Chapter 118 Super Monster

The chimpanzee crouched and stared at Wang Ce with his big black eyes.


There was a dull roar from its throat.

Then the huge palm lifted up and grabbed Wang Ce again.

“How does this thing grow?”

Wang Ce ran away at such a speed that he really wanted to cry without tears.

He really wondered if he ran in the wrong place, why didn’t he seem to be going home, but ran into the tiger’s lair in Longtan?

The huge chimpanzee didn’t catch it again, and he stood up with anger, and slammed his fists on his chest.

The beating rang loudly.

Then it looked up to the sky and roared, exposing thick and white teeth.

The next moment, the chimpanzee flexed its legs, leaped up and leaped towards Wang Ce in the air.

The latter speeded up the flight again, but found desperately that there was a huge shadow shrouded in him.

“not good!”

Wang Ce made a decisive decision and blocked the light knife above his head, and at the same time, he turned around and flew towards the chimpanzee’s belly.


The chimpanzee yelled in excitement, thinking that he could have a full meal.

Unexpectedly, when the light knife touched his body, a sharp pain immediately spread throughout his body.

In an instant, the chimpanzee rolled on the spot, just in time for Wang Ce’s remaining attack.

Its four claws gripped the ground tightly and stopped the body sliding backwards.

Wang Ce was floating in front of it, his hands shone with a dazzling glare.

The chimpanzee touched his stomach.

It was discovered that the place where the king had planned, the hair was cut off, and the flesh was cut open.

But the wound was not deep to him, and even the fat did not penetrate.


This time, the chimpanzee became even more angry, grabbing a discarded cement board and smashing it at Wang Ce.

The latter dodge easily and deftly.

However, more and more stones and cement boards were smashed from the front, and it was like rain.

Wang Ce hurriedly drew up and flew high, launching a plasma cannon to target the chimpanzee.

Then, without waiting for him to buffer the energy, the chimpanzee jumped two hundred meters and grabbed the defenseless Wang Ce.

When it fell to the ground, the ground shook violently, and the surrounding houses and buildings that had been dilapidated all collapsed into ruins.

Wang Ce struggled vigorously, but found that his own power and in front of the chimpanzee were not enough.

He wanted to cut the opponent’s finger with a light knife, but was folded his arm in the opposite direction, controlling the light knife at all.

The chimpanzee yelled at Wang Ce uncontrollably, as if a winner was taunting the loser.

Then, after licking Wang Ce, it threw Wang Ce into the mouth.

Suddenly, a light arrow came and hit the chimpanzee’s eye.

The light arrow burst out with a shining fire, but it did not have any lethality on the chimpanzee.

The eyes of the evolved chimpanzees are no longer its weak point, and even a protective film that can protect the eyes has evolved.

The power of a small bow and arrow still does not reach the level of harming chimpanzees.

However, as strong as a chimpanzee, it is also extremely angry when provoked by the weak.

It threw dozens of stones in the direction of the arrow.

Then he threw Wang Ce directly into his mouth, and after a few crunching chews, he raised his neck and swallowed.

Then swiftly ran towards Du Changqing, who was shooting arrows.

His movements are smooth and decisive, without hesitation for a moment.

Seeing this, Du Changqing gritted his teeth with hatred.

“Damn beast, vomit Dage out!”

He yelled, opened his bow again, and fired continuously, just like a machine gun.

Although the damage of light arrows to chimpanzees is small, under such a intensive attack, even chimpanzees must be careful to avoid.

The chimpanzee dodged while running and impacting, getting closer and closer to Du Changqing.

At this moment, Du Changqing knew that his strength was very different from that of the opponent, and he could not continue to waste time.

So he sat back in the car decisively, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed out in a hurry.

“Son, stop, I want to save my son!”

The moment Liu Cuihong saw Wang Ce being eaten, her whole body was frightened.

A living person was swallowed like this.

She couldn’t believe her own eyes.

Wang Jianguo on the side also felt that his own sky was about to collapse.

He always held Du Changqing’s arm in tears,

“Changqing, stop quickly and let me go back.”

“Sorry, I must send you to Dawn City. Otherwise, Dage will never spare me.”

Du Changqing responded with tears, but his expression was still very firm.

He understood the importance of Liu Cuihong and Wang Jianguo to Wang Ce.

And when he left the shelter, he also lay a guarantee against Wang Ce.

Otherwise, he would definitely choose to live and die with Wang Ce, to advance and retreat together.

Liu Cuihong and Wang Jianguo were anxious.

“Why is your child so cruel? Have you forgotten that my son saved your life? You were dying at the time!”

“If you still have a little conscience, let us both go, and if you want to escape, you can run away by yourself!”

Even after listening to the two people’s complaints and insults, Du Changqing still refused to stop.

His hands trembled slightly, but the car drove very steadily, constantly dodge the rocks from behind.

The chimpanzee seemed to feel that his majesty was threatened, and immediately fell on all fours, running and chasing quickly.

One after another fierce roars, Du Changqing and others’ scalp numb.


Suddenly, a big rock hit the center of the road ahead of the domineering.

Du Changqing quickly turned the steering wheel, but it was a little bit late.

The car rubbed heavily on the boulder and rolled over to the side.

Although Du Changqing exhausted all his methods, the car did not completely overturn.

But this short period of time has caused the chimpanzee to catch up.

The chimpanzee roared, and after hammering his chest twice, he grabbed the car.

It was too late, it was fast, just as the huge palm was about to grab the car, a light arrow shot instantly in the center of his palm.

After shooting the arrow, Du Changqing panted heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was almost exhausted.

This arrow is extremely powerful, directly penetrating his palm and hitting his shoulder.

The chimpanzee was so angry because of the injury, he hit the car with a punch.

Just when the fist that fell suddenly was only half a meter away from the roof of the car, Liu Cuihong and Wang Jianguo in the car hugged tightly, thinking that they would definitely die.

But who knows that after waiting for a long time, the car hasn’t changed in any way.

Du Changqing looked up at the ferocious chimpanzee, and suddenly noticed some kindness in the opponent’s eyes.

Then, the chimpanzee turned around and opened his mouth, lying on the side, as if retching.

Du Changqing thought that the other party had eaten his stomach, and when he was about to take the opportunity to shoot an arrow, he found that Wang Ce wearing a humanoid tank fell from his mouth.

At this moment, both inside and outside the car are excited.

They never expected that they had been eaten up, and they could see the sky again. It was not unbelievable.

“Dage! It’s great that you’re okay.”

Du Changqing immediately greeted him excitedly.

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