Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 148 Use all possible means

At this moment, Ye Feng's brows furrowed tightly.

Because even he didn't understand what was going on.

In the mutant goshawk's perception, the mass of blood indeed disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, he really hoped that the real body could be here. How could seeing it with the naked eye be worth using his mental power to detect it.

This is especially true when it comes to energy levels.

"Dragon King, have you discovered anything?" At this time, Bai Yinghui's voice sounded from the side.

He had noticed before that the mutant king cobra was also disturbed by what happened here.

He knew that this matter was not trivial. Now that he still couldn't detect any results, he stopped being reserved and came to ask directly.

"Hiss!" The mutant king cobra spit out its snake temper.

Bai Yinghui immediately turned his head and looked at the mutant parrot.

"Lord Dragon King said that even he didn't understand what was going on, but it should be another kind of energy that made the blood disappear out of thin air." The mutant parrot said immediately.

"Another kind of energy? In other words, there are two weird energies at the same time in this restricted area?" Bai Yinghui had a surprised look on his face.

"That's right!" The mutant parrot nodded directly.

Ye Feng did not deceive the other party this time.

He possessed a big yellow dog and went in personally, and already had a certain understanding of the characteristics of corrosive energy. That kind of energy can only make matter rot, but cannot make things disappear.

So according to his guess, the blood that disappeared out of thin air should be caused by another kind of energy, or some kind of special ability.

The reason why he guessed like this was because he thought of the power of his faith.

When the other contracted animals have the power of faith, no matter how far away they are, he can use the contract with the other party to directly transfer the power of faith to himself.

Therefore, he couldn't help but guess that similar methods might have been used in this restricted area.

But this method is much more advanced than his.

After all, the power of faith can only be regarded as a kind of energy, while blood and water are matter.

The difference between transferring energy and transferring matter is not a small one.

Of course, no matter what, this scene now means that the restricted area in front of him may be more troublesome than he thought before.

Bai Yinghui also felt that things were getting more and more difficult, and asked directly: "Dragon King, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Hiss!" The mutated king cobra continued to spit out snake bites.

The mutated parrot translated seamlessly: "No matter whether there is another kind of energy inside, the expansion of the restricted area relies on corrosive energy."

"As long as we deal with the corrosive energy, the rest of the troubles will naturally be solved."

Bai Yinghui glanced at the mutant king cobra in surprise, which was somewhat similar to his style. When he can't solve the problem, he will solve the problem.

The same is true now. They can't solve another weird energy, but it's the same thing to solve the corrosive energy.

"Okay, let's start now!" Bai Yinghui said, waving to the soldiers behind him.

After receiving the order, the soldiers quickly removed the components from the armored vehicle and quickly assembled them together.

It didn't take long before an instrument about two meters high was assembled.

The front end of this instrument is made up of two metal conduits that are placed next to each other, looking a bit like the tip of a gun. The back is an integrated metal structure, and the tail of the instrument is connected to a high-power generator.

Bai Yinghui introduced: "We call this weapon a thunder gun. When we first manufactured it, we planned to make it an air-to-ground weapon."

"Whether it is a main battle tank or a fighter jet, they are all targets of lightning guns. As long as they are hit by lightning, even if they cannot be directly destroyed, the internal components will be burned and they will lose their ability to move."

"So powerful?" the mutated parrot said in surprise.

"Ahem!" Bai Yinghui coughed lightly and explained: "Those I mentioned are assumptions. After this lightning gun was produced, the final test results were a bit unsatisfactory. It can also be said that it was a failure."

"Of course, the basic requirements for releasing lightning must have been met, so I took it over."

After hearing this, Ye Feng felt a little relieved. If there really was such a mature technology, it would have been used long ago during the mutated biological crisis.

"So what specific effects can this thunder gun achieve now?" the mutant parrot asked.

"The lightning released can only attack targets about 20 meters away, and the accuracy is a little bit worse." Bai Yinghui said slightly embarrassed.

Ye Feng was speechless after hearing this. With an attack distance of 20 meters, what can this do?

Although this thing is equipped with wheels, it is not convenient to move. If it were to be placed on the battlefield, it would probably be a target.

During the conversation between the two, the equipment was quickly debugged and the high-power motor at the back started working.

"Report, the system check is completed and lightning attacks can be launched at any time." The technician in charge of the installation reported loudly.

"Very good, keep shooting in the restricted area in front of the target." Bai Yinghui immediately ordered.

As the order was given, the generator immediately turned on the lightning gun, and a subtle arc began to dance at the tip of the gun.

This process lasted about ten seconds.

Finally, after charging up, a bolt of lightning as thick as a thumb jumped out from the tip of the gun and headed straight to the ground ahead.


In an instant, the soil on the ground turned black, and the surrounding weeds also turned into charcoal.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. In his perception, the intensity of the corrosive energy in that place was obviously weakened.

"It's working, keep going!" He shouted excitedly towards the operator.

But the other party's answer made him feel a little incoherent.

"Parrot Messenger, the thunder gun is already operating at full power." The operator quickly replied.

Ye Feng looked at the thunder gun and charged it for another 10 seconds before firing the second bolt of lightning.

Ye Feng:? ? ?

He turned to look at Bai Yinghui silently, "Are you kidding me? Are you really going to use this thing to solve the restricted area?"

"Ahem! Of course not." Bai Yinghui explained: "I didn't have time to mention it just now, but the third disadvantage of this thunder gun is its slow firing speed."

"Of course, I just brought this thing here to see if it has any effect. If so, these problems can be solved and improved."

"For example, the charging time of the lightning gun is 10 seconds because the power provided by this high-power generator is still limited."

"If we equip a few more generators and run them at full capacity, this kind of lightning gun can release a lightning attack every 3 seconds."

When Bai Yinghui said this, he saw the mutated parrot in front of him still looking at him expressionlessly, and he immediately revealed his final trump card.

"Don't worry, if the quality is not good, we can still make up for it with quantity. As long as the feasibility is determined, I will report the things here to the capital and even mobilize the power of the whole country to make this kind of thunder gun. You can tell me how many That’s it.”

After hearing these last words, Ye Feng finally showed a smile on his face. Of course, for the mutated parrot, his expression was just a little softer at best.

But such a change in expression made Bai Yinghui understand that the mutant parrot should be quite satisfied.

So he quickly asked: "Then let's take a look. With the power of this thunder gun, how many more will we need to make to solve the trouble in the restricted area?"

Ye Feng nodded, then stared at the thunder gun and fired lightning again.

This time he looked at the location of the lightning attack and finally understood what Bai Yinghui had said before, that the lightning gun's shooting accuracy was a little off. What was the specific situation?

The effective shooting range of the longest 20 meters is actually 5 meters away. The shooting accuracy is simply "a hundred million points" worse!

Of course, even with such shooting accuracy, there is actually no big problem.

After all, the restricted area is so large, as long as the lightning doesn't turn around and shoot behind, it can hit.

The most important thing now is to look at the frequency and power of the lightning.

Ye Feng abandoned his distracting thoughts and calculated silently in his heart.

This process lasted for more than a minute. After the thunder gun fired lightning 10 times, Ye Feng slowly let out a sigh of relief.

He looked at Bai Yinghui and said directly: "If we can fire one lightning bolt every three seconds as you said, then we only need 400 lightning guns."

"What?" Bai Yinghui was a little doubtful whether he heard it wrong.

According to his estimate, he only needs to get dozens or hundreds of lightning guns at most, which should be enough.

After all, hundreds of lightning guns mean that 100 lightning bolts can be fired in 3 seconds. What a terrifying power that is!

"I said that at least 400 thunder guns are needed. This is what I have already said. You have to know that this restricted area is expanding every moment."

"According to my estimate, at least 300 lightning guns are needed to suppress the expansion of the restricted area."

"So even if we have 400 lightning guns, it will take at least 5 to 6 days to eliminate all the corrosive power in the entire restricted area." The mutant parrot said seriously.

Hearing this, Bai Yinghui's expression changed suddenly, "Wait a moment!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the technician in charge of assembly, and then both sides whispered for a while.

Soon, Bai Yinghui came back with a relaxed expression, "I just went to inquire about the technical details of this kind of thunder gun. It can be fired once every 3 seconds, which is actually the highest speed within the safe value."

"But if the theoretical limit is followed, the charging time of this lightning gun can be shortened to one second. Of course, this will greatly reduce the service life."

"But no matter how we reduce it, it will still be no problem if we use it for five or six days. At that time, I will apply to the superiors to urgently produce 150 thunder guns, which is equivalent to the previous 450 units. It should be completely sufficient."

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng also had a smile on his face, "That's good, I must hurry up when making the lightning gun. I'm afraid it will happen too late..."

Ye Feng suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

His eyes were fixed on the restricted area ahead.

When Bai Yinghui saw this scene, his heart trembled for no reason, and he quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

"The corrosive energy in that area is gone." The mutant parrot paused and added: "It retreated on its own initiative to avoid harm."


Bai Yinghui didn't know what to say for a moment.

The plan has just been drawn up and has not really been implemented yet, so it is declared bankrupt?

Moreover, what makes Bai Yinghui feel shuddering is that the corrosive energy in that area actively receded. Doesn't that mean...

"Is this restricted area conscious?" Bai Yinghui asked hesitantly.

"It's not a restricted area, it's an existence that controls corrosive energy." Ye Feng corrected.

"You mean, the evil god in the restricted area has revived?" Bai Yinghui asked with a more solemn expression.

Ye Feng: "..."

He told so many lies that he almost believed them himself.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Ye Feng's silence was mistaken by Bai Yinghui as acquiescence.

"So what if it's an evil god? Man can conquer heaven. If He really exists, then I will raise His ashes."

After Bai Yinghui said something viciously, he turned around and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Brothers, get ready with mortars to blow up this Xiaofeng Mountain."


Suddenly, a uniform response came.

Soon they moved down large-caliber howitzer launchers from the armored vehicles.

In addition, various types of warheads such as high-explosive bombs, explosive bombs, and incendiary bombs were also moved down box by box.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng looked a little sideways. I have to say that this posture was really a bit bluffing.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to persuade the other party not to waste cannonballs.

After all, he had tried fire attacks before, but they could only make these corrosive energies retreat, but could not eliminate them.

The effects of these shells should be similar.

However, Ye Feng did not speak in the end. He felt that the other party needed to vent.


As Bai Yinghui issued the order, hundreds of howitzers were fired together.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Boom boom boom boom!

A series of deafening roars sounded.

Tall trees were blown apart, huge craters appeared on the ground, soil was sent up into the sky by the shock wave, and then fire swept through the entire forest.

This is the power of human weapons. Just one round of bombing changed this dense forest beyond recognition, and there was not even a single living plant left in it.

Such an attack method is beyond the reach of even Ye Feng.

Originally, Ye Feng came to watch this bombing with the mentality of watching large fireworks.

But as the round of bombing ended, the expression on his face became slightly dull.

Because he could clearly feel that a lot of the corrosive energy in that area was directly eliminated.

The effect was actually better than using lightning attacks.

"Why...why?" Ye Feng couldn't figure it out at all.

At this time, the second round of shelling fell, and the roar started again.

Ye Feng quickly switched the possessed state to the mutated goshawk, and used the opponent's super eyesight to observe the changes in the field.

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