Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 101 Extrapolation from the cocoon

You know, the top two mutant creatures have all reached the third level.

The gap between the second level and the third level is very huge, and it is normal for the combat power to differ by 10 times.

What's more, whether it is the second-ranked mutant wolf king or the first-ranked mutant crocodile king, they all have the same kind as their subordinates.

So no matter how you look at it, Zhang Ji doesn't think that the mutant king cobra can surpass the two mutant creatures in front.

Facing Zhang Ji's inquiry, Xiao Hua and Li Yongming looked at each other, and finally Li Yongming said: "Captain, according to our previous judgment, the mutant king cobra is more intelligent than other mutant creatures. , do you agree with this?"

Zhang Ji nodded. The reason why they paid attention to King Cobra was because the other party actually rescued a newly mutated parrot. This was obviously a conscious effort to cultivate his own power.

It is completely different from the behavior of other mutated animals that command the same kind.

It can be said that there is a qualitative difference between the two.

Li Yongming continued: "In the past few days, we have sent people to the sewers to collect videos from various places and conduct detailed inspections, hoping to find clues."

"Originally, we all thought that such a move was just looking for a needle in a haystack, but we didn't expect that we actually discovered it."

"Just two days ago, the mutant king cobra made another move."

Hearing this, Zhang Ji couldn't help but interrupt: "How is this possible? I have sent people to guard all the entrances and exits of the sewers. How did the mutant king cobra get in?"

Li Yongming explained: "The mutant king cobra did not go out in person. It was its subordinates, the mutant mouse and the mutant sparrow. We discovered them again from the sewer surveillance."

Zhang Ji nodded and asked curiously: "What did they do again? Rescued another mutated creature?"

Li Yongming shook his head, but he did not answer directly. Instead, he continued: "The mutant mice and mutant sparrows that appeared in the video this time are much larger. We suspect that they have broken through to the second level."

"Have they all broken through to the second level?" Zhang Ji pondered a little and said, "You mean, the mutant King Cobra has the ability to make its subordinates grow and break through quickly? That's why it vigorously develops its own power?"

"We do have suspicions in this regard, but this is not the focus of our report."

When Li Yongming said this, he clicked on the computer screen and opened a video.

"The place they wanted to enter this time was a mobile phone store, but because this second-order mutant mouse was much larger, it could not enter through the sewer. In the end, it pushed open the manhole cover and passed through the street."

The video showed a mutated rat that was as big as a teddy dog ​​trying to drill into a drain pipe, but it got stuck.

But Zhang Ji did not pay attention to the video, but noticed a detail in Li Yongming's words, "You said they are going into a mobile phone store?"

"Yeah! That's right." Li Yongming nodded and said, "And they took away three chargers and three power banks."

Zhang Ji:? ? ?

"What did you say?" Zhang Ji asked.

Either he heard it wrong, or the other person said it wrong.

"Captain, you heard me right. What they took away were chargers and power banks. Of course, I know you must have many questions in your mind."

"In fact, when we came to investigate, we didn't even think about this aspect at all. We just thought that some animals were raised in this mobile phone store and had mutated, which would attract them to it."

"But after our inquiry, the owner of this store said that he did not keep pets, but he just lost three chargers and power bank that night, and the windows and anti-theft net were damaged."

"We didn't believe it at first, and then we called comrades from the Criminal Investigation Department to go over. Soon, we found mouse footprints on the walls, window sills and other places."

"Then after detection and restoration with instruments, we found that the mouse footprints did indeed extend from the window to the counter, and then back again."

"But even so, we still couldn't believe that animals would steal these things."

"Then we discovered that there were three cameras that could detect the manhole cover where the rat came out from to the store."

"Two of them are road surveillance we installed, and the other is the gate surveillance of the hotel opposite."

"However, when we wanted to retrieve the video records, we found that all three cameras were damaged without exception."

"What's even more unbelievable is..."

At this point, Li Yongming couldn't help but pause, swallowed, and then continued: "These three cameras were all destroyed just before the mutated mice came out."

"What did you say?" Zhang Ji couldn't sit still anymore, because he knew what this meant.

His eyes were fixed on Li Yongming, but every subtle expression on the other person's face told him that he was not joking in any way.

At this time, Xiao Hua stopped sitting on the side. He came to the computer and opened another video.

"This is the video from those three cameras." Xiao Hua explained.

At this time, three pictures were displayed on the screen, with time on them.

It was still normal at first, but in less than half a minute, all the displayed images went black.

Xiao Hua operated, zooming in on one of the video screens, dragging it back to the previous progress, and then pressed the pause button just before the screen went black.

At this time, from the frozen picture, a dark hook-like object can be seen.

Zhang Ji stared at it carefully and said, "It's a bird's beak!"

Xiao Hua nodded, "Yes, this should be the mutated bird responsible for responding outside."

"Of course this is not important. What is important is that the other party will take the initiative to destroy the camera. This means that the mutant king cobra understands the functions of these electronic products."

Zhang Ji let out a long sigh.

Just now, Li Yongming said that when the three cameras were actively destroyed, he had already connected the cause and effect, which is why there was such a big reaction.

And the picture on the video now is the most powerful evidence.

Zhang Ji followed Xiao Hua's words and deduced: "The other party understands the function of these electronic products, which means that the mutated mice are not out of touch when they steal chargers and mobile chargers."

"The mutant king cobra needs these things, which means that the other party probably has a mobile phone in his hand, and he can use it."

"This snake has become a spirit!"

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