Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 42: 3 consecutive level ups

Akaza slowly walked out of the smoke and dust, the excitement on his face faded a little, and he looked at Aoki in confusion.

"What happened just now? Why didn't I feel the movement of your fighting spirit?"

"Actually, I really want to continue fighting with you." Aoki showed regret.

Through the battle just now, he has determined that he is not Akaza's opponent at present, but Akaza can't kill him.

This kind of high-intensity and high-pressure battle can help him quickly improve his fighting skills and improve his fighting system.

"But." Aoki sighed: "I'm a little worried that other upper strings, or even Muzan Kibutsuji, are already on their way here."

Akaza clenched his fist and pointed at Aoki: "Unfortunately, this battle is not something you can avoid if you don't want to fight."

"No, I have the final say!"

Aoki's figure suddenly disappeared.

Akaza's eyes froze instantly.

This is it again!

Didn't feel the movement of fighting spirit, just disappeared!

The end of the street.

Bingye, who was watching the show, was stunned for a moment when he saw the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Aoki Style, Storm!"

Aoki's attack swept in like a violent storm.

Bingye did not react at all, and his body was instantly covered with fist-sized holes, his limbs were all disabled, and his head was also pierced.

Compared with the battle with Lei, Aoki's strength has reached a new level, and with the unexpected attack, he almost disabled the Lower String Four as soon as they met.

Akaza caught Aoki's figure the moment he appeared, summoned the Luo needles, and gathered around him.

"Destruction Kill, Final Style, Blue and Silver Random Remnant Light!"


Missiles were flying all over the sky, like hundreds of rockets fired at the same time.

Aoki did not dare to resist, stopped the action of finishing off the knife, and flashed away.

Boom boom boom!

The missiles fell, the ground collapsed, and the houses collapsed.

The whole street seemed to have been plowed, the ground was shattered, and all the houses were turned into ruins.

A mass of rotten flesh continued to gather and condensed into a human shape, which was Bing Ye.

Akaza's attack helped him get rid of the wound caused by the "Demon Devourer".

However, his face was slightly pale, and it was obvious that this regeneration cost a lot.

"The defector's strength is so strong, this is completely different from what was agreed!"

Bing Ye cursed inwardly, no longer caring about anything else, turned around and ran away madly.

He never wanted to experience the scene just now again.

At a certain moment, he really felt the coming of death.

He was only responsible for fishing out the defector. His mission had been completed, and the rest was the responsibility of Upper String Three.

Even if the defector escaped, the adult could not blame him.

Looking at Bing Ye's fleeing figure, Akaza said coldly: "Stupid!"

Didn't you notice that the defector just now appeared directly across space?

Isn't running away even more like seeking death?

At this moment.

Akaza's face was stern, the Luo needle was touched, and a strong fighting spirit appeared behind him.

Without looking back, he kicked up from bottom to top.

"Destruction Kill, foot style, crown first cut."

His speed was too fast, and Aoki could only change from attack to defense.


It was like a heavy hammer hitting him, his arm hurt, and Aoki's figure disappeared again.

"Where did he go?"

Akaza frowned.

He couldn't sense it, which meant that the defector had left the range of the compass.

This feeling of suddenly losing the enemy's trace made him very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the compass was triggered again, and Akaza turned around: "Destruction Kill, foot style, flashing group of lights."

The rapid side kick was like a flash of light exploding, but there was no feeling of hitting a real object.

"It's like this again!"

Akaza's eyes were full of blue veins: "What kind of ability is this? Is it a blood demon art similar to Naruto's?"

Very rare.

The battle made him feel unhappy.

Akaza suppressed his anger and calmly thought about how to restrain this ability.

The defector was quite strong, and even he couldn't subdue him quickly. Combined with this ability, he was like a rat that couldn't be caught or killed.

Over the years, he had encountered opponents that he couldn't beat, but he had never encountered such a "disgusting" enemy.

After a moment, Akaza suddenly came to his senses.

Why didn't the defector attack yet?

Did he give up?


Lower Moon Three!

Akaza's eyes widened, and he quickly ran in the direction where Lower Moon Three was running away.

Halfway through, he suddenly heard a series of dull collisions, and he immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Turning the corner, Akaza's eyes instantly became extremely cold.

Aoki heard the noise, turned his head and smiled, "You're late."

As he spoke, Lower Moon Three was completely devoured, and the next moment, the system's prompt sound began to refresh the screen.

[Kill Lower Moon Three and gain 500 experience points. ]

[Constitution +1. 】

【"The Last Days of the Lower Moon" is completed, and the rewards have been distributed. 】

【"Hunter and Prey" is completed, and the rewards have been distributed. 】

【Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

【Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

【Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

Three levels in a row?

Qingmu was a little confused, and he did a quick calculation in his mind.

He was almost level 9, plus the 500 experience points from the Third of the Lower Moon, the 1,200 points from "The Last Days of the Lower Moon", and the 400 points from "Hunter and Prey".

It's really enough to upgrade three levels in a row!

Akoza's face was cold, and anger was boiling in his golden pupils.

He didn't care about the life or death of the Lower 3rd, but killing the Lower 3rd in front of him was tantamount to slapping him in the face.

"The ritual begins!"

A huge twelve-pointed snowflake formation appeared, and Akaza rushed towards Aoki.

Aoki came to his senses and hesitated.

The situation has changed a little.

After upgrading 3 levels in a row, "Hunter and Prey" also rewarded 1 skill point.

In other words, he has now accumulated 4 skill points and can learn 1 skill.

So, should he directly learn "Transparent World" and kill Akaza here?

Akaza's life story is very tragic.

If the tiredness of the Lower 5th is hateful and ridiculous rather than pitiful and pathetic, then Akaza can be regarded as pitiful, pathetic rather than hateful and ridiculous.

However, Aoki will never show any mercy.

Although Akaza's life story is tragic, he has committed countless sins over the past hundreds of years, so his death is still not a pity.

In addition, killing Akaza is the best way to free him from this tragic, ridiculous and hateful life as a demon.

The problem is that if the skill points are used to learn "Transparent World", then the level 2 "Demon Swallower" will have to wait.

The experience requirements for upgrading are constantly increasing, but the experience gained is getting less and less.

It is not easy to save up 4 skill points.

Aoki hesitated for less than a second and made a decision.


How can I not learn?

This is a great opportunity. If I miss it, I don't know when I can meet Akaza again.

Killing Akaza can gain a lot of experience, plus the benefits of "Upper Moon's Doomsday", even if I learn other skills later, it will definitely not be a loss!

Aoki's body flashed, avoiding Akaza's attack, and was about to call out the system.


A terrifying and oppressive atmosphere appeared, strong malice permeated the air, and the world seemed to have turned into a hell.

A young man wearing a white shirt, a black jacket, a pair of plum-red eyes, and a face as pale as paper walked out.

Recently, it has been madly reviewed and modified by the system. If it is found that there is something very incoherent, it must have been deleted.

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