With so many powerhouses, they attacked a military town with a maximum of only two world-destroying powerhouses.

You don't have to think about it to know what the end result will be.

The battle lasted less than two minutes, and those strong men were blown away.

As for the remaining starships below the star level.

It was handed over to the Kenwood fleet to harvest.

This is also the cultivation and feedback of the Zerg to the Kenwood fleet.

But the time is only half an hour at most.

Half an hour later, you had to flee.

And after taking out this military town.

Xu Zi'an: They stayed here to harvest.

As for the rest of these people.

Only one World Destroyer was left here to act as Xu Zi'an's security.

The rest, including the Annihilation Ship, hurriedly dispatched once again to launch their attacks on the other star systems in this star field.

With the attack range of their long-range missiles.

It's enough to completely cover this star field.

One after another, ultra-long-range missiles were launched in all directions like a monstrous dragon, and it took half an hour at most.

This star field will be completely destroyed.


Although the Inhuman race, because of Xu Zi'an's sneak attack some time ago, they began the deployment of black technology weapons in the 117 range of the whole territory.


The deployment will definitely not be that comprehensive.

It will definitely not be able to resist the destruction from the annihilation level and the extinction level.

Even if you can resist some of it, you can only save a tenth of the area from being destroyed at most, that's all.

And it is precisely because of the deployment of these black technology weapons.

Just when Xu Zi'an was harvesting these starships of the Inhuman race.

The counterattack of the Inhumans' black technology weapons has also arrived.

It was also an ultra-long-range missile, which directly locked on the area where Xu Zi'an and them were located, and launched a saturation bombing.

And then.

Xu Zi'an saw it from the limit tracking.

There are countless Inhuman powerhouses, moving towards them at the fastest speed.

Judging from the speed at which they moved, it was enough to see how angry these Inhuman powerhouses were at this moment.

Xu Zi'an ignored it.

Including those missiles did not pay attention.

Because these Zerg powerhouses will naturally intercept all these missiles.


(cffb) "Kenwood, these weapons of the Inhumans are very powerful, you only have fifteen minutes at most, beyond this time, we can't bear it!"

The voice from the annihilation-level powerhouse of the Zerg Clan said with great solemnity.

Xu Zi'an immediately nodded, indicating that he understood: "Got it, solve the battle in fifteen minutes!"

After Xu Zi'an answered, he immediately opened up his firepower, took all the women, and harvested these wonderful evolution values to his heart's content.


The reconnaissance drones of Bai Xiaokite and Qu Tiange were all released.

In this important military town, a large-scale looting began.

The main target of the loot is research materials and products in the military town of Inhumans.

That's the most important thing.

Fifteen minutes, quickly passed.

These remaining enemies.

In the absence of the protection of the strong.

Easily, they were all harvested by Xu Zi'an.

And also found a lot of research materials and products that the Inhumans have not had time to destroy.

As for what these materials are, Xu Zi'an actually doesn't know, because he can't understand them.

In addition, in fact, most of the products that look very awesome were secretly accepted by Xu Zi'an into the little wife's bright number.

The data is also available.

A copy was made directly.

Then some information that seemed very important was included in the little wife's bright number.

Stay outside.

It's all about information and products that don't seem important.

Even if it doesn't seem important, Xu Zi'an will copy it.

If there are more than one unimportant product, it will be put away as well.

Fifteen minutes.

Xu Zi'an and the daughters can be said to have gained a lot.

Let's not talk about the evolution value. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Right now......

Their evolution value, with 100% diamond color immortal-level quality, is enough to evolve to a starship.

But if you can make up more, you can make up more.

It can also be regarded as preparing for the Zhenyu level.

That's it.

These super strong people of the Zerg Clan can't bear it.

Immediately, the group left in a hurry.

Soon, it disappeared in place.

Only the ruins of this star field were left, and the furious Inhumans.


This thing.

It spread throughout the universe at the fastest speed.

The cosmic human race is crazy about eating melons.

The Zerg raised their eyebrows.

The Inhumans were furious. []

Even the annihilation-level powerhouses of the Zerg Race have come to the hinterland of their Inhuman race.

If they really don't make it in the mud, the Inhumans can't make ???

There was Xu Zi'an of the universe human race before.

Now there's you Zerg Ken Wood.

Is it true that I'm an Inhuman is a public toilet? I can come and go when I want???


Or even ......

The patron saint of the Inhumans, the Eternal Strongman, was furious.

He hasn't been seen for many years.

This time.

It turned out to be a public appearance, and he personally sat in the Inhumans!

But Ken Wud of the Worm Terran reappeared.

It will definitely be hit by him as quickly as possible.

No one knows what kind of terrifying means a super powerhouse of this level of the Eternal Level has.

So in the first place......

Xu Zi'an and the others received a warning from the high-level of the Zerg Clan, telling them to hide immediately, at least in the near future, and resolutely not to make any more moves.

Destroyed an ultra-high-level military town of the Inhumans, as well as an entire star field of the Inhumans, and many powerhouses.

Among them, there are two world-destroying peerless powerhouses.

This is already a monstrous harvest.

The most important thing is.

He also asked the Patron Deity of the Inhumans to appear and guard it himself.

This represents:

The eternal powerhouse of the Inhuman race, and the loss of the deterrent power that lurks in the shadows.

And this.

It is also the main reason why the immortal-level powerhouses of the three races, under normal circumstances, will never take the initiative to show up.

Lurking in the shadows is the most deterrent to the other two races.

The operation.

The end result......

It's those super powerhouses of the Inhuman race, who finally couldn't help it, and all chose to end up in person!

Like what......

One of the SSS-class battlegrounds.


Blatantly the first to open!

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