Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 179 Other cities, come to ask for help

It was also the first time for Ye Feng to display his ability to control the world in such a grand way.

At the same time, it was also after this extreme display that he discovered that there was an upper limit to the ability to control the world.

This time, he felt the limit of the "Icy Rain" that was used on a large scale. Now when he uses his ability to create natural disasters, he can only consume up to 50,000 points of faith power at one time.

Therefore, even if he uses the ice rain with all his strength regardless of the cost, it can only cover a diameter of 6 kilometers at most, and the temperature can only drop to a minimum of minus 20 degrees.

This is the limit he can reach. Compared with a real natural disaster, there is still a lot of gaps, especially in terms of coverage.

Of course, this kind of power is completely enough for him now, and as his strength increases, his ability to control the world will definitely improve.

And if he wants to pursue absolute lethality, he can completely condense thunder and lightning to attack.

The thunder and lightning formed by the power of 50,000 points of faith could instantly kill the remaining fifth-level mutant creatures.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but look in the direction of the restricted area.

He kind of wants to convert his 850,000 points of faith power directly into the power of thunder to attack the penalty area and see how effective it can be.

"Don't waste time. It's better to wait until the military's special ground-penetrating bombs are completed before making any plans." Ye Feng quickly calmed down. The problem of the restricted area cannot be solved overnight.

After this attack, he believed that his status in the hearts of the residents of Yangcheng City would definitely rise to several levels.

He needs to think about how to manage his current image well so as to gain more power of faith.

While Ye Feng was taking stock of the gains from this battle, Yangcheng City was also busy.

As the crisis is lifted, many of the orders issued now need to be urgently changed.

Soon many of the evacuated teams returned to the city wall.

But at this time, their mentality was completely different.

Looking at the mutant insect swarm in the distance, they no longer had the slightest fear and were all ready to fight.

But what they didn't expect was that after the insect swarm suffered such a blow, they actually started fighting among themselves.

Through the telescope, everyone could clearly see that some particularly powerful insect kings within the insect swarm were actually fighting with each other.

This process lasted for about ten minutes, and the final result was that the remaining insect swarm was divided into two parts.

One part continued towards the city wall, while the other part started towards the back side.

It is worth mentioning that these mutant insect swarms that retreated deliberately went to the mutant locusts that were previously frozen, picked up their corpses, and continued towards the Dongling Mountains.

Obviously, the locust army has become their food, and perhaps this is one of the reasons why this part of the mutated insects chose to retreat.

And these mutated insects that stayed behind naturally found humans so delicious and refused to give up.

All this was clearly seen by Bai Yinghui, who was standing on the city wall, but there was no joy on his face, instead he was a little solemn.

He sighed and said, "It's enough that mutated animals have become smart, but I didn't expect that the intelligence of these mutated insects has improved to such a level that they actually know how to choose."

Jian Jian nodded and continued: "And the group that left are all smarter. If the spiritual energy is revived for the fourth time and they improve their strength, it will probably be more difficult to deal with such an attack again."

"But compared to their intelligence, what I care about more is their reproduction speed."

The current wilderness is like a primitive jungle, which is simply a paradise for these mutated insects. If there is no shortage of food, the reproduction rate is estimated to be much more terrifying than before the spiritual energy was revived.

Bai Yinghui was slightly silent, but looking at the rapidly approaching mutant insect swarm, he exhaled and said, "Don't think about that now. Let's talk about it after this crisis is over!"

Next, Bai Yinghui began to direct the battle.

With nearly half of the mutated insect swarm evacuated, only about 60 million of the insect swarm that attacked Yang City were left.

Although these mutated insects that remained were very crazy when they attacked, and the troops they invested were even more terrifying than before, sending out nearly 10 million mutated insect swarms at once.

But these can't change the situation of the battle at all. At this time, Bai Yinghui no longer needs to think about saving ammunition.

He first fired 5 thermobaric bombs, and then directly used 4,000 mortars in one go for saturation bombing.

After two rounds of bombing, only about 3 million of the 10 million mutant insect swarms were left. The latter part had to go through the test of powerful insecticide water and sea of ​​fire.

By the time they reached the bottom of the city wall, there were only over 1 million left.

If it were before, facing an insect swarm of this size, the defenders would still have difficulty supporting it.

But now, with the help of Dragon King Palace, the situation is completely different, and it can be supported steadily.

It can be said that at this point in the battle, there is basically no suspense anymore. Perhaps the only thing everyone is concerned about is when the battle will end.

So after arranging the next combat mission, it stands to reason that Bai Yinghui can finally take some time off.

But this is not the case, because after the last mutant biological crisis, Yangcheng City's reputation is no less than those of first-tier cities.

Under such circumstances, they naturally receive a high level of attention.

Therefore, when the Dragon King took action, the people who paid attention to this scene were not only those in Yangcheng City, but also many netizens from other cities came in.

It is precisely because of this that the Dragon King wiped out hundreds of millions of mutant locusts as soon as he took action, and it spread throughout cities across the country at an extremely fast speed.

Such a thing is undoubtedly shocking. After all, it is an army of hundreds of millions of locusts. If it is an ordinary city, it is really in danger of destruction.

Even those four first-tier metropolises would be extremely troubled by this situation.

Even if you win, the price you pay will never be small.

But for such a big crisis, the Dragon King just used a magical power to solve it.

In this situation, the Dragon King received not only attention, but also vigilance.

Because of this, the senior leaders of the capital called over as soon as they learned about the incident.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect that you would have to personally intervene in this matter." When the video opened and Bai Yinghui saw the person in the video, he was also shocked.

The person in front of me is one of the few people in the Neng Presbyterian Church, which also means that this matter has alarmed the highest level of the country.

"Such a big thing happened, and I don't feel at ease if I don't come to understand it! Come and tell me specifically what the situation was like at that time." An old man in his 60s on the opposite side of the video said in a gentle tone.

Bai Yinghui did not dare to delay and immediately told everything about the past two days.

Mr. Zhang on the opposite side just listened quietly. It wasn't until Bai Yinghui finished speaking that he asked, "Can you evaluate the Dragon King from a personal perspective?"

Bai Yinghui thought for a moment and then said: "Mysterious and powerful."

"No more?" Seeing Bai Yinghui stop after saying two words, Mr. Zhang asked in surprise.

Bai Yinghui smiled bitterly, nodded and said: "Indeed, it's gone. After all, we have too little contact. Of course, judging from what the other party did and the attitude they showed, they are quite friendly to us humans."

Mr. Zhang nodded silently after hearing this, "Okay, then you can compile all the things mentioned before into documents and send them over."

"Yes!" Bai Yinghui agreed quickly, but after a slight hesitation, he added, "If possible, I still hope to continue to cooperate with the Dragon King Palace."

Mr. Zhang was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, "What are you thinking! With such a powerful ally, how could we do something stupid like extrapolating it to others?"

"What's more, if the flying birds are gone, good bows will be hidden, and we have to wait until the 'flying birds are gone'! For us now, the more help, the better."

Bai Yinghui secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. After all, if they had a falling out with the Dragon King Palace, Yangcheng City would be the first to be unlucky.

Next, there was a dedicated person in the capital who contacted Bai Yinghui. He filled in a lot of information, and later submitted a lot of video materials, and finally he was able to handle the matter.

But this was just the beginning, because not long after, many cities, especially city leaders in Donghai Province, called and inquired whether they could also reach a cooperative relationship with the Dragon King Palace.

It is worth mentioning that although all parts of the country will face the threat of mutant insect swarms, the time of outbreak is different in each place.

Yangcheng City was almost the first city to be attacked by mutated insects.

Even if the remaining cities are not attacked in the first batch, they will inevitably be attacked by mutant insect swarms in the next two or three days.

After seeing the power of the Dragon King Palace, these cities naturally wanted to invite them over to help with the defense.

Regarding such a request, Bai Yinghui said that he would help them inquire, but whether he would agree in the end still depends on the Dragon King Palace.

"Phew! It's finally over." Bai Yinghui put down the phone and wrote the name of another city on the notebook.

He glanced at the time, and it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon before he knew it. He walked out of the office and came to the lobby of the staff department.

He found Jian Yi among the crowd almost at a glance, strode over and asked, "How is the situation now?"

"There are still about 20 million worms left in the swarm, but they are already on the verge of disintegration. We should be done with one or two more waves at most," Jian Yi said immediately.

This is because when we arrived at the rear of the mutant insect swarm, we saw heavy casualties and slowed down the pace of the attack, otherwise it would have been over by now.

"That's good. Later, you have to follow up on the treatment of the wounded and the payment of pensions. You can't be careless." Bai Yinghui warned.

"Yeah! I understand." Jian Yi nodded.

After Bai Yinghui learned a little about the situation, he immediately asked the guards to drive a military jeep and send him to the north city wall.

If possible, he still hopes to try his best to facilitate the request for assistance from major cities.

When he arrived at the north city wall, he had just repelled a new round of mutant insect swarms, and the mutant parrots also stopped to rest.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yinghui knew that he had arrived just in time. After asking for the direction of the mutated parrot, he asked someone to bring a motorcycle and prepared to rush over to discuss cooperation.

But before he even got on the motorcycle, he heard a low hum in the distance. Bai Yinghui was not unfamiliar with the sound of propellers.

He immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and immediately saw an armed helicopter approaching quickly from the southeast.

"You ask the Communications Department to ask what's going on." Bai Yinghui immediately said to the guard on the side.

"Yes!" the guard agreed.

But before he could make any move, he saw the armed helicopter flying over the city wall and then hovering.

Then a rope was lowered, and soldiers slid down one by one.

And the position where the opponent was hovering happened to be the section of city wall where the mutated parrot was.

"No need to ask, let's go directly to see what's going on." Bai Yinghui said, got on the motorcycle, and quickly rushed in that direction.

At the same time, the mutant parrot on the other side was a little confused when he saw a group of people getting off the armed helicopter and coming towards him.

"Hello! Parrot Messenger, I am Li Yanlin, the mayor of Yonghe City next door. I wonder if I can take up a little of your time. We would like to discuss a cooperation with you." Li Yanlin bowed slightly and said quite politely.

"If you have anything to do, just say it!" Ye Feng said.

"It's like this. We hope to invite the Dragon King Palace to come to our Yonghe City to assist in the defense. I can even increase the price by an additional 50% on the original basis." Li Yanlin said.

Hearing this, Ye Feng said he was not surprised, but that was false. He hesitated and asked, "Do you know the price of inviting us here in Yangcheng City?"

Li Yanlin nodded immediately and said: "Yes! The third-level mutant creature is worth 30 million Chinese coins, and the second-level mutated creature is worth 2 million Chinese coins."

Ye Feng stretched out his wings and touched his chin, "Now that I know it, I still offer such a high price. So the situation on your side must be very unfavorable now."

Li Yanlin had a look of embarrassment on his face, but he still nodded.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be hidden. Otherwise, if he says it's okay, when the other party arrives, sees the scene there, turns around and leaves after discovering that he has been deceived, he will cry to death.

This is why he took the initiative to raise the price as soon as he opened his mouth.

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