Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 198 Hancock Dragon King 5 billion

"elder sister?"

Sandasonia and Marigorud soon noticed something strange about their sister and suddenly became nervous.

Although they escaped from Mariejoia, they still didn't feel safe at all.

What's more, it's very close to the Navy Headquarters and Marigio, and I heard that the Celestial Dragons often appear.

Hancock seemed not to hear.

Sandasonia and Marigorud slowly turned their heads, and a familiar figure came into view, and they were also shocked.

Knowing that they recognized him, Aoki took the initiative and said: "We meet again! Congratulations on regaining your freedom!"

Basically every Celestial Dragon has a few slaves around him. He killed the Celestial Dragons and their bodyguards, but did not embarrass those slaves.


He didn't save them either.

Mainly because I don’t have that ability.

Even in his "ultimate form", he could only barely protect himself.

Under such chaotic circumstances, it was not easy for these three girls to overcome many difficulties, escape from Mariejoia, and come to the Chambord Islands.


Hancock looked a little excited.

Seeing their dirty looks, Aoki thought for a while and said, "You probably have nowhere to go. If you are willing, come with me!"

After all, they are "acquaintances". Now that they have met, there is no reason to ignore them.

In addition, the three of them knew his identity, so keeping them by his side could also avoid unnecessary trouble.

Hancock followed without hesitation.

Now she couldn't trust anyone but this person.

Sundar Sonia and Mariguru Devi followed her lead.

Aoki asked: "What are your names? Where is your home? How did you get caught in Marigioa?"

"My name is Boya Hancock..."


When Aoki heard the name, he stopped and looked at the girl next to him.

He was alert and anxious, his face was full of uneasiness, and he looked timid like a frightened deer.


Is she the arrogant and domineering pirate empress, Boya Hancock?

He hadn't recognized it at all before.

Although she is dirty, if you look closely, you can indeed see that she is extremely beautiful and her face is flawless.

Calculating the time, it should only happen next year that Fisher climbs onto the red soil continent and makes a big fuss about Mary Joa.

At this point in time, Hancock was indeed in Mariejoia.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, keep going."

Although Hancock was a little confused, he didn't think much about it: "This is my sister Boya Sundasonia and Boya Marigold. We are both from Amazon Lily. We were caught three years ago. Sold to the Tianlong people.”

Speaking of this experience, Hancock's eyes could not help but reveal strong hatred and fear.

"What a coincidence."

Aoki sighed in his heart, then changed the topic without provoking them any more.

He first bought some clothes for each of the three, and then took them to the hotel.

"Boss, please get a room. I want the best room."

The boss looked up lazily: "Twenty thousand berries."

Aoki took out a plate of money from his pocket, pulled out two sheets, and handed them over.

The boss reached out to take it. When he was about to touch the money, his hand suddenly shook, as if he had been burned, and he retracted it like lightning.

"Huh?" Aoki looked at him.

The boss had a cold sweat on his face and said cautiously: "I'm sorry, Sir, it's my lard that has deceived you. Please come in."

"you know me?"

Aoki looked at his expression.

The boss said: "I know you, no, I don't know you. I don't know anything. Don't worry, I will never reveal your whereabouts at all!"

Just as Aoki was about to say something, he suddenly noticed the newspaper on the table. There was a picture printed in the middle, which showed him transforming into a dragon.

"Can you give me this newspaper, boss?"

The boss hurriedly said: "Yes, of course, you can take it!"

Aoki dropped the money, picked up the newspaper, and took the three Hancock sisters upstairs.

The hotel is very luxurious.

This is the most upscale hotel on the street.

After letting the three sisters go wash up, Aoki sat on the sofa and opened the newspaper.

The headline on the front page was printed with a shocking title: Dragon King makes trouble in Mariejoia, the tragedy of the world's nobles.

His eyes stayed on the title for two seconds, and Aoki began to read it carefully.

The content of the news was very simple, it was what happened in Mariejoia yesterday, and it even specifically stated that more than ten Celestial Dragons died in that chaos.

"This is to attract hatred for me. However, Morgans is really bold for even reporting this. Is he really not afraid of the Tianlong people causing trouble for him?"

Aoki smiled.

He knew that he was going to be famous.

He is not opposed to this.

Reputation is something that is invisible but very useful.

Didn’t you see that Bucky relied on his false reputation to become the Four Emperors?

There are many troubles associated with making enemies of the Draco, but there are also many benefits to be gained.

In this world, most ordinary people hate the Celestial Dragons deeply.

Aoki put down the newspaper and picked up a piece of paper.

This is a wanted poster.

In the middle is a half-length photo of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his smile looking a bit cold.

Below is a long string of numbers, starting with "5" and followed by nine "0"s.

Aoki counted it twice.

That's right.

Five billion indeed!

The first time he was listed on the wanted list, the bounty reached 5 billion, and asked who else was there?

However, he was not surprised by this, and even felt that it was a bit too little.

The bounty is not linked to strength, but corresponds to the degree of threat to the World Government.

His strength may not be that high, but what he did completely touched the bottom line of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

He thought that the World Government would directly give him a sky-high bounty.

Of course, 5 billion is not bad, basically equivalent to several sea emperors.

Aoki was generally satisfied with this bounty, but he had opinions about the title, and they were very big.

"Dragon King?"

Aoki's mouth twitched.

Who gave this title?

I don't know if the name can be omitted!

Especially with his sneer on the wanted list, he was a little bit overwhelmed.


The door opened.

Aoki looked up.

Three girls came out.

Aoki turned his head and looked, with a touch of admiration on his face.

Hancock was wearing a red dress, her hair was loose, and her fair face was flawless.

Although she was only fifteen years old, she was already stunningly beautiful.

Aoki had experienced four worlds together and had seen countless beautiful women, but in terms of appearance alone, no one could compare to Hancock.

The Sweet-Sweet Fruit was originally just an ordinary superhuman fruit. If it was particularly precious, the Celestial Dragons would not have given it to her just to add to the fun.

However, with the blessing of Hancock's amazing beauty, the Sweet-Sweet Fruit surpassed its own limits.

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