Chapter 155

The source of the aurora is the Tiankeng in Qingjiang City.

A large number of aurora slowly rose from the tiankeng, floating in the air, almost covering the entire sky.

Although these aurora lights are beautiful, the dangers contained in them are chilling.

Wang Ce had no appreciative thoughts at all, but immediately landed on the ground.

Faintly, he recalled that when the system issued a disaster alert before, the third disaster he said was that there were violent life fluctuations in the south of Dawn City.

The south is the direction of Qingjiang City, and in Qingjiang City, the only place Wang Ce knows that may have strong life fluctuations is the Tiankeng.

Now that the Tiankeng has such a scene, it corresponds to the system’s prompts.

If all this happened before Wang Ce talked with Liu Kai, Wang Ce’s first decision was to immediately move his parents to the north.

Then lead all the refugees to move north until they reach the next shelter.

But now, Wang Ce felt a sense of expectation for the unknown existence.

Of course, the reason for this sense of anticipation is also the hope to discover the secret of the catastrophe.

He didn’t want to let go of any possibility of unlocking the secret.

Wang Ce really felt that there was indeed a hand between Mingming, pushing him, pulling him, and leading him to the answer.

“Blind evasion is impossible. Only by facing it bravely can all problems be solved.”

At this moment, Wang Ce had made up his mind to explore the tiankeng to see what kind of existence the so-called Dark King was inside.

In addition, it is necessary to investigate whether there is anything related to the catastrophe in it.

“Helper, helper? What’s wrong with you?”

Liu Kai shook Wang Ce’s arm, and the latter woke up and responded with a smile.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a reminder of some past events, so that everyone doesn’t have to panic, rest early, and when the day breaks, we will start to return to the city immediately!”


Liu Kai nodded and ran to the direction of the army quickly.

As for Wang Ce, he frowned slightly, staring at the aurora that filled the sky.

The more colorful things in nature are, the more toxic they are. Wang Ce suspects that behind this beautiful aurora, there may be endless Death hidden.

“I’m afraid it will be another bloody storm! A damn disaster!”

Nowadays, Wang Ce can only complain, because he is powerless to change all of this, and all he can do is to make as many people as possible and live better.

After a period of reassurance by Liu Kai, the army finally settled down.

Some people raised their heads enthusiastically and continued to admire the aurora, while others fell directly to the ground and fell asleep.

For modern people, the beauty of nature is no longer enough for them to abandon everything and appreciate it.

Because they all have one of the most important tasks now, which is to survive.

The night sky was very beautiful. The soldiers slept very sweetly. All disasters, pain, and Death could not be worth a dream of the night.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky just turned white, everyone was awakened from sleep and embarked on the road back to the city.

This time, Wang Ce did not fly in the sky to investigate, because the job was entrusted to Du Changqing.

He sat in the co-pilot of the first military vehicle, taking a leisurely nap.

Although the road was bumpy, it was still safe. When Dawn City was approaching, Wang Ce and everyone else immediately cheered up.

Because they know that they will face hundreds of thousands of Bella.

However, when they got closer and closer to the city of Dawn, they were surprised to find that there was not even one Beira group that had surrounded the city of Dawn.

“What is going on here?”

Liu Kai who was driving was surprised.

Wang Ce, the co-pilot, also felt very strange seeing this scene.

Those Bella didn’t leave here so easily, after all, in Dawn City, they all coveted delicious food.

What is the reason for all this in front of you?

With doubts, Wang Ce and his army quickly entered the city.

Wang Ce immediately found Zou Congjun, who had been stationed in the city, to understand the situation.

The answer given to him by the latter surprised him a bit, but he felt as if it was reasonable.

“Helper, I actually don’t know when they left, but they were still there before a lot of colorful aurora appeared in the sky.”

“Not long after the aurora appeared, when we checked regularly, they didn’t even have one left.”

“It feels like disappearing out of thin air. I asked those who were investigating. They also don’t know anything about it. No one has discovered where Bella is going.”

After listening, Wang Ce fell into contemplation.

A large number of Bella, even if they are all migrated, will cause huge disturbances.

It is impossible for the soldiers standing guard on the city wall not to notice this.

So these Bella really disappeared out of thin air?

Wang Ce shook his head in denial, overthrowing his unrealistic assumption just now.

“Continue to investigate and report any abnormal conditions immediately. In addition, prepare more food tonight. The big guys have been tired for two days. Have a nice meal and take a good rest tonight.”

“Yes, City Lord!”

Then, Wang Ce got into a car and drove in the direction of home.

But when he started off, he didn’t run very far before he was stopped.

Wang Ce saw that it was not someone else who stopped the car, but Liu Yifan.

At this moment, Liu Yifan blocked the front of the car with a hippy smile, and looked at Wang Ce with a smile.

“What are you doing? The injuries on your body are completely healed? Isn’t it because you want to come to me to touch porcelain?”

Wang Ce put his head out of the car window and asked with a smile.

“Hey, helper, then you can’t quickly give me a reward, otherwise I will fall down!”

“I want to give a reward, I think you are itchy! Come, taste my seven wolves.”

“Hey, just kidding, don’t take it seriously, helper!”

Liu Yifan hurriedly smiled to save himself, and then, at the signal of Wang Ce, he got in the co-pilot.

“Go ahead, what important news to report?”

Wang Ce knows Liu Yifan’s character best, so after seeing the other’s expression, he just greets him and gets in the car directly.

“Hey, there’s really something I can’t hide from the Lord to help you.”

Liu Yifan smiled awkwardly, and then took out a folded map from his jacket pocket. The map marked Dawn City where they were.

“Helper, I found a terrible phenomenon outside the city last night. Until I came back and thought for a long time, I was not sure whether it was true or not.”

“What’s the phenomenon? Speaking carefully.” Wang Ce asked.

Liu Yifan approached and asked quietly.

“Fang Lord, do you know why the hundreds of thousands of Bella around us disappeared overnight?”

“The methods used are not powerful or mysterious, but the results are incredible.”

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