Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 175: Recognize the thief as your father

Bud wiped his face and looked at the blood on his hands. After two seconds, he finally regained consciousness and his face changed.

"Where is the assassin?"

Esdeath said, "He has left."

Bud looked around and his face became extremely ugly.

In order to deal with the assassin, they basically mobilized all the forces they could this time.

Even the rebels were temporarily put aside.

In the end, they still failed!

"Just now, what was that move?"

"I don't know."

Esdeath's eyes flashed with excitement.

There are actually new moves!

It's really... too interesting!

At that moment, she really felt the danger.

This feeling of life being threatened has never been encountered since she possessed the essence of the devil.

Although it is also fun to ravage the opponent, fighting in danger and defeating those powerful enough enemies is the most exciting thing for her.

At this moment, she had a strong idea in her heart that she must conquer the assassin!

This is the most interesting prey she has ever encountered in her life.

Woo woo woo!

Suddenly, a horn sounded from a distance.

Everyone turned their heads to look.

"Your Majesty!"

Bud's face changed drastically, and he quickly rushed to the highest palace in the palace.

"Go to His Majesty? Did he see through our plan?"

Esdeath showed an interested expression and followed him.


Outside the highest palace.

The little emperor held the scepter in his hand and was protected in the middle by the guards.

One of the guards held a horn in his hand.

Everyone looked nervous.

Qingmu ignored the guards and looked at the little emperor.

"It's really easy to get it!"

After he used "Soul Shock" to block Esdeath and others, he immediately came to find the little emperor and successfully stopped them before they entered the palace.

Before, he actually thought about taking the opportunity to directly deal with Esdeath, and then he found that although Esdeath had lost consciousness, her body was still tense.

He had no doubt that once he launched an attack, Esdeath's body would instinctively fight back even if she didn't regain consciousness.

The young emperor showed no fear on his face, and glared at Qingmu: "Did you kill the minister?"


Qingmu's figure flashed and appeared in front of the young emperor: "In fact, you should thank me."

The young emperor absolutely deserved to die.

He had an unshirkable responsibility for the empire's decline to this point.

He could never get rid of the title of a tyrant.

But he was actually quite pathetic.

"Get out of here!"

"Don't get close to your majesty!"

"Go to hell, assassin!"

The guards rushed towards Qingmu.

The whip flashed, and they flew out together again.

The young emperor took a step back, holding the scepter.

"You, what do you mean?"

Qingmu said: "Your father was actually poisoned to death by Ernest, and your mother was also forced to take poison by Ernest to create the illusion of suicide for love."

The young emperor was stunned, and his face changed drastically: "No! Impossible! "

"The accusations against Ernest made by those officials you ordered to be killed in the past were basically true. This country has been ruined by Ernest and is on the verge of extinction."

Aoki said to himself: "I helped you kill your biggest enemy. Do you think you should thank me?"

"Impossible! You are talking nonsense!"

The little emperor shook his head vigorously, with a look of panic on his face.

Aoki said lightly: "Believe it or not, it's up to you. I just want you to be a clear-headed ghost."

This is not a good intention, and it can even be said to be a punishment.

Sometimes, death in ignorance is a kind of happiness, and knowing too much will only increase troubles.

The little emperor fell to the ground, lost his soul.

"Have I been recognizing the thief as my father all these years?"

He knew very well that he was about to die, and the assassin had no need to deceive him.

In other words, those things were probably true.

This almost made him collapse.

The only comfort was that the minister... Ernest was dead.

"Let's go!" Aoki raised his palm.

"Well, I have no face to continue living in this world. "

The little emperor closed his eyes peacefully, and the next moment, his consciousness completely fell into darkness.

"It's calm."

Aoki picked up the little emperor, looked around, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

A moment later.

Bud and Esdeath arrived.

Looking at the guards on the ground, Bud's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He picked up one of them and shook him awake.

"Where is your majesty? Where did your majesty go?"

The guards reluctantly said: "The assassin suddenly appeared and wanted to do something bad. We wanted to stop him, but we were no match for the assassin. We fainted directly and didn't see where your majesty went."

Bud loosened his palm and let the soldier slide down. His iron tower-like body shook.

Your majesty faced the assassin alone.

The result is self-evident.

Their family has guarded the emperor for thousands of years, and this is the first time this has happened.

The guards climbed up and knelt on the ground: "Please punish the general! "

After taking a deep breath, Bud managed to calm down.

It is meaningless to punish these soldiers.

"General Esdeath, what do you think we should do now?" He turned his head and looked to the side.

The ministers and His Majesty died one after another, and the empire suddenly became leaderless.

And the rebels took the opportunity to make trouble again.

He no longer cared about the ancestral precept of "not participating in politics".

Although the minister was dead, Esdeath's powerful strength did not change at all. No matter what he wanted to do, it was better to reach an agreement with Esdeath first.

"You decide for yourself."

Esdeath glanced and turned away.

Bud was stunned: "General Esdeath, where are you going?"

"I have my own things to deal with!"

Esdeath left without looking back.

Now she has something more interesting.


The cave where the Supreme Throne is stored.

Aoki and the little emperor suddenly appeared.

"I'm afraid no one can think that I am still in the palace."

He threw the little emperor to the ground and took out a lot of equipment from the alien space.

Ernest died, the little emperor was captured, and no one else in the world knew about this place.

There is no need to worry about being disturbed in the short term.

Aoki picked up a scalpel, looked down at the little emperor, and turned to look at the huge humanoid weapon.

"I wonder how the Supreme Throne can identify the royal bloodline?"

The Supreme Throne is actually a super-large humanoid mecha.

But it is definitely not just a product of technology.

In thousands of years of inheritance, any characteristics should have been weakened to the limit.

But the Supreme Throne can still accurately identify the royal bloodline.

This is definitely a manifestation of extraordinary power.

If you want to find out the secret, the best way is to let the little emperor activate the Supreme Throne and see the specific changes.

However, this method is impossible to implement.

After the little emperor mastered the Supreme Throne, how could he still be at his mercy?

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