Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 10 The Correct Use of Ghost Swallowing

After a while.


One after another ghosts came out of the darkness, surrounding Aoki.

"How did you find out?" The ghost with an extremely long tongue hanging out of his mouth asked with a stern face.

"Such a poor hiding technique, you can tell at a glance."

Aoki glanced at all the ghosts around him: "So many ghosts came to me together, what's the point?"

The long-tongued ghost didn't beat around the bush and said straight to the point: "Stop pretending, I saw you eat Shinichi Tsutsumi with my own eyes. Show me your ghost-eating method, otherwise you will definitely die today!"

"I see." Aoki suddenly said, "You have some ideas."

He would be seen because he had no intention of hiding it.

He didn't care if the secret came out.

In the second chapter, it is said that he is the enemy of everyone in this world.

Ghosts are his food, and the ghost king is the target of his revenge. As a ghost, he cannot establish true trust with humans.

What's more, this is Tengxi Mountain, a prison that can only be entered but not exited.

The long-tongued ghost looked at Aoki's calm expression and sneered: "You must be thinking that ghosts can't kill other ghosts, so you don't worry about your own safety at all, right?

But let me tell you, there are many ways to kill you!

If you were tied up and placed in an open field, what do you think would happen after dawn? "

Aoki glanced at the long-tongued ghost.

Although it was only a quick glance, he had already recognized that the long-tongued ghost was the ghost he let go yesterday near dawn.

It seemed that he was the leader of this siege.

Being able to gather so many ghosts is indeed quite a skill.

Aoki must admit that the current situation is still a bit troublesome.

The ghost power on the Vine Attack Mountain is generally at 6 or 7 o'clock, and very few are at 8 o'clock.

In one-on-one combat, with his current strength of 12 points, he can crush him with one hand.

However, if he is harassed by other ghosts, he will not be able to use "Ghost Swallowing". If he cannot completely kill the ghosts, he will inevitably be dragged into a protracted war.

"You all want to know?"

Aoki said: "But what if only one ghost can use my method?"

The ghost group was a little restless.

"A bunch of idiots! They can't even see through such a simple conspiracy!"

The long-tongued ghost was furious and said quickly: "It's none of your business. You just tell us the method and how to distribute it. That's up to us..."

His voice stopped suddenly. He looked at the enemy who suddenly appeared in front of him, and his head couldn't react for a moment.

"Are you really divided?"

Aoki's eyes were cold and stern, and he waved his fist heavily.


The long-tongued ghost's head exploded like a tomato, and his body fell straight down.

Aoki didn't pause at all, turned around and pounced on the fang-filled ghost next to him.

He is already tall, but after adding some points this time, his muscles have become very developed. At this time, he rushes like a tank, with amazing momentum.

The fanged ghost was so frightened that he forgot that he was a ghost for a moment and stood there, trembling and at a loss.

The next moment, he followed the footsteps of the long-tongued ghost and his head was torn apart.

The other ghosts finally reacted.

"Go together!"

"Don't be afraid! We are ghosts and we won't die at all!"

"kill him!"

"Show me how to eat ghosts!"

All the ghosts rushed towards Aoki together.

A ghost with bone spurs on its elbows was closest to Aoki. It jumped up, clenched its hands into fists, and hit Aoki's head like a sledgehammer.

Qing Mumu didn't even look back, and swept his arms diagonally.

Poof! Like a long knife passing by, the bone-spurred ghost split into two and was cut in half.

This is absolute power crushing!

These brats were as weak as babies in front of Aoki. Any punch or kick would be an unbearable burden for them.

Unfortunately, there is no way to kill ghosts quickly without "swallowing ghosts".

"Is there any way to inhibit the regeneration ability of ghosts?"

Aoki's thoughts were floating around, he grabbed the two ghosts, used them as weapons, and threw them behind him.


The four ghosts spurted blood from their mouths and flew out.

But at this moment, a thick arm suddenly broke out of the ground.

Aoki had no time to guard against the mistake and could only lower his head in time.


The bridge of his nose was broken, his body leaned back involuntarily, and he took two steps back.

"What a power!"

Aoki stood up straight, his face restored to its original state, and with a glance, he found the target of his sneak attack.

It was a huge mountain of flesh, completely surrounded by various arms, with only a pair of cunning and slender eyes exposed.

"It's a hand ghost!"

Aoki instantly recognized the enemy's identity: "Haha, we are all here now. If we can keep all these ghosts behind, we can complete the 'Tengxi Mountain Dungeon' today."

The appearance of the hand ghost cheered up the ghost who was already frightened by Aoki's beating.

"Hahaha, hand over the method of eating ghosts, otherwise you will die today!"

The long-tongued ghost felt solemn and excited at the same time: "Fortunately, the hand ghost joined us, otherwise we might not be able to defeat him today!"

"Does eating ghosts make you stronger faster than eating people?"

The hand ghost's eyes were fiery, and he closed his hands into a huge fist and flew out like a rocket launcher.

Aoki snorted coldly, and without dodging or evading, he also raised his fist to meet him.


The hand ghost's arm was like a bamboo with firecrackers ignited inside, falling apart and flesh and blood splattering.

Aoki was about to continue the attack when four ghosts rushed over and stopped him. Before he could get away, the arm of the hand ghost had successfully regenerated.

Boom boom boom!

The fighting became more and more fierce.

Blocking the hand ghost's attack again, Aoki frowned as he watched his arm regenerate rapidly: "If there is no way to suppress their regeneration, there is no need to continue this battle."

He won't lose, but he can't win either.

If you continue to fight, it will just be a waste of time.

Although it is a pity to let such a good opportunity pass, there is no need to force it if it is impossible.

Is there a way to suppress ghost regeneration?


He Dao, one of the ultimate three-piece set for ghost hunters, is a magical skill that can suppress the regeneration of ghosts.

The problem is, he doesn't know how to use He Dao at all.

Is there any other way?

An idea suddenly popped into Aoki's mind.

At this time, a fanged ghost rushed over.

"Let's try it!"

Aoki took a hard punch from the fanged ghost and slashed him diagonally with his sword.


The fanged ghost's face cracked and his head shook.

"Swallow it!"

Aoki's eyes were sharp, and he activated "Ghost Swallowing", turning his palm into a black hole, wildly devouring the surrounding flesh and blood.


The fanged ghost's head was split in two.

Aoki's palm seemed to be surrounded by a circle of rapidly rotating blades, scraping off a layer of flesh and blood. Because it passed directly through it, the "ghost swallowing" was automatically terminated before the fanged ghost could struggle.

However, Aoki, who has excellent eyesight, was pleasantly surprised.

The fanged ghost's head seemed to show no signs of regeneration.

There was a sharp sound of breaking through the air behind him. Aoki turned around and punched. The moment he touched the ghost, he activated "Ghost Swallowing" again.


Aoki received a heavy blow to the chest, and a huge gash was ripped open in the ghost's face.

Aoki noticed again that the regeneration around the wounds caused by his fists had also completely stopped!

"That was not an illusion just now! It turns out that this is the correct way to use 'swallowing ghosts'!"

Aoki's eyes lit up and he glanced at all the ghosts.

"You are all going to die today!"

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