Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 129 The crisis is over

If Chen Dalong had just reached the top position in the ranking of superpowers, it would not have caused such a big sensation.

But he single-handedly defeated an entire wave of mutated rats, and the number of mutated rats he killed exceeded 600.

You know, like Pei Jin and Wang Feng, who are ranked first and second in the rankings, they can only kill about 150 mutant mice in one hour.

In other words, the total number of mutant rats killed by Chen Dalong was worth the results of these two people's 4 hours of hard work.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strengths of both sides are not on the same dimension at all.

At this moment, fans of Pei Jin and Wang Feng on the Internet were speechless.

As for Chen Dalong's number of fans, it has naturally begun to increase dramatically.

Jianhen: "Haha, I said before that Chen Dalong is the strongest. You still don't believe it. He couldn't reach the first place before because there were too few mutant rats that he could kill."

Fox King: "I am a fan of Wang Feng. I have always felt that fire is violence, but after watching this battle, I am really convinced. Facing endless mutated creatures, this kind of superpower with long battery life, It’s the best!”

Zhuge Tiandeng: "Speaking of which, no one has discovered that Chen Dalong's physique-enhancing power is actually the same as those mutated creatures? They are all extremely enhanced physiques, but their bodies have not become larger."

There are a lot of discussions on the Internet, but Chen Dalong himself has returned to the line of defense.

At this time, all the soldiers looked at him with a hint of admiration.

As witnesses at the scene, they were even more shocked than those watching on the video. At this time, Chen Dalong walked back, and everyone paid attention and saluted.

"Brother Chen is awesome, little brother, I am really convinced this time." Feng Jun walked over first and said with emotion on his face.

Just now, Chen Dalong told the three of them that he wanted to kill the mutated mice alone, but they were still strongly opposed.

If Chen Dalong hadn't repeatedly stated that after he broke through, he would be 100% sure that he could withdraw safely, they would never have let the other party do such a risky thing.

They even secretly discussed how to rescue Chen Dalong when he was defeated and retreated.

But the opponent's next performance really refreshed their three views. He killed a group of 1,500 rats alone and collapsed. This was something they had never thought of before.

"These mutated rats have just been restrained by me. If I were to deal with some large mutated creatures, such as mutated wild boars, it would probably be difficult." Chen Dalong said modestly, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"Brother Chen, you are too humble. When the time comes, equipped with a good set of equipment, I believe you can win, not to mention wild boars, mutated tigers and mutated lions." Feng Jun said.

The smile on Chen Dalong's face became even brighter. He did not deny this. After all, humans are different from beasts. After using weapons, their combat effectiveness is doubled. It is really not a joke.

For example, if he holds two ring-headed knives, his attack power has at least doubled. If he is equipped with a set of heavy armor made of alloy, he will have the confidence to compete no matter what kind of mutant creature he faces.

Of course, the premise is that you are at the same level as him.

In addition to Feng Jun, Shen Chen and Li Yongming also came to congratulate him.

Since the next wave of rats could arrive at any time, they just said a few words and went to arrange the follow-up matters.

At the same time, the medical captain Liu Xiaowei came over personally to help Chen Dalong treat his wounds.

Originally, he thought it would be a big project. After all, he couldn't remember how many bitten soldiers he had dealt with in the past few hours. Many of them had their flesh almost torn off, so he didn't know how many stitches were needed.

But when he pulled off Chen Dalong's protective clothing and saw the fast-healing wound inside, he was almost stunned.

"Captain Chen, look at this wound..." Liu Xiaowei didn't know what to say.

"Haha, I am a person with super powers. Isn't it normal for me to recover quickly? Just help me disinfect and apply some healing medicine." Chen Dalong laughed.

The second wave of rats came not long after. This time Chen Dalong did not take action anymore, but just sat aside and rested.

Although they had only fought for three minutes just now, the physical exertion of such an all-out explosion was absolutely huge. At least Chen Dalong's physical exertion was already over half.

However, with the help of the Reiki Fruit, his physical strength was recovering at a terrifying speed.

So when the third wave of rat tide arrived, he appeared again.

This time the scale of the rat tide reached 2,000, but Chen Dalong was still not afraid, because at the same time, the number of mutated rats besieging him was limited.

Moreover, his sword skills are more proficient. Not only can he kill mutant rats faster, but he also suffers fewer injuries.

Jingtingshan: "I'm going to reply so quickly? With such an outburst, I thought I would have to rest for at least half an hour."

Xinyun: "You can fight again after resting for 5 minutes. Okay, I declare that other superpowers can go to sleep. This is incomparable."

"If Chen Dalong can kill 600 mutant mice this time, then he can get rid of Pei Jin, who is in second place, with a total of 1,000 mutant mice. By the end of this mutation crisis, Pei Jin doesn't even know if he can kill them. So many mutant rats.”

Everyone on the Internet is talking about it and looking forward to whether Chen Dalong can continue his miracle.

Soon they got the result. At this time, Chen Dalong's sword skills were even faster. In the same time, the number of mutant rats killed exceeded 700, and then the rats began to collapse and fled in all directions.

If there are still people on the Internet who think that Chen Dalong's extreme burst can only be used once, the outcome is still uncertain.

Now Chen Dalong has told everyone with the facts that this is just his regular method.

Therefore, this shocking feeling is even more intense.

This can be seen from the attitude of the military. The military did not make any statement last time.

But this time, after Chen Dalong killed 700 mutant rats, he saw Captain Zhang Ji coming over.

"Captain Zhang, why are you here when you have time?" Chen Dalong said with a smile while sitting on the rocking chair specially designed for him to rest while eating dry food.

"Okay, don't ask questions knowingly." Zhang Ji said angrily, "I'm here to tell you some good news."

"After discussions with senior military officials, it was decided to open up a higher level of honorary military rank, and the highest level can even be promoted to honorary colonel."

His expression was also a bit sad. You should know that his position is only a colonel!

Zhang Ji paused and then continued: "The military rank at the school level has greater power, and it is not just a false position. If you are promoted to major, you can recruit 100 soldiers to your command openly."

"By the way, I forgot to mention that the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us. I'm afraid it won't be long before the higher-ups will issue an order to recall all veterans. Do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Dalong was surprised when he heard this, but also felt that it was natural. In this situation, it is almost inevitable for the military to recall veterans.

As for his Kuanglong Security Company, if Liu Wenhua and this group of veterans leave, it is not an exaggeration to say that their combat effectiveness will be cut at the waist.


"How many military merits are needed to be promoted from captain to major?" Chen Dalong asked immediately.

"10,000 points." Zhang Ji replied.

"No! So many?" Chen Dalong couldn't help but said. You must know that promotion from lieutenant to captain only requires 1,000 points of military merit.

"Isn't it normal to have more? It would be really weird if you could be promoted at will!" Zhang Ji said with a shrug.

After he finished speaking, he paused and continued: "But due to your outstanding performance, our military leaders have discussed and decided to give you a chance for direct promotion."

Chen Dalong was a little surprised when he heard it, but he quickly understood what the other party meant and asked directly: "What are the conditions?"

"It's very simple, show your strength as much as possible, and then cooperate with our publicity work." Zhang Ji said.

"Promise absolute cooperation." Chen Dalong immediately expressed his stance.

It was obvious that the military wanted to use him to set an example and boost morale. In this process, Chen Dalong would not only be promoted in military rank, but also gain great fame. Naturally, he had no reason to refuse.

However, he originally planned to take action once every hour in the future, but now I am afraid he is too busy.

Soon, Zhang Ji left, and Chen Dalong also devoted himself to killing the mutated mice.

The night passed in the blink of an eye.

When the sky turned pale, Chen Dalong once again completed a round of killings. He lay weakly on the rocking chair, not wanting to move at all.

After a night of killing, he really felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Although the body is said to have aura, which can continuously replenish physical energy, and the body is still in good condition, the heart is really tired.

And this night, the number of mutant rats he killed alone reached more than 13,000, which is definitely a harmful number.

Even if he only comes up with a fraction, he will still be far ahead of the second or third place.

As for the title of the strongest superpower, with the support of the military and such a solid record in front of us, it has long been unshakable.

Even Chen Dalong's reputation has gone out of the circle.

Not only here in Yangcheng City, it is quite famous all over the country.

The reason why he is famous is because there are some more terrifying characters than him.

The number one among these terrifying characters is a man named Bai Junheng.

It is said that he mastered a kind of space-based superpower. Chen Dalong had seen the video of the other party's attack. The other party just waved his hand, and the mutant rats on the entire street were smashed into mince by an invisible force.

Ranked second is a woman named Wu Yuqin. In the video, she is holding a guzheng. As soon as she plays it, half of the mutant mice are controlled by her and attack her own kind.

As for the third ranked young man named Fang Ziyuan, his superpower is thunder. As soon as he points his finger, countless thunderbolts burst out from his fingertips, killing hundreds of mutated rats in an instant.

These people may not have killed as many mutated rats as Chen Dalong, but the power they unleashed in an instant was really terrifying.

Even Chen Dalong was shocked and a little bit shocked when he first saw these videos.

However, someone soon broke the news that these powerful people in the video had become superpowers long ago.

Their cultivation levels are at least second level, and most likely even third level.

When he saw this news, Chen Dalong was secretly relieved, but at the same time he was even more eager to become stronger.

"If the time passes in more than an hour, I'm afraid I'll be able to break through again!" Chen Dalong glanced at his watch and couldn't help but muttered.

But this time he didn't dare to break through blatantly, because it was only a few hours since his last breakthrough. If he broke through again, he would probably be invited to cooperate in research.

Just as Chen Dalong was thinking about when he would find a chance to break through, he suddenly heard cheers from the defense line.

He looked around with some confusion, and soon discovered that the mutated mosquitoes and flies in the sky began to retreat on their own initiative.

The mutated cockroaches on the ground also began to retreat.

At the same time, I looked at the time and found that nearly 5 minutes had passed since the last wave of mutant rats attacked. Logically speaking, the next wave of mutant rats had already begun to gather, but now there was no movement at all.

These phenomena all indicate that these mutated creatures have begun to recede, and this time the great crisis is coming to an end.

Of course, all this is just inference. Whether the crisis has been resolved or not requires the military to send out a reconnaissance team to confirm.

The waiting time was not long. After 10 minutes, all the soldiers stationed on the defense line received orders to rest in place for an hour and then start a counterattack.

The official website of Yangcheng City immediately announced the news that the crisis had been resolved.

Soon, cheers could be heard all over the city, and many people even cried with joy.

At this time, another piece of news became a hot search topic in Yangcheng City.

# Mutant rats are evacuating #

Chen Dalong clicked on the video and took a look with some curiosity, and found that two to three thousand mutated rats were installed from the manhole cover, and then gathered together.

This is a bit like what they looked like before attacking, but after these mutant rats gathered, they did not come to the safe area, but instead rushed outside the city.

To be precise, it is heading towards the Dongling Mountains.

And this happened not just in one place, but in groups of rats doing this one after another, as if they were evacuating in an orderly manner.

Chen Dalong was amazed by this scene. Suddenly he thought of something and couldn't help but send a message to Mr. Parrot.

Soon, he received a reply on his phone. Looking at the content on it, he was in a daze.

"It was actually Lord Rat King who did it." Chen Dalong murmured in a low voice, with a look of shock that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Yes, this is the order given by Ye Feng.

After all, these mutated rats left in the city will be killed sooner or later. Rather than doing this, it is better to let them all enter the Dongling Mountains.

Although many animals have mutated now, the total number of mutated animals is still not that many.

At least 98% of mutant creatures today are mutant insects.

If these mutant mice are brought into the Dongling Mountains, this situation will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Mutated mice will definitely hunt mutant insects if they want food. This will curb the reproduction and development of mutant insects to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that many of the animals he raises are meat eaters, and it is impossible to support them all with his energy fruit alone.

These mutant mice can become a good source of food.

Moreover, the mutated mice reproduce quickly, so there is no need to worry too much about being eaten up.

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