Chapter 178

The videos posted by Wang Ce were quickly noticed by people, and the number of views soared, and the comment area was even more diverse.

“Fuck, live-action warfare, this scene is much more awesome than in the movie.”

“Then it needs to be said, this is a real deal, one less death.”

“Dawn City is awesome, City Lord Wang Ce is awesome!”

“Who is attacking Dawn City this time? In the last few days, with the continuous heavy rains, we are about to be flooded. There are still people thinking about doing things?”


The comment area exploded, some people discussed, some yelled, some ridiculed, and some people cheered for Dawn City!

It is not just civilians or soldiers who watched the video, but also many high-level figures in the military district.

They even held emergency meetings temporarily for this purpose alone, and a group of people looked at the video over and over again.

This simple video caused an uproar on the Internet, and anyone who has the ability to surf the Internet pays more attention to it.

In addition, the major refuges also spread to each other.

Dawn City became the first city to open a new era in the catastrophic world, and it has long been paid attention to by everyone.

But most people want to see the embarrassment in Dawn City.

This time, someone finally couldn’t help but start to do it.

How can this not grab everyone’s hearts?

They are all looking forward to it, expecting Dawn City to be completely defeated in this battle.

Because they do not allow the changes of the new era to appear, they only hope to maintain the order of the old era, even if this order will lead them to perish step by step.

Wang Ce held the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow and slaughtered the Quartet.

With him as the center, within a radius of five meters, there is no living mouth, and anyone who gets closer will be split in half with a knife.

“Hurry up and shoot, don’t worry about accidental injury, he is the City Lord of Dawn, as long as we kill him, we will win half!”

Qin Hai shouted loudly.

So the people who besieged Wang Ce immediately retreated to the rear, and then another soldier with a gun knocked the trigger at Wang Ce.

Countless bullets were vented and poured into Wang Ce’s body.

At that moment, Wang Ce was surrounded by densely packed bullets, and many Rpg shells and grenades were mixed in it.

The flames from the explosion flooded Wang Ce’s body.

Deafening noises stimulated everyone’s hearts.

Qin Hai’s eyes widened, with a look of surprise on his face.

“Die, go to death, Wang Ce, I want you to die without a place to be buried. Aren’t you great? Haha, from now on, Dawn City is mine, and you are just a loser.”

He kept laughing wildly.

In his opinion, Wang Ce must die. No matter how strong he evolved, how could he resist so many bullets and artillery shells?

After ten minutes of shooting and bombing, the fire finally ceased.

When the heavy rain extinguished the flame of the explosion.

When the strong wind dissipated the gray smoke.

When Wang Ce’s tall and straight figure appeared in everyone’s sight again.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and even thought they saw a ghost.

“This…Is this still a human?”

“He didn’t get the slightest harm?”

“What the hell is he?”


Everyone backed away in horror, they couldn’t accept the facts before them.

A living person can actually carry such a powerful artillery bombardment with his body.

This is beyond the scope of human beings, and I am afraid that only those super monsters can compare with it.

“Is it over?”

Wang Ce moved his neck and made a clicking sound.

Then he reached out and touched his pocket again.

The people surrounding him all backed away in horror, thinking that he was going to take out some secret weapon.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Wang Ce only took out a mobile phone.

He skillfully opens the forum page, clicks to post the video and shoots the video directly.

“Take a look, these are all… hey, which military district do you belong to?”

The crowd flinched, only a cautious response,

“We are from Qingjiang City!”


Wang Ce nodded slightly, then continued to photograph the crowd, and said,

“These are all from Qingjiang City. It used to be the Qingjiang Military Region. Anything that doesn’t have eyesight should be given severe education and education!”

After speaking, click Publish now.

Then, Wang Ce’s attitude changed, and Tathagata became the fierce god of The Underworld.

“Since you dare to come here, you should have a mortal consciousness and let’s go together!”

After speaking, he held the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow in his hand, kicked the ground, and instantly appeared in front of a person.

Stabbed directly in the past, stabbing it to the heart.

Immediately afterwards, before the others could fully react, the blood-stained Great Xia Dragon Sparrow had already drawn out and swept towards the three people on the side.

Cut its head directly.

The scene was extremely brutal, and the severed neck suddenly spewed a column of blood two meters high after a second.

Everyone retreated in horror.

But Wang Ce pressed harder and harder, retreating far less than he could chase.

Between the waves of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, blood splashed and people’s heads rolled.

At this moment, Wang Ce used his actions to interpret what is called killing.

He killed people, never used a second cut, and killed him with a single cut.

In the eyes of Qingjiang’s army, Wang Ce was a human-shaped meat grinder, and everyone who touched it died tragically.

Wherever Wang Ce went, no one fled in panic and screamed again and again.

In the current situation, it seemed that it was not everyone who besieged Wang Ce, but Wang Ce alone surrounded Qingjiang’s army.

At the time of the killing, Wang Ce took out his mobile phone to shoot again.

This time he didn’t speak, only the screams.

The sound of a knife hitting a person.

The sound of blood splashing.

The sound of people’s heads falling to the ground.

It is enough to make people scared, enough to shock people.

He warned everyone with actions, and his delusion to encroach on the city of Dawn was just like this.

The corpses all over the floor are shocking, and the faces of the soldiers who are dying and terrified even follow the screen and shock the viewers’ hearts.

Those high-level officials in the major military districts were so shocked that they could not speak when they saw this scene.

It’s not that they haven’t seen Death, on the contrary, many people have blood on their hands.

However, Wang Ce’s act of killing people like cutting melons and vegetables is hard for them to accept.

In Qianzhou Military Region, Hu Zheng rubbed his eyes and said lightly.

“Pause first!”

In the first military area of ​​the capital, a gray-haired chief watched the video with tears in his eyes and bloodshot eyes.

A huge refuge in the west, a man in his thirties, he is the master of the refuge and the strongest existence.

He is not a member of the military region, but a heir to an ancient family of martial arts.

He stood at the pinnacle of the refuge with strength.

Thousands of people died under his hands.

But even when he watched the video, his hands were shaking slightly.

It is a performance of fear mixed with excitement.

“If there is a chance, we must fight him!”

On a famous mountain in China, there are three people in a Taoist temple. Sitting in front of him is an elderly man with a long beard. Two men in their twenties are standing in front of him.

The old man returned the phone to one of the men slowly,

“The world has changed, you go down the mountain, the future success depends entirely on your choice.”

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