Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 128 The strongest superpower

After checking his physical condition, Chen Dalong walked out of the room without stopping.

"Boss!" Li Huosheng, Zhao Rong, Qin Fang, and Zhang Chenggang who were standing at the door quickly shouted respectfully when they saw Chen Dalong coming out.

The four of them are the people Chen Dalong trusts the most, so for this breakthrough, just in case, he called all four of them back to protect him.

At this time, the four of them looked at Chen Dalong with burning eyes, as if waiting for an answer.

"Haha! I have made a breakthrough, let's go! It's time to reach the top." Chen Dalong laughed and said to several people.

"Boss is mighty!"

"When the boss wins first place, I guess the military will give us three points of honor in the future."

"Yes! I heard before that other security companies want to recruit superpowers and plan to compete with us. Now that the boss has broken through, they can go play in the mud!"

Li Huosheng and others said excitedly.

As Chen Dalong's sworn brothers and core veterans of the company, they naturally hope that Chen Dalong will be as powerful as possible.

"Okay, it's not too late to cheer after I reach the top. Now you all go back to your respective posts!"

"Especially for you, Li Huosheng. Although the military has arranged for a military team to be stationed at Ye's house, you cannot take it lightly." Chen Dalong said.

"Yes!" The four people responded quickly.

After Chen Dalong finished speaking, he left without bothering the four people.

He did not go directly to the defensive line, but came to a temporary supply point behind the defensive line.

Soon he got the two ring-head knives that Feng Jun had ordered before.

These two knives have been customized a long time ago, but he has not used them in the previous battles.

Chen Dalong stroked the blade and then waved it. It was indeed much smoother than a military dagger.

By then, the efficiency of killing mutated rats may be increased by about 30% from the original level.

"I hope this move that was deliberately hidden before will bring a more shocking effect." Chen Dalong muttered.

If you want to shut up the trolls on the Internet, you must come up with something that they cannot refute.

Now that half an hour has passed, the heat on Chen Dalong's side has dropped slightly. The person who is in the limelight at this time is not Pei Jin, but Wang Feng, who is ranked second.

At this time, Wang Feng's defense line was being attacked by mutant rats.

Wang Feng raised his hand, and flames emerged from his body. The flames quickly condensed into a lifelike fire python more than three meters long in his hand.

As soon as the fire python appeared, it quickly flew into the battlefield. Wherever the mutated rats were touched by the fire python, they burned instantly.

Not only is the surface of the body burning, this kind of flame seems to be able to penetrate into the skin. In an instant, the skin will turn red or even burst into flames.

Those mutated mice would basically not survive for more than a second if their heads were touched by a fire python.

However, every time the fire python touches a mouse, its size will instantly shrink.

After touching a total of 18 mutated mice, the fire python completely disappeared.

Shumei: "That's amazing! Pei Jin's highest record is just killing 15 mutant mice. If he keeps this up, Wang Feng will be able to surpass Pei Jin sooner or later."

However, his words immediately received a rebuttal from Pei Jin's fans.

The answer was not what the question was asked: "You can't say that. Before Wang Feng, he could only kill 10 mutant rats in one wave. He also suddenly improved his control over the fire python, letting the fire python only burn the heads of the mutant rats, reducing consumption. You have just achieved this, so even though Pei Jin can’t improve the control of the golden needle?”

Xiaozhiyan: "That's right, if the golden needle's power can be further controlled, my brother Pei Jin might be able to control the turning of the golden needle. By then, one golden needle can kill 5 mutant rats, and 25 of them can be killed in one wave. Mutant rats.”

Fans from both sides soon started arguing.

However, this quarrel did not last long, because the third-ranked live broadcast room, which had been in a black screen, suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, many netizens rushed in instantly. They all wanted to know how strong Chen Dalong would be after his breakthrough.

After the live broadcast signal was connected, a young and beautiful female host appeared first. She said hello with a microphone.

"Hello everyone, I am the host Du Gulan. I want to tell you some good news. Captain Chen Dalong has successfully broken through to the middle stage of the first order. He is the first superpower user in Yangcheng City who has broken through to the middle stage of the first order. Let us look forward to it together. , let’s see how he performs next!”

As the words fell, the scene turned, and the protagonist Chen Dalong reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

Fen Lingshuiyan: "Wait a minute, did I hear it correctly when the host introduced it just now? Captain? He is an officer?"

Proud gaze: "I checked urgently and found out that he is an honorary captain. Strictly speaking, he can only be regarded as half an officer. However, the host did not mention the word honor just now. I guess this is the attitude released by the military."

Langqiao: "Don't talk about what's there and what's not. What I'm concerned about now is how much his strength has improved after breaking through to the middle of the first level. Can he really hit the first place?"

Shangshan Ruoshui: "Hey, hey, hey! Doesn't anyone care about the new weapon in his hand? If I read it correctly, it should be the most famous ring-headed sword in the Western Han Dynasty!"

Everyone could see from the screen that Chen Dalong had a confident smile on his face. While he was fumbling for the ring-shou knife in his hand, he was talking to the three officers.

Soon the faces of the three officers showed a look of surprise, and after a heated discussion, the three officers finally nodded.

Hanfeng: "I'm really curious. What did Chen Dalong say to the three officers? It was able to surprise them so much."

Gao Yifeng: "A blind guess. He asked the three officers to let some mutated rats in, otherwise all the soldiers would be killed. No matter how strong he is, he won't be able to show it off!"

Don't move if you can: "Just kidding, how can the other officers agree to such a request? If he misses, the defense line may be broken. Such a responsibility is not something that a superpower can bear."

Everyone was buzzing with speculations, but it was impossible to get an answer.

Not to mention them, even the photography team responsible for shooting, who were thirty or forty meters away from the front line, could not hear what the few people were discussing at all.

Time passed by one minute and one second. After Chen Dalong finished speaking, he just found a place to sit down without any rush.

At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room was waiting together, but no one was impatient at this time. On the contrary, there were more and more people in the live broadcast room, and the popularity began to soar.

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, the camera changed its angle and filmed the scene across the street. At the same time, the lens began to zoom in and the picture became closer.

Everyone in the live broadcast room could clearly see that densely packed mutant rats emerged from the manhole covers and various dark corners, and quickly gathered.

Seeing this scene, everyone watching in the live broadcast room couldn't help but get excited. Everyone knew that this was the precursor of the mutant rat swarm's imminent attack.

The rat swarm gathered at an extremely fast speed, and the number exceeded 1,000 in a blink of an eye. It was not until the number of rats reached about 1,400 that it began to slow down.

Around winter: "The rate of rats appearing has begun to slow down. Judging from my experience, the number of rats is probably around 1,500. Okay, everyone can disperse. Such a small number of mutated rats can break even the outermost fire blockade." Without opening, Chen Dalong has no chance to make a move."

Luo Huayu: "Although I am a fan of Wang Feng, I have to admit that in fact, such competition rules are a bit disadvantageous for Chen Dalong. He can only engage in close combat, so it doesn't matter how many mutant mice he can kill. It’s not up to him to have the final say.”

There is not only one person who has the idea of ​​​​Luohuayu, but many people actually choose to leave the live broadcast room.

But the people who were still talking and regretting the next moment shut up in an instant, and the comments in the entire live broadcast room were rapidly decreasing.

This is not because there are not many people in the live broadcast room, but because everyone is shocked and doesn't know what to say.

Because under the gaze of everyone, Chen Dalong actually jumped out of the defense line alone, and then rushed towards the mutant rats across the street.

"What does he want to do?"

This sentence appeared in almost everyone's mind involuntarily.

But before they could think about it, Chen Dalong jumped across the street at an unparalleled speed and rushed into the group of rats.

At this time, the mutated mice seemed to be stunned by this scene, and they did not move for the first time.

It wasn't until Chen Dalong raised his knife and slashed it twice, killing the two mutated rats, that the rats seemed to have come back to their senses.


All the mutated mice, not knowing whether they screamed in anger or excitement, rushed towards Chen Dalong in unison.

At this moment, mutant rats appeared before and on Chen Dalong's left and right. Many mutant rats even jumped up and attacked him directly from the air.

At the same moment, Chen Dalong was attacked by twenty or thirty mutant rats. Many people couldn't bear to close their eyes when they saw this scene.

Such a scene is too terrifying. It is estimated that any person with superpowers here would be bitten and seriously injured by countless rats in the next moment.

But at this moment, the dazzling sword light lit up.

The two ring-headed knives were wielded almost airtightly by Chen Dalong.

Any mutated mouse touched by the light of the knife would either have its head decapitated or its body cut in half.

Chen Dalong doesn't know much about sword skills. He uses basic moves such as chopping, slashing, and teasing. However, the sword skills he performs have one characteristic, and that is speed.

Incredibly fast.

Ordinary people can't even see clearly how Chen Dalong swung the knife, and then a mutant mouse died.

Moreover, Chen Dalong did not stand still. He would constantly move and dodge while drawing out his sword quickly.

Almost half of the mutated rats that were culled were killed by Chen Dalong before they even got close.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive, facing Chen Dalong who was faster and more agile than them, it would be really difficult to bite him.

Of course, Chen Dalong could not avoid the attacks of all mutant rats.

However, some mice finally seize the opportunity and bite Chen Dalong. They will find that their originally invincible sharp teeth can only leave a tooth mark on Chen Dalong's skin.

Although the skin was broken and the teeth even bit into the flesh, that was all.

Such a small injury is nothing to an evolutionist. Chen Dalong doesn't even need special treatment. The muscles near the wound will contract on their own and stop the bleeding.

The pain on his body would only make Chen Dalong's killing efficiency faster. The more than 30 mutant rats that came up in the first wave were all killed in just one breath.

Chen Dalong only paid the price with two small wounds.

Of course, this was just the beginning. The rats had already surrounded Chen Dalong, and they launched attacks one after another.

But Chen Dalong, who was surrounded in the middle, was not afraid at all and fought back in the most ferocious way.

Time continued to pass, and one minute passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Chen Dalong's feet were already covered with floating corpses, and the corpses of rats had even piled up a hill more than one meter high.

Someone in the live broadcast room finally came to his senses.

Hero: "Oh my god, is this still a human being? It's just crazy."

Chengfeng: "Tell me, is this true? In one minute, he actually killed nearly 200 mutant rats. This is more than ten times ahead of other superpowers! He is the strongest Superpowers, don’t argue with me.”

Lei Jinghan: "This is too scary. Look at those mutated rats. Their attacks are not so crazy now, and they even feel like they are shrinking."

Adi: "My mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast, and then she knelt down with me."

At this time, Chen Dalong was still fighting, and he felt more relaxed than ever before.

When fighting inside the defense line before, he would just warm up and the battle would be over.

At this moment, there were mutated rats all around. Under the pressure of this crisis, he felt that his potential was constantly being tapped.

The knife in his hand was swinging more and more smoothly and faster, and the dodge steps under his feet were becoming more and more flexible.

At the beginning, he killed more than a dozen mutated mice without getting bitten, but gradually, he killed more than 20 or more than 30 mice...

Until now, he was confident of avoiding the bites of all mutant rats.

Of course, this is also related to the decreased attack frequency of these mutant mice.

Yes, looking at the corpses piled higher and higher at Chen Dalong's feet, there was already a hint of fear in the crazy eyes of those mutant rats.

And as time goes by, this feeling of fear continues to amplify.

When the time came to the third minute and the number of mutant rats that died in Chen Dalong's hands exceeded 600, the mutant rats that originally surrounded him actually scattered and fled.

Some rushed to the defense line, and some got back into the sewer.

Seeing this scene, Chen Dalong, who was still in a frenzied killing state, was slightly stunned.

Looking at the mutated mice desperately escaping, he couldn't help but smile, and it was still a wild smile.

But at this moment, no one thought he was arrogant.

At this time, all the comments in the live broadcast room were reduced to one sentence.

"The strongest superpower!!!"

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