Lose your marbles.

The whole universe is crazy.

There is a human race Xu Zi'an in front.

Now there's another Zerg Ken Wood.

Although Ken Wude is not as fierce as Xu Zi'an.

But what he did still made hundreds of millions of races in the universe lose their voices.

The most important thing is.

Ken Wood ......

How do you get from one point to another in a short period of time?

Could it be ......

Ken Wude also has the ability similar to Xu Zi'an?

The kind of secret that can be anti-universe?


That's the only way to do it.

The most important thing is!

Kenwood and its fleet of Kenwood.

They were most horrified.


The peerless Tianjiao is so worthless?


Peerless Tianjiao, so fragile?

For countless years, it is not enough to have a Xu Zi'an, and now the Zerg has emerged again?

The Inhumans are furious.


The Great Demon King 25, who was the first on the Tianjiao list of the Inhuman race, felt extremely dull on his face.

At that time, he was rushing towards the area where Kenwood was located as fast as he could.

At the same time, he threatened to kill Ken Wude and Xu Zi'an!

What about the cosmic terrans?

They were amazed.


I was very shocked that the Zerg Clan had a peerless Tianjiao who could fight beyond the level.

The only one is the Zerg.

The Zerg themselves are all cornered.

They never thought of it.

In his own race, there was such a talented Tianjiao!

Ecstasy ensued.

Shocking ecstasy!

That's a joy boiling!


Kenwood's post on the public forum was also turned over.

This time......

No one questioned him anymore.

Because Ken Wood proved it with his own practical actions.

The Inhumans side.

Once again, an emergency evacuation strategy was implemented for their super geniuses.

The training that was supposed to be carried out was cancelled urgently.

Then a large number of super powerhouses rushed to the gathering place of these geniuses for the first time.

Prevent this damn Kenwood from continuing to shoot at their geniuses.

Even on the Terran side of the universe.

The emergency plan was also immediately activated.


The emergency plan was finally abandoned for some reason.

The Cosmic Terran claimed to be the one who claimed to be the super geniuses of the Cosmic Terran, and almost all of them gathered in the brilliant army of the Yimei Nebula.


There is no need to protect it at all.

But the truth is......

Xu Zi'an sent a message to Shizu.

Let it be left alone.

That's why that's what happened.

And at this moment!

Master Ancestor Wanzhong Mountain.

finally understood what Xu Zi'an's surprise was for him.

Let's be honest.

When he received the news that Kenwood's fleet was killing Inhumans, they were stunned.

Because his first feeling was......

Why is this behavior so familiar?

Think again.

He immediately understood something!

The brilliant fleet of the immortal class on the battlefield of the Imei Nebula.

In addition, Xu Zi'an said before that he would give him a surprise......

He still didn't understand what was going on!

It's not just him.

A high-level of the Peak Group of the Cosmic Human Race, as well as a high-level member of the Elder Group.

Got the news.

And one by one was indeed pleasantly surprised!

They never thought of it!

Xu Zi'an......

And did not abandon the actions and plans to continue targeting the enemy's super-genius.

But this time.

But by using this method, not only succeeded, but even diverted the hatred!

The goal was achieved, and it did not cause more hatred among the Inhumans Zerg.

This is definitely a good thing to make a fortune in a muffled voice.

But immediately after that, they were shocked one by one.


It occurred to them suddenly.

Xu Zi'an wants to do this, it seems that he ......

There is only one possibility.

3. Perfect camouflage technology!

Only the starship is perfectly camouflaged.

Personnel are perfectly camouflaged.

Identity, friend or foe, perfect camouflage. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These three perfect disguises can be put together to deceive the Zerg!

After all, people are not stupid!

Suddenly, two of them can fight beyond the level, and two of them can use the rules of the positive and negative universes to make space jumps......

Truth be told, it's a bit too rare.


This can be seen from the sudden influx of unknown personnel into the Edmi Nebula after the incident broke out.

These unknowns......

The vast majority of them are intelligence officers of various ethnic groups!

The purpose is to investigate whether this brilliant fleet is really a bright fleet!



At least from their surveys.

The Brilliant Fleet, indeed, is true!

3. Perfect camouflage......

In addition to sighing, the high-level of the cosmic human race was surprised. []

At the same time, I looked forward to it even more.

Looking forward to it.

Xu Zi'an will bring them more surprises in the future.


In fact!

The Zerg aren't stupid either.

The first time.

The high-level of the Zerg Clan, as well as the strong men of the forces behind Ken Wude, contacted Xu Zi'an.

This is also the first time that Xu Zi'an has spoken to the annihilation-level ruler of the Zerg Clan.

in the picture.

He is one of the leaders of the Zerg Race, and he is also the helmsman of one of the three great emperors of the Zerg Race.

The patriarch of the ghost worm people.

Ghost bug people.

According to the division of the human race into the insect race, it is a kind of leech.

Soft, nauseous.

But the strength is strong.

The patriarch of the ghost worm human race in front of him.

He is also one of the invincible powerhouses in the universe under the eternal level.

A peerless 830 powerhouse at the same level as his ancestor Wanzhongshan.


According to Xu Zi'an's understanding.

The other party also fought with Shizu for ten days and ten nights.

In the end, there is no equal.

You can imagine the strength of the other party.

And at this moment.

The communication of the optical brain watch is on.

After seeing Kenwood in front of him.

The other party's serious and indifferent face was suddenly full of smiles.

The smile was full of appreciation and relief.


When I saw the person on the phone, it was indeed a member of the Zerg clan.

He was completely relieved.

As for......

Is this person in front of him a three-perfect disguise?

Stop it!

For countless years, not to mention the three perfect disguises.

Even the perfect disguise has never been reached.

It should be thought of to achieve perfect disguise, there is a precondition -

Ten Rank Evolutionary.

Right now.

The strongest is the Eternal Class.

Not even above the Eternal Class, the Evolutionary Master has a way to study the starships above the Eternal Class.

How to reach the Ten Rank Evolutionary?

Unless someone can break through to the Eternal Level, it is possible to accompany the appearance of a Ten-Rank Evolutionary!

But if the cosmic human race is above the eternal level, how can it still play such a conspiracy?

Directly dispatch above the eternal level, sweep the universe and it's over!


Seeing the person in front of him, it was indeed Ken Wude.

The other party has no suspicion at all!

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