Chapter 156

After listening to Liu Yifan’s narration, Wang Ce was startled.

According to Liu Yifan, those Bella did not go elsewhere, but went underground.

Others didn’t know what was in the underground of Dawn City, but Wang Ce was very clear.

The monsters underground are stronger and more terrifying than those on the ground.

So far, Wang Ce has not dared to look further.

Compared with the red-haired monkeys alone, Bella is already a little weaker.

“Who have you told about this?”

Wang Ce asked.

Liu Yifan shrugged, pointed at the sky and the earth, and pointed at the two of them.

“God knows and earth knows, you know and I know. Before I told you, I didn’t say anyone.”

“Actually, I also know that this is unbelievable, but it is of great importance. All the Bella around the city of Dawn has entered the ground, which is easy to cause panic, let alone other monsters underground. .”

“If you really say it, even if only a small group of people believe it, it will cause a lot of trouble.”

Wang Ce let out a sigh of relief, a little relieved.

He was fortunate that although Liu Yifan had a big mouth and couldn’t help himself, he still had a clear idea of ​​important matters.

Then, Wang Ce warned the opponent,

“At this moment, the matter is very important, except for you and me, don’t tell anyone else, otherwise, Dawn City will definitely encounter an unprecedented crisis.”

“I see, don’t worry, my mouth is serious.”

Liu Yifan said with a smile.

But it was this simple smile that made Wang Ce’s heart hang again.

Can this guy really be able to control his mouth?

“Okay, let’s end this matter here.”

Wang Ce started the vehicle, but Liu Yifan had no intention to go down at all, and he kept smirking cheeky.

He immediately understood what the other party meant, so he said politely.

“If you are fine, go to my house for a meal?”

“Okay! Thank you helper!”

Liu Yifan was overjoyed, his smile was like an old bachelor who finally married his wife.

The two soon arrived at the luxury villa, and as soon as they entered the door, Tong Xiang greeted him.

“Brother Ce, you are back, Uncle and Aunt have been talking about you for these two days.”

“Well, there is nothing wrong at home, right?”

“No, everything is fine. The new clothes are ready, please change yours.”

Tong Xiang said very softly.

This scene made Liu Yifan extremely envious.

He just wondered when he could get this treatment.

Wang Ce went straight to take a shower and then put on new clothes.

During this period, the butler also asked the chef to prepare the meal.

“Brother Ce, let’s eat, do you want to drink?”

“Open a bottle of the red bar to relieve fatigue.”

Wang Ce said casually, and Liu Yifan followed him to the dining room.

While eating, Liu Yifan whispered to Wang Ce,

“Helper, you are so awesome, you can make a woman feel so devoted to you and admire it.”

“Can’t stop your mouth when you eat?”

Wang Ce glanced at him, Liu Yifan chuckled and ate two mouthfuls of upgraded meat.

The upgraded animal meat cooked by a senior chef is very delicious, even in peaceful times, it is absolutely delicious.

Liu Yifan ate three large plates in a row, still not enough, but thinking that he was in Wang Ce’s house, he didn’t dare to ask for more, so he could only covet two more sips of 1994 red wine.

After eating and drinking, Wang Ce wiped his mouth and was about to get up. Suddenly the voices of Wang Jianguo and Liu Cuihong came from behind him.

“Son, you are finally back, but you want to kill us.”


Wang Ce was a little puzzled. He had only left for two days. Isn’t it okay?

Depending on the performance of each other, it seems that they have been separated for several months.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yifan quickly got up and said hello.

“Good Uncle, good Aunt!”

“Hey, Xiao Liu is here, sit down, don’t be polite, just treat this as your own.”

Wang Jianguo said with a smile.

This unusual smile made Wang Ce feel a little uncomfortable.

“Dad, mom, what happy event have you met?”

“You guessed it, this is not a normal happy event, but a big happy event. We both went out today to inform everyone.”

Liu Cuihong said with joy, that she was so happy that she almost danced.

While Wang Ce was still wondering about it, Wang Jianguo threw a blockbuster.

“Because you are not here, your mother and I decided that two weeks later, it will be an auspicious day. You and Tong Xiang will get married on that day.”

When Wang Ce heard this, he thought he had heard it wrong.

“Dad, we don’t need to make a joke. Didn’t I say yes, should I make my own decisions?”

When he said this, Wang Jianguo immediately assumed the appearance of a person coming over, pressed his shoulders, and said earnestly,

“Son, you are not young anymore. Although it’s a disaster, everyone has to go through marrying a wife and having children. Besides, it’s pretty safe in Dawn City now. You two take this opportunity to get married and let me take my grandson earlier. Our family is complete.”

Wang Ce’s mouth twitched when he heard it, and his head suddenly grew big.

He really couldn’t understand, why are his parents always keen on forcing them to get married?

“Dad, Mom, let’s get married. I can’t rush, let’s talk about it. Two weeks is too rush, let’s…”

“No hurry, no hurry!”

Liu Cuihong said quickly,

“After I talked to the big guy, everyone was very happy, and they all said they would do their best to help us arrange.”

“You are the lord of the city now, although you can’t be too luxurious, but Mom will definitely find a way to get you married gracefully.”

With that, she walked to Tong Xiang, who was blushing, and took the other’s hand to Wang Ce’s side.

“You two have been together for such a long time. Mom can see that you are both emotional. Strike the iron while it’s hot, and quickly get married.”


Wang Ce was about to speak, but Liu Cuihong glared at him, and his tone immediately became severe.

“What? Do you still think of other women and want to give up Tong Xiang in disorder?”

“Son, I can teach you well, our Wang family…”

Wang Jianguo hurriedly assisted.

Under the attack of the two sides, Wang Ce was really irresistible.

Who makes the other party own parents?

Youdao is that marriage is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker.

But he really hasn’t thought about getting married right now.

“Parents, I didn’t mean that. The Dawn City is still in crisis at the moment. I can’t delay major events because of my children’s personal affair.”

“Don’t fool around here, don’t think I don’t know your careful thoughts, just set it like this.”

Wang Jianguo had a strong tone, and there was no possibility of rejection at all.

Liu Cuihong also put on a posture that she must marry.

Regarding this, Wang Ce sighed helplessly.

At this time, Liu Yifan hurriedly got up to congratulate,

“Congratulations to the gang leader and the gang leader’s wife, and I wish the two husbands and wives to be of the same mind for a hundred years!”

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