Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 9 The ghosts plot against Aoki

Another night fell.

An extremely rare scene appeared on Fuji Mountain.

In a dense forest, there were more than a dozen ghosts scattered around, looking at each other warily, but not taking action.

A ghost with a long tongue hanging out of his mouth stood in the middle, speaking in an excited tone and constantly using gestures to increase his momentum.

"I saw this with my own eyes! He is very strong, and Shinichi Tsutsumi is no match for him. It didn't take long for him to be beaten and lose the ability to resist, and then he swallowed him completely with that hand!"

The ghost next to him questioned: "How is it possible! I only know that ghosts eat people, and I have never heard of ghosts eating ghosts!"

The long-tongued ghost immediately looked over: "Do you mean I am lying?"

The other ghost curled his lips and said: "I didn't say that, or maybe you saw it wrong."

The long-tongued ghost was furious: "Do you think I am as stupid as you? Haven't you noticed that there are suddenly fewer ghosts on the mountain recently?"

A long-haired female ghost sat on a branch, looking down at the long-tongued ghost: "So? What is the purpose of you looking for us? You are not just telling us this news?"

The long-tongued ghost raised his arm and swung it down heavily, saying in a grim tone: "Of course, we will find the ghost together and kill him!

If we don't take the initiative, he will eat us all sooner or later!"

The other ghosts didn't think so.

The long-tongued ghost had expected this, and said, "Why do you think he wants to eat ghosts? Ghosts will become stronger by eating people, so will eating ghosts..."

He didn't finish his words, but all the ghosts had already understood what he meant, and their eyes quickly became hot.

Imprisoned here, they only have the opportunity to eat people when the Demon Slayer Corps conducts the final assessment, and only some ghosts can succeed.

The strong feeling of hunger tortures every ghost.

If they get the method of eating ghosts, they can not only get rid of the torture of hunger, but also continue to become stronger, and even have the opportunity to leave this wisteria cage.

"These idiots!" The long-tongued ghost sneered in his heart.

He asked the ghosts for help because he had no confidence in defeating the ghost himself.

But he only asked for weak ghosts.

No ghost knows that he secretly ate two people in the last Demon Slayer Corps assessment, and the total number of people he ate has reached seven, and his strength is much higher than these ghosts who have only eaten one or two people.

In the end, he will be the only one who benefits!

"Oh hehe, why don't you ask me to join in such an interesting thing?"

A strange voice sounded, and all the ghosts changed their faces.


With heavy footsteps, a huge monster slowly walked over. He was like a mountain of flesh, with arms all over his body, revealing only a pair of yellow pupils, looking weird and ferocious.

The long-tongued ghost had an ugly expression: "How did he find me here?"

The hand ghost had been hiding in Tengxi Mountain for more than 40 years, and it was said that he had eaten more than 40 people.

On Tengxi Mountain, the only thing he had no confidence in dealing with was this hand ghost.

"Oh, hehe, what, don't you welcome me to join?" The hand ghost covered his mouth with three hands, and his cunning eyes swept over all the ghosts.

"No! Of course not!"

The long-tongued ghost's brain turned quickly.

If the hand ghost is not allowed to participate, the matter is likely to be exposed directly.

This is also good, it is safer to have the hand ghost join.

The key is, after solving that ghost, how to ensure that he gets the greatest benefit?

The hand ghost's eyes were fiery: "When I get the ability to eat ghosts, I will eat all the ghosts in Fuji Mountain, and maybe I can leave Fuji Mountain! Urokutaki, Urokutaki, Urokutaki! Wait for me!"

Other ghosts sneered, mocked, fanatically, or pondered secretly, with different expressions.


"Go to hell, die, die!"

A ghost with a mouth full of sawtooth waved his fists wildly.

Aoki seized a gap, stepped forward, and swept his arms like a long knife.


The neck was broken and the body was separated.

Aoki grabbed the head and retreated quickly.

The headless body chased after him, and the head in his hand had a crazy look on his face. He opened his mouth and his tongue shot out like a sharp arrow.

"Have you been holding it in for too long? You are not mentally normal."

Aoki turned his wrist to deflect his tongue, then grabbed the head and smashed it heavily on the stone next to him.

Bang, bang, bang!

After repeating this several times, the headless body that was running wildly suddenly fell down, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

Qingmu lifted the head of the sawtooth ghost and looked at it, confirming that it had lost consciousness.

"First kill of the day!"

This was the fastest way he had concluded to kill a ghost.

Without the Sun Wheel Sword, although beheading could not directly kill the ghost, it could greatly affect the ghost's combat effectiveness.

A heavy blow to the head could easily put the ghost into a coma.


Qingmu did not hesitate and directly launched "Swallow Ghost".

[Kill a ghost and gain 11 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! ]

"Only 11 experience points? I'm getting poorer and poorer."

Qingmu looked at the system panel, thought for a while, and added 2 free attribute points to strength and intelligence respectively.

His body expanded rapidly, his muscles became a little bloated, and his clothes were bulging.

Agility affects balance, coordination and other aspects. A low point is nothing more than a little clumsy, but intelligence determines the level of control over strength.

Because his power increased too much in a short period of time, his control over power was already very poor.

If the intelligence is too low, it may be impossible to control the body completely.

After adapting a little, Qingmu added the free skill points to "Ghost Blood" and added 1 to all attributes again.

[Name: Qingmu]

[Strength: 12]

[Constitution: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Agility: 9]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker]

[White Walker]

Quality: ★★

Level: lv3 (2/300)

Skills: Ghost Blood II, Space Shuttle (not yet learned), Transparent World (not yet learned), Ghost Swallowing

Mission: Fuji Mountain Dungeon (Ghost 16/30, Hand Ghost 0/1)

"12 points of strength is enough for now, let's focus on adding other attributes next!"

Qingmu looked at the system panel and thought silently.

Now he has strong strength, but he can't fully exert it.

Insufficient strength control, insufficient body coordination, insufficient combat skills, insufficient combat experience, insufficient high-level skills, etc.

He is now a silver-plated spearhead with only data, and the data is seriously unbalanced.

In the novel, it is the classic waste that is easily challenged by geniuses.

The best way to add points is to keep all attributes moving forward in parallel.

This abnormal data is just a last resort to improve combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Qingmu turned his eyes to the skill bar, and after a moment, he shook his head gently.

"Is level 2 'ghost blood' still not enough?"

He tried to learn "space shuttle" and "transparent world", and the system prompt was still "prerequisite skill level is insufficient".

The bonus of these two skills to combat effectiveness is not comparable to a few attributes.


Suddenly, a light sound interrupted Qingmu's thinking.

He turned his head and saw the back of a ghost running wildly in his field of vision.

Qingmu's eyes moved, and he looked calmly without any action.

The fleeing ghost slowly stopped and looked back angrily.

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