Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 92: Respective Requests

Ghost wine allows ghosts to taste the taste of wine, but it does not make ghosts drunk.

Alcohol enters the body and is quickly broken down.

However, Jushi felt that she was really a little drunk.

Mr. Aoki has been able to fight Muzan Kibutsuji, plus her poison.

The hope of revenge is within reach!

The surprise came so suddenly, she was in a daze, and her whole body was immersed in a strong sense of unreality.

"Miss Zhuyo, I have one more thing to ask you." Aoki said.

Zhu Shi cheered up and looked at Aoki with soft eyes: "Mr. Aoki, just speak."

As long as she can defeat Muzan Kibutsuji, even if Mr. Aoki wants to sacrifice his sword to her, she will agree without hesitation.

Aoki took out a few tubes of blood, which were blood samples from Tanjiro's family.

Zhu Shi twitched his nose slightly: "Is this... human blood?"

Yushiro also took a look.

He and Master Zhushi usually rely on drinking blood to survive, and are very sensitive to the taste of human blood.

"Yes, this is the blood of several very special people." Aoki said.

Zhu Shi didn't speak, and looked at Aoki silently, waiting for his explanation.

Aoki first picked out Tanjiro's blood, and then Nezuko's blood: "They both have extremely high ghost-making talents. These two should be the best, and the first one is far better than the second one."

"Extremely high talent for making ghosts?"

Zhu Shi silently repeated Aoki's words.

Aoki picked up Tanjiro's blood again: "His talent is much stronger than Muzan Kibutsuji!"

Of course there is talent in being a ghost.

Some ghosts can become the upper string, some ghosts can only become the lower string at most, and even more ghosts can't even touch the edge of the lower string.

There is another measure of ghost's talent, which is how much blood of Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzai can be carried.

The blood of Onibatsuji Mumei can make ghosts stronger, but if it exceeds the limit it can bear, the body will collapse and die.

Tanjiro, on the other hand, not only easily withstood all the blood of Muzan Kibutsuji, but also defeated Taiyang in an instant.

Tanjiro's talent as a ghost is unparalleled.

"Stronger than Kibutsuji Muzan?"

Zhu Shi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he finally understood what Mr. Aoki meant when he said that he had a strong talent for being a ghost.

Aoki said: "So, I hope Miss Tamashii can study these bloods and see if she can decipher the secrets in them."

Zhu Shi thought for a while and said softly: "Mr. Aoki, I'm afraid this is difficult to do.

Although I don't know how you can be sure that the owners of these bloods have a strong talent for making ghosts, human blood and ghost blood are completely two different things.

Unless he has become a ghost, it is difficult for us to find out what is special about his blood. "

"It doesn't matter. Miss Tamashii can just try it in her free time. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work." Aoki said.

This is just a chess piece laid casually. If it succeeds, it is good, but if it fails, there will be no loss.

He is now only one step away from the ultimate creature. Even if he can decipher the secret in Tanjiro's blood, it may not be helpful to him.

"I understand!" Zhu Shi collected all the blood seriously.

"There's one more thing." Aoki said.

He briefly talked about his cooperation with the Demon Slayer Squad and the space mark.

"I also wanted to try to communicate with the Demon Slayer Corps. I didn't expect Mr. Aoki to have such in-depth cooperation with the Demon Slayer Corps."

Zhuyo praised that Mr. Aoki’s approach coincided with her idea of ​​“uniting the power of more people.”

"The leader of the Demon Slayer Squad, the Ubuyashiki clan, is quite outstanding both in terms of ability and courage."

Aoki said, while taking out a space mark and handing it to Zhu Shi.

There are two basic requirements for leaving a spatial imprint: concealment and safety.

In a big city like Asakusa, it's not easy to find a place like this.

Miss Zhushi's house is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Mr. Aoki, please rest assured, I will definitely keep it safe." Zhu Shi put away the space mark and hid it close to his body.

Aoki looked at the sky outside and drank all the wine in the glass in one breath.

"It's getting late, it's time for me to leave."

"please wait for a moment!"

Joo Se gets up and leaves.

After a while, she returned with three fusiform devices: "Mr. Aoki, this is for you."

"This is?" Aoki already had a guess in his mind.

Zhuyo pursed her lips: "This is the poison I made. As long as it stabs Muzan Kibutsuji, the poison will spread quickly. There are three copies here."

Aoki solemnly accepted it.

This is the key to defeating Muzan Kibutsuji.

Without this, even if he reaches the full level, he may not be able to kill Muzan Kibutsuji.

Zhuyo said: "I will continue to try to develop more powerful poisons. If I have any results, I will tell Mr. Aoki as soon as possible."


Aoki nodded.

In fact, in his opinion, this poison is already perfect.

In the original work, Tamayo and Butterfly Ninja teamed up to create poisons with four effects.

Become human, age, prevent division and destroy cells.

However, becoming a human was created using the blood of Nezuko, who had overcome cannibalism and sunlight, as a sample. Without those conditions now, it would naturally not exist.

The other three effects are perfectly retained, but the cell-destroying effect is moved to the front.

This is not a coincidence, or a sign of fate, but because these are the most suitable effects for Muzan Kibutsuji.

In the original work, Tamayo and Shinobu Kocho chose these.

In this time and space, without Shinobu Kocho's cooperation, Tamayo still chose these effects.

As long as it can be used on Muzan Kibutsuji, it will definitely seriously weaken Muzan Kibutsuji.

Of course.

If Miss Tamayo can develop a more powerful poison, it will definitely be better.

Tamayo said solemnly: "In fact, I also have something that I want to ask Mr. Aoki for help."

"Miss Tamayo, just ask." Aoki said.

Tamayo said: "When Mr. Aoki wants to take action against Muzan Kibutsuji, please be sure to tell me and let me participate. I will definitely be able to help!"

Aoki looked at her deeply.

He knew.

Miss Tamayo was determined to die.

After killing her husband and children with her own hands, her heart died.

For so many years, her only purpose in living in this world was to avenge Muzan Kibutsuji.

"No problem, I will let Miss Tamayo see Muzan Kibutsuji's death with her own eyes."

Aoki said: "However, I have one last thing to ask Miss Tamayo."

"Please go ahead." Tamayo smiled, gentle and elegant, and it was impossible to tell that she was in deep sorrow.

"Miss Tamayo should know about the blue spider lily, right?" Aoki asked.

Tamayo's face changed slightly: "Yes, Mr. Aoki?"

"I have found the blue spider lily." Aoki said.

Tamayo suddenly became nervous and grabbed Aoki's hand: "Where is it? Will Muzan Muzan find it?"

Aoki said: "Ms. Tamayo, please rest assured that Muzan Muzan will never find the location of the blue Higanbana.

Moreover, the blue Higanbana only blooms on the day when the sun is the strongest every year.

This year's opening date has passed. Even if Muzan Muzan Muzan finds the location, he can't get the blue Higanbana!"

Tamayo's body relaxed: "What does Mr. Aoki mean?"

Aoki said: "Of course I also want to get rid of the shackles of the sun, so after getting the blue Higanbana, I hope Miss Tamayo will be responsible for researching the medicine."

Tamayo reacted and looked at him in a daze.

Aoki said again: "The blue Higanbana is very precious. There may be only a few in the world. There must be someone with high enough medical skills and trustworthy to be responsible. Miss Tamayo is the only candidate."

In fact, the medical skills of Kocho Kanae and Kocho Shinobu are also good enough.

But they are human after all.

I am sure they didn't leave it to Tamayo.

Tamayo was silent for a long time before she smiled again.


"Then it's settled!" Aoki said.

Yushiro suddenly came between the two of them, looking at their clasped hands, his face twisted a little.

"It's almost dawn, aren't you leaving yet?"

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