Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 176 Infinite Dragon Beast

The body gradually shrank, and the appearance became more and more childish.

Qingmu looked at the "little emperor" in the mirror.

This is the limit of what he can do now.

Not only the appearance, but even the body structure is almost exactly the same as the little emperor.

After confirming that there are no omissions, Qingmu's figure flashed and entered an empty hall from the cave.

There was nothing in the hall, only a high platform in the center.

This is where the Supreme Throne is activated.

Before taking the little emperor away, he stuffed a space mark inside.

Qingmu glanced at the entrance.

The door was closed.

Esdeath, Bud and others obviously didn't expect that his goal was the Supreme Throne.

Without nonsense, Qingmu's figure flashed, climbed onto the high platform, and directly touched the switch.

1 second, 2 seconds... Two minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and there was no movement around.


Qingmu put down his palm and was mentally prepared for this result.

He failed to study the secret of the royal bloodline. He knew before the attempt that it would be difficult to deceive the Supreme Throne simply by changing and simulating.

After launching the "space shuttle" and returning to the cave where the Supreme Throne was located, Qingmu did not rest and started the second attempt without stopping.

The little emperor lay quietly on the bed, his eyes closed, and his breath was very weak.

Qingmu cut his finger, and a few drops of blood fell, along the wound on the little emperor's body, and invaded his body.

The little emperor's body twitched suddenly, his breath became more and more vigorous, and his injuries healed quickly. After a while, he turned into a ghost.

Qingmu did not wait for the little emperor to regain consciousness, and directly used "ghost swallowing" to swallow him.

In this hidden space, next to the patron saint of the empire, the last emperor of the empire passed away quietly.

Feeling the subtle changes, Qingmu made some adjustments to his body, then went to the palace and tried again.

After a while.

Qingmu returned to the cave and looked at the Supreme Throne.

Failed again.

The two methods he thought of at the beginning have all failed so far.

He was not very surprised about this.

After reading the memory of Ernest, he had this premonition.

"There is only one way left."

Qingmu took a breath and exhaled slowly.

He had been thinking for a long time that the imperial equipment would assimilate the user, so could he take advantage of this characteristic of the imperial equipment and actively assimilate the imperial equipment to bypass the restrictions on the use of the imperial equipment?

After studying the bodies of the four Rakshasa ghosts and Leone, he found that this method was feasible.

To be precise, for others, this is nothing but a fantasy, but for him, it is indeed possible to succeed.

This is the third method he prepared.

However, this method also has disadvantages.

First, even if it succeeds in the end, what he gets is no longer an imperial equipment, but a powerful dangerous bloodline, which may cause unknown changes in his body.

Second, there is a certain degree of danger.

Being assimilated by the imperial equipment means that the former super dangerous species will be resurrected, and there is a risk of losing self-awareness.

After careful analysis, Qingmu felt that he could try it.

He is not an ordinary person. With the accumulation of "King of the Different Walkers" and other professions, the four-dimensional attributes are already very powerful.

Even if the consciousness of the super dangerous species is revived, it may not be stronger than him in the initial stage.

If an uncontrollable situation really happens, he can just give up.

He only needs to leave a ball of flesh and blood outside, and he can abandon his body at any time.


Aoki opened his huge black wings behind him and flew into the sky, level with the head of the Supreme Throne.

The control center of the Supreme Throne should be here.

After observing for a while, Aoki directly stuck to it, and his body slowly melted.

Don't let me control it? Then I'll get in directly!

At the same time, he also took the initiative to feel and contact the power of the Supreme Throne.

At first, he didn't feel anything, but as he merged more and more with the Supreme Throne, he gradually felt a powerful energy.

It was like a huge fireball suspended above his head.

Burning, bright, but out of reach,

Aoki wanted to get close to the "fireball", but no matter how hard he tried, the distance between the two sides did not shrink at all.

He could feel that the huge "fireball" was also longing for him.

However, a powerful force was preventing the two from getting close.

Soon, Qingmu had an epiphany.

"Is this the limitation of the imperial weapon?"

The power of the imperial weapon mainly comes from the materials of the super dangerous species, but these powers are constrained by secret techniques and other materials.

What stands between him and the Supreme Throne is the embodiment of this constraint.

Qingmu was not disappointed, but was pleasantly surprised.

The restriction has changed from an abstract blood requirement to a perceptible obstacle.

This is a big step forward.

Qingmu felt it carefully and found that this constraint seemed to be a kind of spiritual energy.


"Soul shock!"

Qingmu used all his strength, and the invisible wave turned into a spear and poured into the body of the Supreme Throne.


It was like a hole in the dam was torn open, and the internal power instantly surged out.

There was no need for Qingmu to continue attacking. Under the impact of the violent force, the crack quickly expanded.

Qingmu felt like he was hit by a huge wave of hundreds of meters, and the terrifying power instantly submerged him.

At the same time, a faint, fierce roar filled with anger and hatred, like countless roars stacked together, sounded in his ears.

His body was torn by a huge force and could collapse at any time, and his consciousness was constantly impacted.

Qingmu was slightly shocked, but he was not panicked.

That restraint was not an obstacle, but a great wall to protect the user.

Now that he took the initiative to break the protective wall, he naturally had to face the extremely violent power in the Supreme Throne.

This was his goal.

Qingmu let go of his body and mind, took the initiative to welcome this power, and at the same time tightened his mind. Once he found something wrong, he would retreat immediately.


The extremely powerful force poured into his body, and the fierce and chaotic consciousness ran wild in his mind.

Qingmu insisted on holding on.

Time passed slowly.

[Ding Dong! A large amount of blood power was detected! ]

[Absorbing! ]

Suddenly, two system prompts sounded in his mind, and Qingmu was refreshed.

"It's finally here!"

This is his greatest reliance.

What kind of super dangerous species' consciousness can be more powerful than the system?

When it comes to his territory, even a dragon has to coil up!

However, Qingmu did not completely relax.

He noticed the key words in the system prompt, "a large amount of blood power".

He had previously guessed that the Supreme Throne might have used more than one super dangerous species of material.

Now, this guess has been confirmed.

This is the second extraordinary profession he has obtained, and it is unclear how it will develop.

As time passed slowly, Qingmu's heart gradually became nervous.

At the beginning, the "ghost blood" was absorbed quickly, and this time it took too long to absorb.

Is it because of the excessive amount of blood power?

At this moment, a voice like the sound of nature sounded in Qingmu's mind.

[All blood absorption is completed! Congratulations on obtaining the profession "Infinite Dragon Beast". 】

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