Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 100 The Follow-up of King Cobra

Chen Dalong felt flattered when he saw that it was the logistics manager who came to entertain him personally and was so enthusiastic.

After all, the person in front of him is the head of the department, and he is also a fat guy in the logistics department.

Chen Dalong immediately used his shameless social skills, and both parties complimented each other politely.

Both of them want to make friends, so the atmosphere is naturally very harmonious.

"These are the weapons you purchased with military merit points. In addition, these 90 automatic rifles and 2 heavy machine guns were applied for according to the quota and you need to spend money to purchase them."

"But now that you are an honorary captain, you can enjoy a 10% discount on the purchase of weapons and ammunition." Xie Dan said with a smile after having his equipment moved out.

Looking at the large number of weapons brought out, especially the 6 heavy machine guns and 5 rocket launchers, Qin Yaowen on the side was drooling.

These equipments, no matter which security company is given to them, can instantly increase their combat power by more than two levels.

Of course, he also knew exactly what he was doing here.

After hearing what Director Xie Dan said, he quickly said: "Brother Chen, I will pay for the money to purchase the weapons! Just think of it as the interest on borrowing the weapons from you."

Qin Yaowen knows very well that there are no permanent friends, only eternal interests.

Although Obsidian Security Company's finances are a bit tight now, he has to pay for it.

Chen Dalong was a little surprised, but who doesn't like getting something for nothing? He immediately patted Qin Yaowen on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I'm really short on money, so I'm not welcome."

A field automatic rifle costs 30,000 Chinese coins, 90 of them is 2.7 million Chinese coins, and two heavy machine guns cost 500,000 Chinese coins.

This batch of weapons totals 3.2 million, but they can be discounted at 10%, but the price is also as high as 2.88 million.

This amount of money is quite a lot for Chen Dalong. Although the military gave him 3 million as a reward for this mission, the problem is that he will have to pay 3.3 million in bonus alone, which means that he will still have to pay a bonus after this trip. money.

Although he received a large amount of money yesterday, the balance in his account was only over 4 million due to the payment of pensions, medical expenses, recruiting personnel and purchasing ammunition. Of course, he could save money at this time. Province.

Qin Yaowen paid the money without saying a word, and Chen Dalong also directly lent him 50 field automatic rifles and a heavy machine gun.

Of course, this kind of borrowing needs to be registered with the military headquarters. After all, lending weapons to the other party needs to be transferred together with the bullet quota.

Otherwise, you can't buy bullets, and the firearm in your hand will be a lump of iron.

Originally this kind of procedure was quite troublesome, but when Xie Dan heard about it, he immediately said that as long as the two of them signed, he would arrange for someone to handle the rest of the procedures.

"Thank you, manager, that's really troublesome for you. I'm a little busy today, so I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow." Chen Dalong said with a smile.

"These are all trivial matters. From now on, you can come to me for anything related to logistics." Xie Dan said with a smile.

Soon, Qin Yaowen left with 50 automatic rifles and a heavy machine gun satisfied.

Chen Dalong also counted the remaining weapons.

95 field automatic rifles, 10 shotguns, 5 heavy machine guns, 5 rocket launchers, and 2 sniper rifles.

With so many weapons, it will not be a problem to directly recruit the company's combatants to 200 people.

As for not having enough firearms?

Of course, whoever has good marksmanship will be used by him. If he doesn't have good marksmanship, he can go to the shooting gallery and pay for practice.

Of course, having weapons is not enough. You also have to spend money to buy bullets.

After purchasing weapons in the Military Merchants Mall, you will have a certain weapon quota by default.

The first is the automatic rifle, which has a quota of 100 rounds of ammunition, which means that Chen Dalong can purchase up to 9,500 rounds of ammunition.

Of course, the bullets purchased previously have not been used up, and buying about 8,000 bullets is enough. But even if you buy a mixture of ordinary bullets and armor-piercing bullets, it will still cost 132,000 Chinese coins.

There are also two sniper rifles, and a total of 200 sniper bullets can be purchased. Each one costs 100 yuan. It also costs 20,000 Chinese coins.

In addition, 5 heavy machine guns can be equipped with 5,000 rounds of ammunition. Each heavy machine gun bullet costs 30 yuan, which costs another 150,000 yuan.

Finally, there are 5 rocket launchers, which can be equipped with 50 rockets. Each rocket costs 1,000 yuan and costs 50,000 yuan.

Calculating everything together, the total is 352,000, and after the 10% discount, it is 316,800.

"Fortunately, I have some money now. If I had just bought ammunition before, it would have been a headache for me." Chen Dalong couldn't help but muttered.

And the number of these bullets sounds like a lot, but if you really encounter a group of mutated creatures of a certain size, I am afraid that seven or eighty-eight of them can be consumed in one battle.

When all the purchases were completed, Chen Dalong found that all the members were staring at him with burning eyes. To be more precise, they should be staring at the firearms beside him.

"Don't worry, everyone has firearms this time. There is no need to fight or grab."

"But the ugly words are ahead. I will give you a week to practice marksmanship. At that time, 10 consecutive shots must be made within 5 rings of a ten-meter target. If you can't do it, donate the firearms to your new colleagues." Chen Dalong said loudly. , making sure everyone can hear clearly.

"No! It's hard to hit the 10-meter target and hit 5 rings in one week!" Xiao Dao couldn't help but muttered.

"Yeah, now with the 10-meter target, I still have a half chance of missing the target." This time, the red hair next to him also agreed.

It's not just the two of them who have such complaints, but the majority.

Chen Dalong naturally heard everyone's complaints, and he continued: "It's all about human effort. You don't even think about it, how much did you earn from this mission?"

"The 3.3 million in the bonus pool will be distributed to the 85 of you on average. Each of you can get almost 40,000, plus the 10,000 basic reward I promised before, which means that most people can get 5 in one trip. Ten thousand."

"Then why don't you think about why you can get so much money? Is your ability really irreplaceable by others?"

"So if you don't meet the target, after you get the bonus, you can go to the shooting gallery and practice hard. You are the first group of people to follow me, so don't be embarrassed!"

Chen Dalong's words immediately silenced all those who complained.

While Chen Dalong was doing ideological work for a group of subordinates, Zhang Ji received an emergency call and was called to the Mutation Management Bureau.

He looked at Xiao Hua and Li Yongming who looked a little haggard but extremely serious in the conference room.

"Mutant King Cobra, what exactly did you discover? You want to raise its danger level to number one?" Zhang Ji asked with a frown.

He had carefully read the information about the Mutated Eyed King Snake. In fact, judging from its combat power, the opponent could only barely rank in the top 10 of the danger list.

In the end, it was ranked third because of the opponent's ability to gather his men.

However, the opponent's subordinates are only a mutated mouse and a mutated sparrow. From this, it can be judged that he can only subdue some of the weaker ones.

In this case, the danger to the other party is limited.

At least in his opinion, there is no way to shake the top two.

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