insects will be trampled to death.

Yonghe City's defense line has also become impregnable.

Basically all the animal army at Dragon King Palace arrived at around 5 o'clock in the evening.

This battle lasted until about 7 o'clock the next morning, a full 14 hours.

The number of the insect swarm army also dropped sharply from more than 80 million when they arrived to only more than 10 million. At this time, the mutant insect swarm finally did not dare to continue attacking and began to flee.

At the end of this stop, Ye Feng's account had an additional 2.325 billion Huaxia coins.

Of course, apart from the money, what pleased him even more was the soaring speed of the power of faith.

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