Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 132 The old locust tree is missing

After breaking through to the fourth level and possessing mental power, Ye Feng discovered that besides attacking, assisting, and exploring, mental power had other wonderful uses.

It's like controlling these tree roots and harvesting spiritual energy.

When Ye Feng harvested spiritual energy before, he could only control up to 30 tree roots to perform such subtle operations.

But now that he has spiritual power, he can operate 404 tree roots at the same time to harvest spiritual energy.

That speed is many times faster than before.

In less than a minute, Ye Feng had already carried out a wave of spiritual energy harvesting on all the plants in the entire territory.

Originally, the spiritual energy reserve on the system panel was empty, but now it has soared to 1536 points in an instant.

Yes, this is the total amount of spiritual energy that Ye Feng can harvest in one hour. You must know that at this time yesterday, he could only harvest 1,000 points of spiritual energy in one hour.

The reason for such a substantial improvement is that the vast majority of mutant plants have broken through to the second level, and the concentration of spiritual energy has also increased by 20% compared to the beginning.

The combination of these things directly caused Ye Feng to gain a sharp increase in spiritual energy every hour.

Otherwise, he really doesn't have that much aura to cultivate the subordinates of those contracted animals.

"Very good, then let's start adding more!"

Soon, all the tree roots began to grow continuously, and a new round of improvement began.

Although Ye Feng now needs a full 20,000 points of spiritual energy to break through a small realm, but based on his current collection speed of spiritual energy, it will only take up to 13 hours.

Even as his tree roots continue to extend and the scope of his territory increases, this time can be shorter.

For the next whole night, Ye Feng kept adding points to himself. Except for a few mutant creatures with powerful combat capabilities such as the mutant king cobra, Ye Feng did not infuse the rest of the contracted animals with spiritual energy.

In this situation of "saving" spiritual energy, Ye Feng only spent about 11 hours, and by 5 a.m. the next day, he had completed adding points.

Ye Feng glanced at the system panel and saw that the length of his tree roots had increased from the original 1,290 meters to 1,690 meters.

As the length of the tree roots increased, the spiritual energy he harvested every hour naturally increased, reaching 2,200 points.

"Very good, now we can break through. I hope that after the breakthrough, the amount of spiritual energy that can be harvested every hour can reach a level that I am satisfied with." Ye Feng said with some expectation.

As the strength of the contracted animals continues to increase, it becomes more and more terrifying to really support them with all their spiritual energy.

Even if Chen Dalong is not counted, the other mutated creatures combined will consume 687 points of spiritual energy in one hour.

And this only counts the 27 mutant animals he contracted. According to his plan, powerful predators such as lions, tigers, leopards and bears brought out of the zoo also need to be cultivated.

Even if the number is reduced, the number of mutant animals that need to be cultivated is at least more than 100. If they really have to cultivate it with all their strength, just thinking about the consumption will make Ye Feng's scalp numb.

He quickly shook his head, threw away these thoughts, and then chose to break through.

"Ding! Please choose the direction of strengthening."

Ye Feng continued to choose power without hesitation.

Soon he entered a state of breakthrough, and his tree began to grow taller, and branches continued to sprout.

With his current size and rapid growth, the movement is astonishing.

However, at this time, thick fog began to appear in the Sunset Valley, which instantly obscured all the movements. Only the constant vibrations on the ground could make people understand what terrible changes were taking place in the valley. .

Time passed quietly, and soon an hour passed.

In the valley, the thick fog dispersed, and Ye Feng couldn't wait to open the system panel to check.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 385 meters

Trunk width: 19 meters

Root length: 1890 meters

Realm: Mid-4th level

Evolution points: 0/400 points

Special abilities: Devour, Capture, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power

Aura value: 30/3800 points

Bioenergy: 2500/3800 points

Power of Faith: 21320 points

"It's only been a little over a week since I was reborn! The height is already close to 400 meters. I really want to know what height I can reach in another month."

After Ye Feng murmured something, he directly ignored the width of the tree roots and looked at the length of the tree roots.

"It's almost 2,000 meters! I'm afraid if I break through a few more times, I can turn the entire Sunset Valley into my territory." Ye Feng sighed with emotion.

Sunset Valley is not big, only about 5 kilometers in diameter.

Of course, since it does not grow in the center, but in the outer area closer to the road, based on its growing position, if it wants to include the entire Sunset Valley, the root length of the tree must be at least 3,000 meters.

In addition to his own changes, what surprised Ye Feng even more was that as his strength further improved, his ability to "control the world" also increased.

The range that can only be affected is 10 kilometers away, which has been increased to 15 kilometers.

In the past, he could only touch the edge of the city with his control of the world, but now if he wanted, he could even cover the entire western suburbs of Yangcheng City.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a surprise after the breakthrough. If my power to control the world can spread 20 kilometers, it can directly cover my home and I can personally protect my family." Ye Feng couldn't help but look forward to it.

After feeling the changes in himself, Ye Feng took out his phone with satisfaction and checked the news.

The current situation in Yangcheng City is similar to what he expected. Last night, the mutated creatures in the city had been wiped out.

All that remains to be done is to clean up the corpses of mutated creatures and restore order.

These things are being carried out in an orderly manner. Now that one night has passed, at least more than 70% of the people have returned to their homes, and the remaining ones can also go home today.

As for major factories, they have also started operations, and order can be said to have been initially restored.

"Chen Dalong's security company is going to perform an escort mission for the first time today. Just in case, I will ask the mutant wolf king to take the wolves to escort him later." Ye Feng said as he Orders are given through contracts.

Here in the Dongling Mountains, the Mutated Wolf King is definitely one of the strongest beings, and with him, you are basically safe.

After reading a circle of news, Ye Feng learned about the situation in Yangcheng City and then clicked on the danger list.

After seeing the content inside, he couldn't help but laugh.

Because it is number one on the danger list, it directly becomes the mutant king cobra, and the second is the mutant wolf king.

As for the mutant crocodile king, he was pushed to the third position.

In addition, basically all the mutant animals that have shown their strength in the zoo are on the list.

For example, the mutated buffalo ranked tenth.

There are also mutant bats, mutant black crows, and even mutant sparrows, all of which are famous on the list.

"Tsk tsk! Why do I feel that this danger list is an affirmation of my hard work during this period. When these mutant animals I have cultivated can take all the top 10 on the danger list, it will feel like a complete success." Ye Feng I couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, his eyes kept moving downwards, and he soon found himself in the 50th position.

"The ranking is improving very quickly! I don't know how many ranks I can be promoted to after I break through to level 5."

Ye Feng suddenly paused as he spoke. Did he feel that he had missed something?

Where did the old locust tree go?

He rummaged up quickly, but was shocked to find that it wasn't that he had missed it carelessly, but that he really couldn't see the old locust tree on Xiaofeng Mountain.

He read the danger list carefully twice and found that there was still no old locust tree.

"What's going on? It shouldn't be!" Ye Feng's head was full of questions.

Under normal circumstances, disappearing from the danger list means either being kicked out of the list or death.

Based on Laohuaishu's previous ranking, it is naturally impossible to be directly squeezed out of the list.

But how could the old locust tree die? Other mutated creatures may die due to fighting, but the mutated old locust tree has no natural enemies!

Which mutated animal would attack a tree without any trouble?

What's more, if ordinary mutated animals pass by, it's really hard to say who will be killed.

Ye Feng quickly scrolled through the web pages while guessing various possibilities in his mind, wanting to know the situation in more detail.

Soon he actually found information about the mutated old locust tree in a post at the bottom of the danger list.

It was a satellite photo taken at Xiaofeng Mountain. Halfway up the mountain, the place where the old locust trees used to grow was empty.

This strange sight immediately aroused discussion among many netizens.

Shangshan Ruoshui: "What's going on? Why did such a big old locust tree suddenly disappear?"

Sickness: "Isn't this old locust tree really turned into a spirit and walked away on its own?"

Gao Yifeng: "Just kidding, how can such a big tree move away? And if it really moves away, then it should leave a huge crater!"

Sickness: "Can't it be that the other party cultivated into a spirit and then transformed into a human being and left?"

Ye Feng flipped through the comments, mainly looking at the speculations. They all seemed reasonable, but after thinking about them carefully, they couldn't stand any scrutiny.

"No, I'm going to investigate."

Ye Feng immediately possessed the mutated sparrow and flew towards Xiaofeng Mountain.

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