Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 91 Goodbye Tamayo (Please subscribe!)

High in the sky, Qingmu wearing a bamboo hat looked like a black divine bird, flying rapidly.

He didn't show up.

Wherever you walk, you will leave traces.

Even if Takina and Mistress are allowed to keep it a secret, if they stay for a long time, they may be exposed due to smell, breath and other issues.

However, he didn't leave secretly like last time.

The letter was just to report that he was safe and to give the two of them a rough idea of ​​his situation. The key was the spatial imprint.

With that space mark, there is no need to worry about the safety of Takina and his wife.

As for whether Takina and his wife will not pay attention to the spatial mark, Aoki is not worried about this at all.

He understands Takina, and Takina understands him.

However, this is only a stop-gap measure. The only way to completely solve the problem is to kill Muzan Kibutsuji.

Oniitsuji Mumei can split his body into 1800 pieces, and he can survive as long as one piece escapes.

If you want to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji, you must first restrain his ability.

"I wonder if Ms. Jushi's poison is ready?"

Aoki shook his wings like a meteor across the night sky.

Swish, swish, swish.

Zhu Shi carefully recorded it in his notebook until a whole page was filled.

Putting down her pen, she rubbed her wrist and looked out the window.

Her wrists weren't sore, it was just a habit left over from when she was still human.

"It's already dark!"

Joo Se closed the notebook and walked outside.

She likes the time when the sun just sets and will go out for a walk if she has the chance.

Yearning for the light, but out of ghost instinct and fear of the sun, I hope to get closer to the light in this way.

The flowers were in full bloom, and Zhu Shi gently poked the flower bones with his fingers.

"I wonder when Mr. Aoki will receive the letter?"


Suddenly, a strange sound sounded.

After two seconds, Jushi realized that the sound was coming from the sky and looked up.

A huge black shadow fell from the sky, and when its wings flapped, it brought up strong wind and waves, which made people unable to open their eyes.


Zhu Shi was startled at first, and then a look of surprise appeared on her beautiful face.

Aoki landed firmly, waved and smiled: "Miss Zhushi, long time no see!"

Zhu Shi said in surprise: "Mr. Aoki, why are you here?"

Aoki said: "There are a few things to discuss with Miss Tamashi."

Zhu Shi smiled, intellectually and elegantly: "What a coincidence, I also have something to tell Mr. Aoki, and I am planning to write a letter to Mr. Aoki through Chachawan."


The door at the back opened and Yushiro came out.

"Lord Jushi, I heard a strange noise, what happened...why are you here?"

The moment he saw Aoki, his face suddenly stretched.

Aoki waved his hand: "Go get the cups, let's drink! I calculated the time before coming here, and this time I can drink two bottles in a row."

Yushiro's teeth were itching with hatred, but under Zhu Shi's gaze, he could only turn around obediently.

After a while.

The three of them sat around the table.

Aoki filled all three glasses with wine, then raised his own glass: "Come on, let's drink to our reunion first!"


Zhu Shi raises his glass.

Yushirou could only reluctantly raise his cup.


The three cups clinked gently.

Zhu Shi took a sip of the green wine and sighed: "Every time I drink this, I have the illusion that I am still alive."

Aoki shook the cup, the green wine swirled, and the reflection inside shattered: "What a pity, there is wine but no vegetables!"

All the Qi and Blood Pills were also eaten.

There is no way to eat it even if you want to eat it as a snack.

"It's incredible to have wine to drink."

Zhu Shi took another bite and asked: "Mr. Aoki, what's going on with the three and six of the upper strings?

You just sent me two pieces of blood. Less than ten days later, I suddenly received two more pieces of blood. I was shocked! "

Yushiro, who had been peeking at Tamashi, also looked at Aoki curiously.

"Well, I can only say that I have better luck!"

Aoki briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhu Shi's eyes were filled with brilliance: "It's not just luck, Mr. Aoki's strength is the key."

Yushiro's eyes were also filled with shock.

He thought about many possibilities, but none were as crazy as reality.

Under the siege of Onimusuji Muzan and Uehara, he not only escaped unscathed, but also killed two Uehara.

How strong has this guy reached?

Without leaving him confused for too long, Miss Zhushi immediately asked the question.

"Mr. Aoki, how strong are you now?"

Aoki put down his wine glass and said with a serious expression, "I should be able to have a battle with Mutsuji Kibutsuji!"

Zhu Shi's hands shook, and he didn't even notice that the wine in his glass spilled, and he stared at Aoki closely.


Aoki said: "I am confident that I will fight Muzan Kibutsuji, but I am not yet sure that I can kill him. Moreover, I still need Miss Tamashii..."

Zhu Shi said without thinking: "The poison has been successfully researched! It is a compound poison. Its surface effect is to destroy Kibutsuji Muzan's cells. When Kibutsuji Muzan decomposes the poison, the second drug effect and the third drug The effect will be activated together.

The second effect is to age Kibutsuji Muzan's cells, which will age fifty years every minute.

The third effect is to prevent Onibutsuji Muzan from splitting. "

"very good!"

Aoki also breathed a sigh of relief: "With this medicine, there is hope to kill Muzan Kibutsuji.

However, wait a little longer, my strength has not reached the limit yet!"

He must consider all possible situations.

The battle with Muzan Kibutsuji may become a protracted war.

On this basis.

"The Transparent World" cannot be opened for a long time, it is best to upgrade to level 2.

It is best to learn level 6 "Demon Blood", which can increase all attributes again, and may overcome sunlight,

This is also very important.

The sunlight is a fatal threat to both him and Muzan Kibutsuji.

If the sunlight cannot be overcome, if the battle continues until daytime, it can only be terminated.

With Muzan Kibutsuji's cherishment of life and timidity, once he really feels that his life is threatened, anger will quickly turn into fear, and he may keep hiding from him next.

Although he also has enough life to fight Muzan Kibutsuji, he does not want to be on guard against a powerful monster forever.

There is only a thief who steals for a thousand days, but there is no one who guards against thieves for a thousand days.

He only has one chance, once he makes a move, he must ensure that he kills Muzan Kibutsuji!

In addition, there is another inconspicuous reason.

After Muzan Kibutsuji dies, all the demons under his control will die.

Without monsters to kill, Aoki will never be able to reach the maximum level.

Tamayo readily agreed: "That's right! After Mr. Aoki's strength is raised to the limit, it will not be too late to settle accounts with Muzan Kibutsuji! We don't need a few years!"

She also understands Muzan Kibutsuji's character.

Although she can't wait to kill Muzan Kibutsuji immediately, for her, the most important thing is the success rate, not the speed.

She has waited for hundreds of years, and she doesn't need a few years.

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