Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 131 The promotion of subordinates

Ye Feng opened the accessory panel, and all the information on the contracted creatures appeared.

Although only one day has passed, the data and information on the system panel have changed drastically.

The first is the 9 mutant creatures he made the final contract with.

Mutated African elephants, mutated hippos, mutated white rhinos, mutated Siberian tigers, mutated Asian lions, mutated brown bears, mutated giant pandas, mutated jaguars, and mutated honey badgers have all broken through to the second level.

Such a breakthrough speed may sound a bit exaggerated, but it is actually quite normal.

Chen Dalong can break through from the early stage of the first level to the peak of the first level in one day.

Not to mention these mutated creatures cultivated by Ye Feng himself.

And with the revival of spiritual energy, their cultivation speed also accelerated under the same conditions.

It is also worth mentioning that these 9 mutated creatures all broke through to the second level on their own.

At first, Ye Feng was very excited when he discovered that the mutated African elephant could break through on its own, thinking that he would be lucky enough to gain a talented subordinate.

But he soon discovered that this was not the case, because it didn't take long for the mutated hippopotamus and mutated white rhino to break through on their own.

Only then did he wake up. With the second spiritual energy recovery, the difficulty of breaking through to the second level had dropped sharply.

After Ye Feng's observation of the mutated insects in the Sunset Valley, it can be judged that those first-order creatures now have a 70% probability of directly breaking through to the second-order.

Moreover, those who have not made breakthroughs now do not mean that they will not be able to make breakthroughs in the future.

As they continue to absorb spiritual energy, it feels like they will be able to break through sooner or later.

This is not Ye Feng's guess, but a conclusion he drew based on his contracted animal subordinates.

Once they reach the bottleneck, if enough spiritual energy is injected into them, there is a probability of more than 70% that they will be able to break through directly.

Even if they cannot break through after injecting spiritual energy once, they will be able to break through sooner or later by injecting the second and third spiritual energy after they are digested.

Ye Feng had helped a mutated black crow with the least talent, and after five times of injecting spiritual energy, he had successfully broken through.

"Okay, you go back, subdue the same kind, and bring them here to see me." Ye Feng immediately ordered to the 9 mutated creatures.

After breaking through to the second level, they can naturally conquer their own kind who are weaker than themselves and make them their subordinates.

After receiving the order, these nine mutant animals quickly left the Sunset Valley and headed towards the Dongling Mountains.

Ye Feng's gaze continued to look at the accessory panel.

In addition to the mutated creatures that were conquered last night, the strength of the other mutated creatures has also made considerable progress.

The most obvious improvements here are of course the mutated big yellow dog and the mutated goshawk.

They both broke through to the third level, causing the high-end combat power controlled by Ye Feng to soar instantly. After all, they all broke through on their own, and their combat power was much stronger than those who relied on the evolution fruit to break through.

Of course, the Mutated King Cobra and Mutated Wolf King, which had already reached the third level, have also been promoted from the early stage to the middle stage. Their strength has increased a lot, and they have steadily maintained the strength of the first echelon.

After all, the higher the level, the harder it is to improve, but after promotion, the strength will increase even more.

In addition, there are mutated parrots, mutated hedgehogs and 4 mutated buffaloes, all of which have reached the second level of peak strength.

And they didn't break through to the third level, not because they didn't reach the bottleneck, but simply because Ye Feng didn't have the spiritual energy to make evolution fruits for them, so he had to wait a while.

Finally, there are the mutated queen ants and the mutated queen bee. When Ye Feng captured them, they were already at the early stage of the second level.

At this time, under Ye Feng's training, he reached the late stage of the second level in just one day.

And they are also the only mutated creatures that can indirectly affect their own group after the breakthrough.

Because Ye Feng discovered that every time they advance to a small level, the eggs they produce will become larger in size. Although they have not hatched yet, it can be judged from the breath that they are much stronger than the previous ones.

"I really look forward to seeing how strong the next generation will be after I train the queen ants and queen bees to the fourth level. Can they directly break the original restrictions and grow to the fourth level?" Ye Feng couldn't bear it. Zhu muttered.

Of course, he also understood that this would definitely take a long time.

Moreover, the main purpose of cultivating subordinates of contracted creatures is for the power of faith.

Thinking of this, he looked at the power of faith on the system panel.

Now all of his contracted animals combined can provide him with about 60 points of faith power in one hour.

This is not much, and of course it is not a big deal. The most important thing is the power of faith provided by the subordinates of these contracted creatures.

200 mutated mice, 200 mutated black crows, 200 mutated bats, and 400 mutated sparrows. After Ye Feng upgraded these mutated creatures to the second level, together they could provide about 200 points of faith power every hour.

Of course, the ones that provide the most power of faith are undoubtedly the mutant red fire ant swarm and the mutant bumblebee swarm.

At this time, the combined number of the two groups has increased to 28,000, and they have basically been promoted to the second level by Ye Feng.

Although, after reaching the second level, the faith provided by an ant or bee is still very little, only 0.02 points, but if 28,000 are added up, then it is 560 points per hour.

So now, the total amount of spiritual energy that Ye Feng can obtain per hour has reached 820 points.

Although it has been less than a day, the power of faith on his panel is now as high as 13,120 points.

Looking at the data on the system panel, Ye Feng suddenly felt at ease.

After all, 13120 points of faith power means that he can cast at least 131 lightning bolts.

After accumulating the power of faith for a few more days, he would be able to deal with it calmly even if the Yangcheng City military directly covered him with firepower.

"But the more power of faith, the better. If I want to use the faith skill of controlling the world to fight, I will probably consume a huge amount of power of faith every moment."

Take the lightning attack as an example. Using 100 points of faith power, it is only the weakest lightning. If it is exhausted, it can only kill second-level mutant creatures.

If you want to kill a third-level mutated creature, you need at least 1,000 points of lightning condensed by the power of faith to do so.

At level 4, according to Ye Feng's estimation, at least 10,000 points of faith power are needed.

Therefore, the power of faith, even if it comes to a few million points, is not too much.

"But it's not easy to collect millions of points of faith power solely by relying on the mutant animals and their subordinates that I contracted with me." Ye Feng muttered while turning his attention to the mutant king cobra.

The mutant king cobra's body surface is surrounded by a point of power of faith, but the king cobra is completely unaware of the existence of the power of faith.

With a thought in Ye Feng's mind, he immediately transferred this little power of faith to himself through the contract between the two.

This is a strange phenomenon he discovered last night. Almost every hour, the mutated king cobra will condense a point of faith power around its body surface.

At the beginning, Ye Feng was a little confused and had no idea what was going on.

But after a series of analyzes and investigations, Ye Feng came to the conclusion that this was the power of faith provided by Chen Dalong.

After all, according to Chen Dalong's understanding, he is a subordinate of the Dragon King, so the power of faith will naturally point to the mutant king cobra.

But the mutant king cobra does not absorb the power of faith, so it surrounds its body.

And this phenomenon immediately inspired Ye Feng.

Can he collect his own beliefs among humans?

Theoretically speaking, Chen Dalong's subordinates, or his humans, should also be able to provide him with the power of faith.

Of course, human thinking is very complex, and it is up to Ye Feng to explore on his own what standards must be met to provide faith.

"But no matter what, I should try it. If it can really be done, the entire Yangcheng City has a population of more than 5 million. This is the best place for me to collect the power of faith."

"I hope tomorrow's negotiations can successfully reach cooperation, otherwise everything will be empty talk." After Ye Feng muttered, he prepared for a new round of collecting spiritual energy.

With the power of faith as his backing, he is no longer afraid of being exposed. He can safely add more points and break through.

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