Brilliant Fleet Void Ship level, and after three years of special training for a group of the strongest Terrans.

Fight with all your heart for the first time!

The horror of its combat effectiveness.

Even Xu Zi'an and the women themselves.

They were all amazed.

Again, that's the same sentence.

The further back up the starship level, the bigger the gap!


That's for someone else.

Immortal Ship Period.

Xu Zi'an and the women are all able to blow up a starship.

Void Ship Period......

Twenty-nine Tianjiao starships, although the pressure is very high.


It's just a minute.

I killed several of them!


Accompanied by a decrease in the number of each other.

The pressure is also reduced step by step.

The end result is ......

In the first and a half minutes.

The other party's losses exceeded two ships.

Combat power of terror.

The original "Eight Zero Seven" was full of cruel smiles and ridicule on their faces, and their faces changed wildly and their faces were pale.

And as soon as he received the order from the high-level, he didn't think about it, and immediately began to disperse and escape.


Their escape was also expected by Xu Zi'an long before the battle began.

In this case.

How could it be possible for them to escape easily?

Xu Zi'an didn't even need to give an order.

Fox Qiqi, Qin Fuyue, Begonia, Mu Ziqiu, Meow Xiaomi, Liu Yuyu six daughters.

Immediately from a devastating suppressive strike, to an ultra-accurate positioning strike.

None of the other areas are left behind.

Fight exclusively for their engines!


It's all concentrated in their engine area!

The special training of the past three years has been completely manifested at this moment.

The outrageously accurate shells and missiles destroyed the opposing starship engines over and over again.

They frantically consumed evolution points for emergency repairs, but it was too late.

And that's not all!

In the past three years, the women have not only been specially trained for individual combat effectiveness.

Most of the time, they were also specially trained in group combat ability!

After all......

They are a group, and fighting as a group is their strongest state!

And the result of the super group combat capability is.

They didn't even need much communication with each other, as if they had a heart, they cooperated perfectly with each other, and the overlapping losses of shells and missiles were reduced to less than 10 percent!

What is called the coincident loss rate of artillery missiles?

For example.

Fox Qiqi and Qin Fuyue's two daughters.

Fox Qiqi is in charge of the starship energy shield of person A.

As soon as a third of her shells were fired, the muzzle of the cannon was turned to the next target.

And almost at the moment when her cannonball pierced the energy shield of Person A, Qin Fuyue's cannonball followed closely behind, almost consuming the enemy's armor.

And then it follows.

It was Begonia who shot and completely blew up the opponent's core armor!

At last.

It's Meow Xiaomi or Liu Yuyu who makes a move.

Blow up the opponent's engine!

The fit is seamless.

There is no excess shell consumption, each with its own duties and its own tasks.

And so it goes.

The losses of the overlap of artillery shells and missiles were reduced to a minimum.

Dramatically more efficient!

After all, for example, if the attack of the Fox Seven Seven Lord mainly causes the most damage to the enemy's energy shield, it will not do the most damage to the core armor.

More shells and more time will be wasted in vain.

Didn't maximize the effect!

But now it's going to work......

There are only a dozen or so starships left.

Almost a round!

They were blown up by all the women!

You can't escape if you want to!

Even if the evolution value is consumed like crazy for maintenance.

But the second round of coordinated attacks of the women also came......

Their engine repair has not yet reached 60 percent.

was once again beaten by the women.

And they are on the run at the same time.

Also frantically counterattacked.


There are two Taj daughters in Thailand.

Qin Fuyue's daughters are basically safe!

And the women's ammunition consumption has always been kept in the best condition.

Because the supply of Bai Xiaokite and Qu Tiange's two daughters has always been quite timely and appropriate.

Whenever their ammunition is at its limit.

Ammunition supplies from Bai Xiaokite and Qu Tiange always appear at the right time at this time.

The efficiency of the support is outrageous.

And their maintenance of the Taimei and Taj starships is also extremely in place.

Cooperate with Tai Mei and Taj two daughters' own evolution value.

It can be said that ......

Even in the face of the attack of so many enemy columns.

can keep the damage of their starship at about 70%.

There is no drop!!

This. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's an extremely scary statistic.

At last!

It's Xu Zi'an.

Xu Zi'an.


Transformed into a death-like existence on the battlefield.

The enemy's remaining dozen or so star ships lost engine power.

In front of Xu Zi'an.

It's like a fixed target.

In this case......

Xu Zi'an's attack accuracy is outrageous!

Let's just put it this way.

10,000 shells.


At most, only ten shells will be intercepted. []

The remaining artillery missiles.

All rushed to the other party's cockpit!

Just ask......

In this case.

Who can handle it?

Not to mention the Pristarship.

Even if the Zhenyu ship is here, it can only wait for death!

In fact, it is.

This one-sided killing.

It lasted less than five minutes.

Exploded in the unwilling roar of the last Inhuman star.

And the reason why it takes five minutes......

That's because.

The last three and a half.

The girls are mainly going to attack the enemy's engine!

If the other party does not run, the front is strong......

Three minutes at most, no more than four minutes.

These twenty-nine Columnar ships.

They will all be turned into the souls of the people.

There will be no surprises.

Five minutes.

It's all over.


Brilliant fleet, there's still time to loot this star system!

The targets to loot are mainly the treasures in the star system, as well as ammunition.

Looting is also extremely simple. 2.7

Because before the action.

Jiang Yaoyao's side had already started an intelligence search here.

Therefore, the treasure trove and ammunition depot in this star system have already been sent to everyone's starship.

Precise positioning and scraping of the ......

Ten minutes later.

Looting done.

At last.

A few shells in hand.

Destroy this galaxy once and for all.

Without hesitation.

Turn around and run.

Run to a no-man's land deep space.

Open the wormhole directly and escape into it.

Only the ruins of this place remain.


Just in the battle.

The picture of Xu Zi's live broadcast.

When the battle is over, the live stream is over.

Naturally, it will not be known how they escaped.


The whole universe.

There was an uproar!!。

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