Chapter 117

The sound was like thunder blowing in the ears.

Even though Wang Ce was in the tank, he could only feel his ears humming.

He immediately manipulated the tank to transform into a human shape and looked to the left.

From afar, I saw a large amount of white mist spraying from the ground to an altitude of hundreds of meters.

In the mist, bloody colors were faintly visible.

Soon, a strong smell of rotten flesh and blood filled the air, which was disgusting.

Wang Ce’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He clearly felt that in the direction of the mist, a powerful existence was awakening.

And there, it is the Tiankeng.

“Changqing, speed up, no matter what you encounter on the road, don’t stop.”

“Got it Dage!”

Du Changqing nodded heavily, and he also sensed the danger of his environment.

“Uncle, Aunt, Big sis, you all hurry up.”

After finishing speaking, he immediately stepped on the accelerator, and made a heavy roar, and the speed soared.

Wang Ce changed positions and came behind the domineering.

Although he didn’t know what might happen next, Wang Ce must do his best to protect his parents from fleeing to Dawn City.

The earth gradually recovered and stabilized, and the fog in the distance gradually dissipated.

It seemed that all this was just an illusion, but Wang Ce still did not dare to take it lightly.

He has always maintained a high speed, sprinting all the way, bringing up a thick dust.

“Dage, it seems all right.”

“Don’t slow down, keep running.”

Wang Ce said loudly, while he continued to look towards the Tiankeng.

At this moment, his eyes widened, because there was a familiar face there.

That was the monster leader who had been besieging Wang Ce and others by thousands of monsters.

It’s just that the leader’s body is even bigger at this moment, and in contrast to the buildings next to him, it’s like an elephant standing next to a puppy.

Wang Ce estimated that the leader of the wolf-shaped monster was at least 15 shoulders tall. The body length reaches thirty or forty meters.

Such a huge existence, one can imagine how powerful it is.

For now, Wang Ce is absolutely unwilling to fight such a monster.

At the same time, he couldn’t understand why there is no radiation source here, why are all monsters and upgraded beasts so strong?

That’s all about the upgraded bug. There is such a thing now, and it doesn’t leave a way for people to survive.

He was even a little worried. If the monster leader ran to Dawn City, he should fight with him?

While thinking about it, Wang Ce suddenly felt the hair on his neck burst and the pores on his body shrank instantly.

This is the performance after feeling murderous.

I saw the scarlet eyes of the monster leader staring straight at him, as if staring at a piece of plump meat.

The heavy killing intent made Wang Ce uncomfortable, and anyone who was stared at by such a thing would not feel comfortable.

“This guy won’t hold grudges?”

Wang Ce said to himself,

“Hey, that’s not right, even if it is a grudge, it should be my grudge. Huh, one day, I have to cut off the head of this thing and hang it on the wall.”

“Last time I almost fell into the hands of a group of monsters, this time it must be the moth it made again.”

At this time, Wang Ce had made up his mind.

After returning to Dawn City, we must do everything possible to Ascension strength.

Otherwise, he has been thinking about this thing all the time, and he can’t even sleep well.

“Dage, Liu Yifan just said back that they have loaded all the seeds and seedling saplings and are preparing to set off.”

Du Changqing’s voice came from the walkie-talkie, and Wang Ce said nothing.

This time the situation is really critical, and he can’t take care of more people.

I just hope that Liu Yifan and others will have better luck and reach Dawn City safely.

After all, what they carry in their car is the source of food for the entire city.

After running for more than 20 minutes, Wang Ce looked back and couldn’t see the monster leader.

The white mist sprayed from a distance also dissipated.

It seems that everything is gradually returning to its original state, and the danger seems to have never appeared.

Just as Wang Ce breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly had a meal, as if he had tripped on something.

He looked down and suddenly got goose bumps all over his body.

It was a big python that was more than 20 meters long.

The pattern on the python’s body is exactly the same as the earth and rocks on the ground, and you can’t see it if you don’t look carefully.

Wang Ce has been disgusted with this stuff since he was a child.

The next moment he was caught, the giant python immediately coiled him, squeezing the human-shaped tank with huge force.

Wang Ce gritted his teeth immediately.

“Give me… Open!”


The body of the python, which was as thick as a basin, was immediately divided into three sections by the light knife, and bright red blood sprayed out from the fracture, and the air was filled with a bloody smell.

Wang Ce didn’t dare to pause for a moment, and chased Du Changqing non-stop.

Suddenly, a strong sense of danger flashed through his heart.

Wang Ce reflexively stopped.

Suddenly, there was a big sinking in front of him, and a huge upgraded crocodile opened a big mouth from the sinking hole and bit it head-on.

“I went, and there was a trap.”

Without hesitation, Wang Ce swung the light knife in his hand violently, brushing a few flashes, and the crocodile became a few large pieces of minced meat.

Blood was sprayed on the humanoid tank.

Wang Ce continued to run.

Somehow, he always felt that there was a huge conspiracy behind him.

Along the way, he killed nearly a hundred monsters, of course there were also upgraded beasts.

The blood of these hundreds of monsters almost dyed the humanoid tank dark red.

A strong smell of blood emanated from the tank.

However, it seems that it is precisely because the humanoid tank is full of blood, and a large number of road-blocking upgraded beasts dodge in fear, not daring to approach it.

As a result, Wang Ce seemed to understand the reason for this, so he worked harder to kill.

In the end, there will never be a monster blocking the way.

“Finally finished, now there is only half the distance to Dawn City.”

Wang Ce said with a breath.

Fighting all the way, his spirit was tense all the way, and he didn’t dare to be careless.

At this time, Du Changqing’s voice came from the walkie-talkie,

“Dage, how are you?”

“It’s okay, it’s just a little mess, keep going.”

The moment Wang Ce just said the words, Wang Ce only felt his hair stand up.

The extreme danger he felt at the beginning finally came.


When Wang Ce heard the sound of breaking wind behind him, he immediately activated his flight thruster and flew out directly.

He turned his head back with lingering fears, and saw a huge paw pressing on the ground where he was just now.

The claws were covered with black hairs, and they were extremely thick, and the width reached five meters.

Wang Ce looked up on the Internet in shock.

Following the huge palm to the arm, I saw the big and terrifying upgraded beast——the chimpanzee.

At that moment, Wang Ce wondered if he had been in Illusion Art, mainly because it was too big and outrageous.

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