Chapter 177


The people in Dawn City hadn’t noticed anything, most of them were in their dreams, and a loud bang shook from above their heads.

All the sleeping people were abruptly awakened from their dreams.

As for those who have awakened and walked on the street, they looked up at the sky in shock.

The protective cover flashed suddenly, and the protective effect was lost in an instant.

The heavy rain slapped violently on the city of Dawn, as if to drown everything and strangle all living beings.

Although the energy shield is powerful and can withstand a certain degree of attack, it is still a bit unbearable to face missiles at the current level.

Wang Ce was awakened by the loud noise, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

In the next second, he rushed directly out of the window and flew into the air to check the situation.

The prolonged tribulations of the previous life made him develop the habit of not taking off his clothes while sleeping.

Because in a catastrophic world, danger may come at any time, and there will be no time for people to put on clothes.

When he noticed that the protective shield was ineffective, huge raindrops smashed down his head and face, and he saw the explosion smoke still condensed in midair.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

“I really dare to do something on Dawn City, I don’t know which military area is desperate!”

Wang Ce controlled the aircraft and rushed straight to the place where the protective shield was bombed. When he searched underground, he found Qin Hai and Qingjiang troops on the edge of Dawn City.

“Hmph, there are still a lot of people here, but it’s just to die!”

Without the slightest pity, he directly took out the nuclear light cannon and adjusted the energy release to the maximum.

When the trigger was pulled, a pulsating energy ball was condensed in the muzzle.

This cannon can use up all the energy of an upgraded core, and one can imagine how terrifying its power is.

Qin Hai below was also attracted by a shining spot in the sky, and his expression changed drastically when he stared at it.

An unprecedented sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.

At that moment, Qin Hai felt as if he saw the door of heaven opening to himself.


He exhausted all his strength to escape from the place, but the others did not have his speed.

When the energy pillar with a diameter of nearly ten meters blasted down, the people in the energy pillar did not even scream, and instantly vaporized.

The person who was within fifty meters of the energy column was wailing in pain, and then the body gradually matured and scorched as if thrown into a fire.

People at longer distances, although they have saved their lives, have almost been maimed, and there is no possibility of fighting anymore.

Just this shot killed more than 8,000 people.

Wang Ce’s survival point soared instantly, and that speed was terrifying.

“Huh, it’s really fast to use human lives to get survival points. In this way, I’m really looking forward to more military regions sending people.”

Wang Ce said coldly, and took out an upgraded nuclear to install on the nuclear light cannon.

When he was about to aim again, a strong sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind, and he immediately raised his head and looked around.

With his eyesight, in this gloomy rainy day, only a black spot from far away can be seen swiftly shooting towards this side.

He clearly perceives the sense of own crisis that comes from this black spot.

Then came to think of the shattering of the protective cover.

“Heh, attacking Dawn City is really willing to pay for it. Such a missile is not even owned by the former Ming Navy District!”

Then, Wang Ce pointed the nuclear light cannon at the black spot and pulled the trigger.

The energy column was shot at extreme speed, and at the same time, the missile was also coming.

The moment the two collided, a deafening roar erupted immediately.

Many people on the ground are not strong enough to evolve, just this roar makes their ears bleed and their minds are almost confused.

“Get out of here, stop hiding! If you have the courage, fight daddy head-on!”

Wang Ce held a nuclear light cannon, like a god, sternly yelling at everyone below.

At the same time, the city walls were also covered with soldiers from the city of Dawn.

Du Changqing lifted Liu Kai and flew high above the sky.

“Dage! These people actually dared to attack Dawn City, we just killed them directly, killing a piece of armor without leaving!”

“Okay! Don’t let him run away!”

Wang Ce said readily,

“Today is to let the world see the divine power of my Dawn City, and let the scumbags know that it is not a random cat or dog that can make our minds.”

Du Changqing and Liu Kai made a sound, and immediately swooped down towards the army below.

Liu Yifan, Wu Ming, Li Min, Zou Congjun and others also led the Bombing Tian Gang and the special forces team jumped off the city wall and madly slew the Qingjiang army.

Qin Hai never expected Wang Ce to destroy a missile with his own power.

Originally, when this second missile blasted into the city and caused a large area of ​​chaos, he had to order a full attack.

Relying on the tactics of blitzkrieg to win the light in one fell swoop.

But the scene before him was really unexpected, and Dawn City’s extremely fast counterattack made him feel at a loss.

But at this moment, a fire man appeared.

The heavy rain fell on this person and immediately turned into white smoke and rose.

The man could not see his face, but his body exuded an extremely terrifying and vicious atmosphere.

He took the lead, leading the Qingjiang army and directly fought Liu Yifan and others head-on.

The two sides fought together, and the Qingjiang army was frightened by Wang Ce’s shot, and their legs and feet trembled, thinking that they would definitely die today.

But when he saw Zheng Hui marching forward bravely to fight the enemy, he ignited his fighting spirit.

The two armies fought a bloody battle, killing you to the death.

Liu Yifan waved Fang Tian’s painting halberd into the wind, and the long-term running-in has made him almost integrated with Fang Tian’s painting halberd.

Therefore, when the enemy was killed, it was as smooth as an arm’s command, and more and more people died under his hands. It seemed that a pile of corpses had formed under his feet.

And Liu Kai, who fell into the center of Qingjiang’s army, killed the Quartet even more.

The new ability that he has just evolved, combined with interstellar weapons, is like a small nuclear bomb, killing the enemy screams again and again.

Almost every spear shadow swung, there were dozens of deaths and injuries. The sky was full of spear shadows, and it was no longer true. In short, there were countless Qingjiang soldiers who died under his hands.

Du Changqing was flying in the air, assisted by bows and arrows, to kill all existence that might threaten Liu Kai.

Soon, the battlefield has entered a fever pitch, and the two sides are inextricably fought.

The ground is full of stumps and limbs, and blood is flowing into rivers.

A large amount of blood mixed with rainwater penetrated into the ground, staining the land with blood red.

Wang Ce hovered in the air, watching the scene below with satisfaction.

At this time, he took out his cell phone and took pictures below.

“Oh, hey, you really dare to attack Dawn City if you are not afraid of death, and you have a few catties, don’t you have 13 numbers yet?”

“Come on, let’s have a small preview first, please enjoy the battle situation, the battle will be updated at any time, and the big guy will be broadcast live and hacking people later!”

“A friend came to die from afar, don’t you think?”

After recording the video, Wang Ce clicked to publish it directly.

Then he put away the nuclear light cannon, and then took out the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow and rushed down.

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