Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 199 Hancock boarded the ship (Additional update 2)

"Let's eat first."

Aoki retracted his gaze.

He knew that Amazon Lily was repulsive to men, and she had suffered a lot of torture during her slavery, which made Hancock extremely disgusted with men.

She was able to communicate with him calmly, probably because Hancock felt that they escaped from Marijoa with his help.

This was indeed the case, but there was no need to provoke her.

The table was full of food, which they bought on the way.

Hancock and the other two were not polite and ate voraciously.

They had been hungry for a day, so they ate a small piece of bread.

Aoki waited silently, and when they had almost finished eating, he asked, "What are your plans next?"

Hancock was stunned, and her eating movements gradually slowed down.

She had not thought about this issue yet.

After escaping from Marijoa, they had been trembling with fear, thinking only of not being caught and taking them back, and had never thought about the future.

Aoki said, "You have two choices. First, I can help you return to Amazon Lily."

He had met Rayleigh yesterday, so Xia Qi should also be in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Xia Qi was once the emperor of Amazon Lily, and she will definitely help.

It's not a big deal for him.

Sandasonia and Marigord both showed pleasant surprise.

They thought about returning to Amazon Lily day and night.

Hancock was still very calm and asked, "What about the second choice?"

Aoki smiled and said, "Do you want to follow me?"

He was still thinking about his partner yesterday, and today Hancock came to him.

Hancock has three colors of domineering power, and the Devil Fruit, which is highly compatible with her, has unlimited potential.

In the original timeline, she successfully joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea and was definitely one of the most powerful people in this sea.

He saved her by accident and won her a certain amount of trust.

There is a chance to pick up an excellent subordinate for free, so why miss it?

"Follow you?"

Hancock and the other two were stunned.

Aoki picked up the newspaper and the bounty order and threw them on the table.

"Think about it. Besides, it will be very dangerous to follow me."

He has "space shuttle", so his safety is generally guaranteed.

However, his ultimate goal is to kill the Celestial Dragons, so he must not keep running away. There will always be a day of direct conflict.

Danger is bound to happen.

Sandasonia and Marigorud did not speak, looking at Hancock, waiting for her to make a decision.

Hancock picked up the newspaper, read it, fell into silence, and after a while, raised his head.

"I want to go back to Amazon Lily."

"Of course."

Although Aoki felt a little regretful, he did not force it.

Although by chance, he helped Hancock and the other two escape from Mariejoa in advance.

But that was not his original intention.

It would be good to take Hancock in by chance, but since she refused, he could not do anything to repay the favor.

Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise, and it was not bad to make a good relationship.

Hancock said quickly: "That's not what I meant. I want to go back to Amazon Lily to study for a while, and then come to you when I'm strong enough!"

"What?" Aoki was surprised.

"Aoki, your bounty is higher than the total of our Nine Snakes Pirates, and the enemies you face are also very powerful."

Hancock clenched his fists, his eyes firm: "I'm too weak now, even if I follow you, I will only drag you down!

So, I want to go back to Amazon Lily to study, improve my strength, and then follow you!"

Aoki was in a subtle mood.

Hancock's current personality is completely different from what he remembered.

However, Hancock was not the kind of arrogant, willful, and domineering person at the beginning.

It was because he lived in fear and anxiety for a long time, and his heart was full of hatred, that his personality gradually became extreme.

Using arrogance to cover up strong inferiority.

Now Hancock with this personality is also easier to get along with.

Unexpectedly, there would be a sudden turn of events. Aoki thought for a while: "Maybe you don't need to go back to Amazon Lily. I can find someone else to teach you."

What Hancock wants to learn is definitely domineering.

Amazon Lily is indeed good at domineering, but it is definitely not as good as the right hand of the Pirate King.

Although many people complain that he "misleads the students", the old man's level is still unquestionable.

Rayleigh drank a bottle of 200,000 wine from him yesterday. This small request should not be rejected, right?

Hancock nodded and said: "However, I hope to send my two sisters back to Amazon Lily."


Sandasonia and Marigorud were anxious.

Although they wanted to go back to their hometown, the premise was to be with their sister.

"Aoki's enemies are the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. It is very dangerous. You go back to Amazon Lily to learn, and come to me when you have enough strength in the future!"

Hancock's eyes were filled with a strange color.

Sandasonia and Marigorud understood what she meant, and after a moment of silence, they agreed.

"We understand, sister."

Hancock looked at Aoki.

"Of course, when we send them back, you can go with them. After all, they have been gone for three years."

Aoki said.

In fact, all he wanted was Hancock.

Even if Sandasonia and Marigold came together, they could only be odd jobs or deal with the soldiers.


Hancock did not refuse.

Amazon Lily is her hometown, and she actually has deep feelings for Amazon Lily.

Aoki did not say any more nonsense, stood up and said: "Let's go, find a way to send Sandasonia and Marigold back!"

The four went downstairs.

Seeing them, the boss was startled and hurried to greet them.

"Sir, what do you need?"

Aoki now knew the reason why the boss's attitude changed drastically before, but he was not interested in being domineering in front of such a small person.

"No need for anything, let's go and clean up the room!"

Ignoring the boss's reaction, he took the three sisters out.

Stepping out of the hotel door, Aoki's face changed slightly. Although his facial features did not change much, he looked like a different person overall.

Judging from the hotel owner's reaction, his reputation and appearance may have spread throughout the Sabaody Archipelago.

Disguising can save a lot of trouble.

Hancock and the other two did not need to.

If they were caught, they would definitely be executed.

However, no one would want them for this reason, and not many people would even remember their appearance.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, they looked like different people, and no one could recognize them.

Led by Qingmu, the four of them came to Area 13, walked around, and soon found the target.

A large Yarqi mangrove formed an open space at the root, and a building was located on it.

A plaque was hung above the gate, with the words "Xia Qi's Blackmail BAR" written on it.

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