Boom boom boom boom!

After the second round of shelling fell, Ye Feng stared at the bombed place ahead.

As the shells exploded one after another, the expression on Ye Feng's face began to change.

"It's actually possible. The moment these shells exploded, part of the corrosive energy at the center of the explosion was obviously eliminated."

"But... why is this?"

"Shock wave? Impossible. Physical damage cannot affect corrosive energy."

As another cannonball exploded, with the dynamic vision of a third-level mutated goshawk, he could even see the entire process of that cannonball clearly, from landing to explosion.

When he saw the terrifying fireball that could destroy everything erupted from the inside at the moment of the explosion, he suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

"It's a high-temperature flame!!!"

"Ordinary flames can avoid corrosive energy. This proves that flames have no impact on corrosive energy, but the temperature is not high enough."

"As long as it reaches a certain temperature, flames can react with corrosive energy and eliminate each other like lightning." At this moment, Ye Feng's thoughts suddenly became clear.

After this round of bombardment, he quickly controlled the mutated parrot and said to Bai Yinghui: "Keep bombing! It's working, and the corrosive energy has been eliminated a lot."

Hearing this, Bai Yinghui's face was also slightly startled. To be honest, he gave the order to bombard a dead horse, but he didn't expect it to come true.

"Haha! Well, it turns out that hot weapons are the truth." He couldn't help laughing. At this time, he felt much more confident.

As long as it has an effect, even if the evil god is really resurrected, so what?

They also have the ultimate weapon: nuclear weapons!

Seeing the other party laughing, Ye Feng didn't say anything.

After the other party finished laughing, he hurriedly said: "Then you call an artillery regiment over, and we will work together to solve the trouble in this restricted area."

"Transfer an artillery regiment here? Why?" Bai Yinghui asked.

"Of course it's for a quick victory! How long will it take to explode with just this few manpower?" Ye Feng said.

Hearing what the mutated parrot said, Bai Yinghui's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling, "How much ammunition do you need to solve this restricted area?"

Ye Feng: "It's almost the same as what you just said!"

"Huh?" Bai Yinghui didn't remember what he had just said.

"That's enough ammunition to blow up the entire Xiaofeng Mountain! 100,000 howitzers should be enough!" Ye Feng roughly estimated.

" much?" Bai Yinghui swallowed.

Even if he emptied the inventory of the entire Yangcheng City Military Region, he still wouldn't have 100,000 howitzers!

"I estimate that about 100,000 bombs should be enough. Of course, to be safe, you'd better prepare 150,000 bombs. If possible, use high-explosive bombs instead. This has the best effect." Ye Feng said seriously, not at all. Just kidding.

Hearing this, Bai Yinghui almost lost his temper. He was really just talking just now. How could he take it seriously?

Not to mention that he can't take out so many shells now, even if he can take them out, he may not be willing to do so.

After all, there are not so many artillery shells, so what will they do to defend themselves when the mutated insects from the Dongling Mountains attack in 10 days?

The city wall is only for defense. To really kill the mutated insects, you have to use these cannonballs.

As for applying to the state, he has not never thought about it, but even if he applies, under the current circumstances, he doesn't know how long it will take to get approval.

After all, other cities are facing equally difficult situations after experiencing the mutant biological crisis, and they will definitely apply for weapons from the state.

According to his understanding, the defense forces of some cities are at a critical stage, so even in terms of urgency, they are not ranked high.

Bai Yinghui frowned in thought, and soon he caught an important piece of information revealed in the mutated parrot's words.

"You said that high-explosive shells have the best effect. So each kind of shells has different effects when used to bombard corrosive energy?" Bai Yinghui asked.

"Well, yes. This is related to temperature. It seems that the higher the temperature, the more corrosive energy can be eliminated." Ye Feng said.

"Temperature? Not even the high-temperature flames released by incendiary bombs?" Bai Yinghui frowned, looking at the places that had been ignited by incendiary bombs.

The flame released by the incendiary bomb reaches 1000 degrees, which can destroy all carbon-based life under normal circumstances.

"No!" The mutated parrot shook his head and said, "These cannonballs can only meet the requirements by the high temperature released in the center at the moment they explode."

"But because the time is too short, the amount of corrosive energy that can be eliminated is not much."

"Does it require a high temperature to meet the requirements?" Bai Yinghui asked.

Instead of wasting artillery bombs here to explode randomly, it is better to understand clearly and then make targeted arrangements.

But when faced with his question, the mutant parrot shook his head, "I don't know either."

Bai Yinghui was a little speechless. Just when he was about to pick up the phone and prepare to have special instruments brought in for testing.

Wang Feng, who was standing aside and acting as a bodyguard, said, "Maybe I can detect it."


Bai Yinghui and the mutated parrot both turned to look at each other.

Being stared at by the mutated parrot, Wang Feng felt a little numb. He did not dare to delay. He quickly said: "My superpower is to condense a python composed of flames."

"After repeated practice in the past few days, my control over supernatural powers has improved. Now I can actively control the temperature of the fire python."

As he spoke, a ball of flame burst out from his palm, gradually forming the shape of a python.

It was also the first time for Ye Feng to see someone perform supernatural powers in front of him.

He could sense that there seemed to be some kind of energy between heaven and earth that was constantly gathering towards Wang Feng.

It is probably this special energy that formed the fire python.

"This is normal. With my fire python power, the flame temperature is about 800 degrees."

At this time, flames burst out from his palms again, and then poured into the fire python continuously.

There was no need for Wang Feng to explain at this time. Everyone near him could feel the heat coming from the fire python, which was constantly increasing.

This process lasted about 10 seconds before Wang Feng stopped.

"The current temperature is about 1,500 degrees. Will it continue to increase?" Wang Feng asked Bai Yinghui.

However, Bai Yinghui looked at the mutated parrot. This was the expert, so he stopped interrupting.

"Try it first! If it doesn't work, continue to increase the temperature." Ye Feng said.

Wang Feng nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the fire python flew out instantly. At the same time, he turned his attention to the mutant parrot.

The abilities of several of them are too low, and their perception is limited. They can only detect that the restricted area is dangerous, but they are completely unable to feel the corrosive energy inside.

Amid the expectant looks of several people, the mutated parrot slowly shook his head, "No, the temperature is too low."

"It's okay, I'll come again." Wang Feng said and used his superpower again.

This time he released his superpower for a longer time than before. This time the fire python he condensed directly burned the surrounding air, creating waves of heat.

Under this situation, Bai Yinghui could no longer stand where he was and retreated several meters away.

"The temperature of my fire python is now about 2,000 degrees." He said, and already controlled the fire python to fly out, while he was breathing heavily.

Under normal circumstances, the supernatural power in his body can only support him to cast the fire python 5 times in a row.

Although he has only used it twice now, the consumption of this kind of deliberate increase in temperature will undoubtedly be greater.

Now that he has only used his powers twice, more than half of the energy in his body has been consumed.

However, before Wang Feng could catch his breath, the mutated parrot's voice came over, "The temperature is still low, keep raising the temperature!"

"Okay!" Wang Feng gritted his teeth, steeled himself, and used the fire python power again.

This time, everyone could feel Wang Feng's difficulty.

As he continued to inject flames into the fire python, large drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that he had exhausted all his strength.

But the effect was very obvious, even Pei Jin was forced back by the heat released by the fire python.

Only Chen Dalong, with his strong physical fitness, could still stand beside him.

At this time, Ye Feng stared at Wang Feng unblinkingly, sensing the energy changes on the other person's body and feeling quite surprised.

In his perception, Wang Feng's whole body was wrapped in a layer of special energy.

This energy seems to have the same source as the fire python released in the opponent's hand, so when the heat emitted by the fire python reaches Wang Feng, it will be pulled away by this source of energy.

Even if the temperature of the fire python in Wang Feng's hand has exceeded 2000 degrees, he will be fine under the protection of this same source of energy.

"2500 degrees." After another ten seconds, Wang Feng finally said in a trembling voice.

With a shake of his hand, the fire python that had just been condensed shot out.

At the same time, his legs went weak, and if Chen Dalong hadn't quickly helped him up with his eyes, he would have fallen directly to the ground.

Wang Feng, who had just been stabilized, didn't care so much. He immediately looked at the mutant parrot.

However, he saw the other party and shook his head again.

"The temperature is still low." The mutated parrot said, looking at the other party's pale face, and added, "But I feel like we should be almost successful."

Although Wang Feng was a little disappointed, he still cheered up and said immediately: "Okay! Let me take a rest. I will try to release the 3000-degree fire python later."

"Try it? Have you never released a 3000-degree fire python before?" Ye Feng asked.

"Indeed not. I have only tried to release 2000 degrees at most before, but I feel that as long as I have supernatural powers in my body, the temperature of the fire python can continue to increase." Wang Feng said.

"Then how long will it take for you to recover your powers?" Ye Feng continued to ask. This was a good opportunity for him to learn about people with powers.

"The supernatural power in my body is almost exhausted. It will probably take about two hours to fully recover." Wang Feng replied.

Hearing this answer, Ye Feng couldn't help but smacked his lips.

The other party had just released three powers. The total time was less than three minutes, but it took two hours to recover.

The consumption is too terrible, and the recovery is too slow. If the other party lives alone in the wild, he probably won't survive a day.

Of course, if you say that people with superpowers can't do it, that would be a bit of a lie.

The 2500-degree fire python that the opponent just condensed, even if it is a first-order peak mutated buffalo, is hit, it will lose its skin even if it is not dead.

Therefore, in Ye Feng's view, these superpowers are more like assassins with super high bursts.

These thoughts just flashed through his mind. He said: "Two hours is too long. I have a spiritual energy fruit here. You can take it and eat it! Consider it a reward for your contribution."

"Aura fruit?" Several people in the field couldn't help but look at the mutated parrot curiously.

The mutated parrot waved its wings as he spoke, and among the feathers of his wings, a crystal-clear fruit the size of a fist fell.

"Well, as the name suggests, the Reiki Fruit is a fruit full of Reiki. It can help you quickly recover your powers and increase your cultivation speed." The mutant parrot said and threw the Reiki Fruit over.

Seeing the spiritual energy fruit flying in mid-air, Chen Dalong's eyes were full of envy!

He secretly lamented that Wang Feng was unlucky, but the other party probably only had this chance, but as long as he worked hard, there would be many more opportunities in the future.

Wang Feng, on the other side, was slightly hesitant after coming into contact with the Spiritual Energy Fruit.

He turned his attention to Bai Yinghui again, and when he saw the other person nodded, he took a big bite without mercy.

He chewed briefly twice and swallowed.

As the pulp entered his stomach, the expression on Wang Feng's face changed instantly.

He felt a surging force appear in his lower abdomen, which instantly spread to his limbs and bones.

The supernatural powers in the body are recovering at a terrifying speed.

If it took two hours before, now it takes up to two minutes.

If that was all, he wouldn't be so surprised. What surprised him even more was that his cultivation level was actually improving at a speed like a rocket.

At this moment, his breathing became heavier involuntarily.

"Wang Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Yinghui on the side couldn't help but become nervous when he saw the expression on the other person's face constantly changing.

Although he believes in the Dragon King Palace and has no reason to harm them now, there are no absolutes in this world!

"Sir, I'm fine. I'm just too surprised by the effect of this spiritual energy fruit."

"I feel that after I digest this spiritual energy fruit, I will be able to break through a small realm today." Wang Feng came back to his senses and said with excitement.

Bai Yinghui:? ? ?

Pei Jin:? ? ?

Both of them doubted whether their ears had heard wrongly.

With the third resurgence of spiritual energy, people with supernatural powers have appeared on a large scale across the country. A lot of information that was previously kept secret is now basically made public.

So they all also learned that if a first-level superpower wants to advance to a small level, it will take half a month to a month depending on the talent.

And a spiritual energy fruit can directly compress time into one day?

At this moment, Bai Yinghui felt as if he had discovered a new world, staring at the mutant parrot with burning eyes.

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