A huge starship, and a fleet full of murder and coercion.

The leader, naturally, is an annihilation ship.

But he is not the peak powerhouse of the annihilation level of the Zerg Race, nor is he the patriarch of the Ghost Worm Race who has been in contact with Xu Zi'an.

Rather, it is a second-order annihilation ship.

The rest were his team members, a total of seventeen destroyers.

Plus him.

A total of eighteen starships.


The Zerg are still cautious.

And I also know that I can't go too far to stimulate the Inhumans.

Say it's cautious.

It was this kind of sudden battle deep into the heart of the enemy.

All sorts of accidents are possible.


In this case, it is not uncommon for even an inhuman-level powerhouse to make a move.

If a single brain sends more than one Annihilation level to the past......

In the event of an accident, all of them will be lost to the Inhumans......

For the Zerg, it was an unbearable act that would definitely hurt the bones and even the foundation.

Or even!

Even if the fleet in front of you is damaged, it will actually be very hurt.

Don't look at the three ethnic groups, each ethnic group has quite a few peak powerhouses.

However, the three clans have a much larger range!

There are too many places where the strong need to sit and where the strong need to deploy.

Don't say anything else.

The last time the Zerg assassinated Xu Zi'an, and then lost two world-destroying powerhouses.

As a result, some of the Zerg battlefields have been out of balance.

And that's just two world-destroying classes.

Now there are seventeen extinction and one annihilation......

Once it falls, it will definitely be a traumatic injury for the Zergs.


Second, not to provoke the Inhumans......

That's what it means.

What's the matter.

Could it be that all the super powerhouses of the Zerg Race went out to scrap all the half-strong people of the Inhumans race?

Not to mention that the strong people of the Inhumans are not muddy.

Just say that once you do it.

Don't think about it.

The Inhumans will definitely do their best to have a life-and-death PK with the Zergs.

The Zerg don't want that.

In vain, the cosmic human race picked up the cheap.

Unless you're crazy.

Now at this stage......

Just right.

Enough to deal a big blow to the Inhumans.

At the same time, it will not make the Inhumans make up their minds to fight the Zerg in a race battle where either you die or I die.

That's pretty good.

"Kenwood, it's up to you next"

This Zerg Annihilation-level powerhouse had a rather easy-going attitude, and said to Xu Zi'an: "The detailed plan of action has been sent to your starship. "

"Just follow this plan. "

"You don't have to worry about the rest. "

Xu Zi'an nodded and said, "Don't worry, the island hurts the adult, I know how to do it." "

The island hurts, that's the name of this annihilation-level powerhouse.

A bizarre name.

However, the names of the Zerg Race and the Inhuman Race are all strange in Xu Zi'an's opinion.

That's normal.

Then, Xu Zi'an looked at the plan of the Zerg Clan.

After reading it, Xu Zi'an couldn't help but nod and sighed in his heart.

It can only be said.

The reason why the peak overlord race is the peak overlord race is really reasonable.

That's it.

Detailed to the extreme. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the energy revealed in the plan made Xu Zi feel even more surprised.

For example, in the plan, it is necessary to use the power of the Zerg to lurk on the side of the Inhumans.

In other words, it is a spy of the Zerg on the side of the Inhumans.

The number of spies used in this operation exceeded 10,000.


In order to obtain more detailed information, the most powerful of these spies turned out to be a supreme-level powerhouse of the Inhuman race!

That's a supreme-level powerhouse......

And it's still the supreme level of the Inhuman race.

It is displayed from the profile.

This supreme-level powerhouse has taken refuge in the Zerg Race for at least more than 100 million years.

From the weak period, all the way to the supreme level.

And he is in a high position in the Inhumans.

Seeing this, Xu Zi'an couldn't help but shake his head.

Don't think about it.

In the cosmic human race, there must also be spies of the Zerg race and the Inhuman race who are in high positions and have great strength. []

There is no doubt about that.

I just don't know who it is.


In the future, it is really not appropriate for too many people to know about some covert operations.

If you can be secretive, try to be as secretive as possible.

Think no more.

After reading the plan.

Immediately, he took this super strong fleet and headed towards the first target coordinate location of the Inhumans.


Ten days later.

Xu Zi'an, as well as the powerhouses of the Zerg clan, appeared here.

This area is an uninhabited deep space address of the Zerg.

It's a spy of the Zerg, and after many calculations, he thinks that he can ensure a foolproof address.

Teleported, there were indeed no accidents, and there were no Inhumans around.

There's no Inhuman detection equipment here.


It's all silent.

Arriving here safely, this group of Zerg powerhouses was immediately excited.

His eyes were glowing green, as if he had seen countless evolution points and merits in his account.

told Xu Zi'an to follow them closely and not run around by himself.


And according to the first plan.

Fly towards the first target.

This is the first goal.

(Hao Zhao) is naturally an extremely core and important target of the Inhumans.

One of the most defense-level military towns of the Inhumans!

Its commander is fully composed of two world-destroying powerhouses of the Inhuman race, and the existence of two fleets under his command.

It is conceivable that in this important military town, what kind of top-secret content of the Inhumans is hidden.

Xu Zi'an was also quite excited and interested.

To help, that's quite proactive.


It also took the initiative to turn on the extreme tracking ability.

Prevent the Inhumans' super-powerhouses from being nearby, causing the Zerg to be killed.

I wish these Zergs would kill the military strongholds and powerhouses of the Inhumans.

The more the merrier.

Yourself, you can still fish in troubled waters, what benefits do you get!

Think of it this way.

The journey was smooth and smooth.

Four hours later......

Finally approaching the goal!

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