"Kibutsuji Muzan!"

Aoki's eyes narrowed and he stopped adding points: "He is indeed here, what a pity."

When Oniwu Tsuji Muzan arrives, it will be impossible to kill Yiwozao.

"We meet again!" Oniwu Tsuji Muzan's eyes swept across the battlefield and stopped on Aoki.

"It's much earlier than I expected!" Aoki said calmly.

On the surface, there seemed to be no quarrel between the two, and they greeted each other like old friends.

"It's a pity that I couldn't discover your specialness at first, but I still caught you in the end."

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan slowly stretched out his palm: "Let me see what secrets you have, right?"


A whip suddenly struck Aoki, and wherever it passed, houses were cut open easily like tofu.

However, the moment he was about to meet Aoki, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's expression changed, and he suddenly looked up.

Aoki floated in the air and looked down: "Kibutsuji Muzan, thank you for the 'food' you sent, we will meet again!"

After the words fell, his figure slowly disappeared.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan's face suddenly darkened, and he quickly observed.

No, no, not anywhere!

He actually got away!

I personally took action, but I couldn't catch him!

"Damn bastard!"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's face became ferocious and he clenched his fist.


A tyrannical shock wave erupted.

The house next to it instantly turned into ruins, and Yiwozuo flew out, blood spurting from his mouth.

However, as a ghost, this little injury is nothing.

Yiwozai turned over and landed on the ground, walked to Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan, and knelt down on one knee: "Master Muzan, the defector has mastered an ability that can directly cross space!"

Kibutsuji Muzan's eyes widened, and the shock wave erupted again, and the Yiwozao flew out again, and the injury was far more serious than last time.

"Do I need a reminder? Yiwozuo, what you have to do is to find a way to restrain the defectors!"

Yi Wo Zuo said respectfully: "Master Wuhan, I feel that the defector's ability is somewhat similar to Naruko's ability."

"Huh? Use Infinite City?"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan stared at Yiwozuo for two seconds, then flicked his arm and disappeared.

Yi Wozuo stood up, clenched his fists, and looked at the sky.

"Defector, I will never forget today's shame!"

The river flows slowly, and a big tree stands quietly on the bank.

The air rippled, and the light outlined Aoki's figure.

As soon as he landed, he sat down on the ground.

In order to avoid being caught up by Wu Kuai, he teleported dozens of kilometers in one breath, which was very depleted physically and mentally.

"Kibutsuji Mumei actually knows how to do it himself. My treatment is indeed not low."

In the eyes of Demon Dance Tsuji Muzan, Hashiya is just an ant. Only the entire Demon Slayer Team can be tied together to give him a high look.

"However, I have to thank him this time."

A smile appeared on the corner of Aoki's mouth, and with a thought, a blue screen appeared in his field of vision.

He read the system prompts carefully first.

"Physique plus 1" comes from the enhancement of "Swallowing Ghosts".

It’s been a long time since I’ve received an attribute reward. This time I swallowed a lower string and gained something, which is normal.

Upgraded 3 levels in a row!

This kind of thing has never been experienced even when the level was still low.

Many conditions came together to achieve this miracle.

It will probably be difficult to reproduce in the future.

[Name: Aoki]

【Strength: 15】

[Physique: 15]

[Intelligence: 15]

[Agility: 15]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker]

[Free attribute points: 6]

[Item: Qi and Blood Pill*3]

【White Walker】

Quality: ★★

Level: lv11 (3/1100)

Skills: Ghost Blood IV, Space Travel, Transparent World (not learned yet), Swallowing Ghosts

Free skill points: 4

Mission: Winding Doom (0/3)

Huge gain.

Whether it is attribute points or skill points, it has never been so rich.

Aoki admired it twice before starting to add more points.

The first is the attributes, 2 points each for strength and intelligence, and 1 point each for constitution and agility.

After smashing 6 attribute points, his momentum surged, and it took him a while to calm down.

Skill points are used to improve "Ghost Swallowing".

There is no need to kill Yi Wo Zuo anymore, naturally we have to proceed according to the original plan.

A strange feeling arose spontaneously, Aoki stretched out his palm: "Level 2 'Ghost Swallowing'."

He felt it silently, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Compared with level 1, level 2 "Ghost Swallowing" has undergone qualitative changes.

First of all, the devouring speed of level 2 "Ghost Swallowing" is greatly increased, and it is no longer as easy to be interrupted as it was at level 1.

When facing those weaker ghosts in the future, after catching them, he can forcefully devour them without having to beat them half to death like before.

Secondly, the effect of level 2 "Ghost Swallowing" is no longer limited to the point of contact, but the overall power of swallowing ghosts.

Every time it is swallowed, it will cause irreversible damage to the ghost.

This is more powerful than real damage, equivalent to directly cutting the health bar.

From now on, let alone winding, even Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan will not be afraid of being unable to hit.

In terms of fighting ghosts, level 2 "Swallowing Ghosts" is more powerful than "Transparent World".

From now on, he is the biological father of all ghosts!

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 17]

[Constitution: 16]

[Intelligence: 17]

[Agility: 16]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker]

[Item: Qi and Blood Pills*3]

[White Walker]

Quality: ★★

Level: lv11 (3/1100)

Skills: Ghost Blood IV, Space Shuttle, Transparent World (Not Learned Yet), Ghost Swallowing II

Quest: The End of Upper Moon (0/3)

“The overall attribute is close to 17 points. The strength is not worse than Akaza. Although the skills are definitely not as good as Akaza, I have a level 2 ‘Ghost Swallowing’. If we fight again now, I will definitely have the advantage!”

Aoki evaluated his current strength and looked at the system again.

“Qi and Blood Pills.”

A porcelain bottle appeared in his hand out of thin air. He opened the lid and a fresh fragrance came to his face.

Aoki swallowed subconsciously and his eyes suddenly changed.

Since becoming a ghost, this is the second time he has an appetite for something.

The first time was naturally Ghost Wine.

However, the temptation of Ghost Wine and the items in the porcelain bottle are simply incomparable.

If the former is a steamed bun, then the latter is a delicious dish with good color, aroma and taste.

Inside the porcelain bottle are three round pills, slightly larger than soybeans, and all red.

Qingmu studied it.

The effect of Qi and Blood Pill is very simple, just like humans to ghosts and ghosts to him, in simple terms, it is to replenish strength.

Not bad.

In battle, it can be used as a blue medicine, although ghosts rarely run out of physical strength in a battle.

To put it another way, it is not bad to eat it as candy beans.

Qingmu stretched and put away the Qi and Blood Pill.

This operation was very rewarding.

Next, set a higher goal.

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