After passing through the forest, a building built on a cliff appeared in front of us.

"Is this the Night Raid Base?"

Aoki asked.

After reaching the maximum level of "King of the Others", he finally came to the appointment that had been postponed for several days.

Akatō nodded: "Yes, this place is hidden enough, and there are many delicious foods nearby!"

Aoki smiled.

This is indeed an answer in the style of "Akatō".

"Let's go!"

Akatō took the lead and walked forward, and Aoki and Hei Tong quickly followed.

The three of them went straight into the Night Raid Base.

As soon as they entered the door, they ran into a pink-haired girl with twin ponytails.

"Akatō, you come back..."

Main was halfway through her words when she saw Aoki and Hei Tong behind Akatō, and her expression changed: "They are..."

"Yes, they are Aoki and Hei Tong."

Akatō introduced Aoki and the other two: "Her name is Main, and she is also a member of the Night Raid."

Aoki looked at Main without leaving a trace.

Main is a proud and straightforward girl.

She usually treats her companions in a tsundere way, but once she is sure of her heart, she will bravely confess her feelings.

She uses the imperial weapon, the Romantic Turret Pumpkin, which is a gun-shaped imperial weapon that uses mental power as energy. The more dangerous it is, the stronger its power will be.

Aoki feels that this imperial weapon is also suitable for him.

It has good power and is a long-range attack, which makes up for his two shortcomings at once.

"Main, where is the boss?" Akahime asked.

"The boss!"

Just as Main was about to speak, footsteps came from the front.

A silver-haired woman came out. She was very beautiful, wearing an eye patch on her right eye and a mechanical arm on her right hand.

"Akahime, are these two Aoki and Kurohime?"

"Yes, boss!"

The silver-haired woman smiled and stretched out her palm.

"Welcome to our base. I am Najeta, currently the person in charge of the night raid."

"I have heard a lot about you!"

Aoki stretched out his hand and shook her gently.

Najeta was once a general of the empire. At a young age, she was already highly regarded.

Later, she took the initiative to join the Revolutionary Army with her subordinates and became one of the core figures of the Revolutionary Army.

Najeta is good at strategy, but her personal strength is average. She is the previous owner of the Romantic Fort Pumpkin.

After she betrayed the Empire, she met Esdeath, who crippled her right hand and right eye.

Akahime also accepted her invitation and joined the Revolutionary Army.

"Main, please notify the others, we will have a meeting."

After Najeta said that, she looked at Aoki and Kurohime: "Please follow me!"

Aoki and the other four came to the meeting room first.

Soon, familiar and unfamiliar figures appeared one by one.

Hill, the purple-haired girl with glasses, Lubbock, the green-haired girl, and Brand, who had an exaggerated crew cut.

Seeing the boy who came in with Brand, Aoki was stunned for a moment.

Not only Aoki, but Akahime also showed an unexpected expression.

"Boss, who is he?"

Najeta smiled: "This is our new member, Tatsumi."

Leone hugged Akahima and said with a smile: "During the days when your dear friend was on vacation, we took a mission and met Tatsumi. After he knew our goal, he decided to join us."

Tatsumi complained: "I was obviously brought back by you, big sister!"

"It makes no difference!"

Leone patted his shoulder heavily and said: "Tatsumi has excellent talent and is expected to become a general-level strongman."

Akahito looked at Tatsumi.

Tatsumi's heart tightened.

This was the first time he saw Akahima, but he had heard a lot of her deeds in the past few days and knew that this girl was the ace killer of the night raid.

Perhaps because he heard too many legends, he always felt that the pair of red eyes was very scary.

"Welcome to join the night raid." Akahima nodded gently.

"Thank you! I will work hard!"

Tatsumi answered stiffly, feeling relieved, and looked to the side, a little confused.

According to the information he learned, there should be only seven members in the Night Raid, not counting himself.

Who are these two people?

Are they also new members?

Thinking of this, Tatsumi suddenly felt a little more intimate in his heart. He touched the back of his head and smiled: "Hello, I am Tatsumi, and I just joined the Night Raid."

Kurotomi glanced at him and said nothing.

Aoki said: "Nice to meet you, my name is Aoki, and her name is Kuroitomi."


Tatsumi was stunned, took a sneak peek, and felt that he was indeed a bit like Akato.

At this time, Najeta stood up.

"Let me introduce you to everyone..."

After greeting each other, the atmosphere became a little more harmonious.

Najeta didn't waste any words and said straight to the point: "Aoki, I invited you here this time mainly to discuss in detail the assassination of the minister and the hunting of super dangerous species."

"Assassination of the minister? Hunting of super dangerous species?"

Tatsumi widened his eyes. Just after joining the Night Raid, he had to face such a terrifying task?

Aoki nodded, indicating that he understood.

On the way here, Akame had already told them about the relevant matters.

Najeta asked seriously: "How long will it take you to assassinate the minister? Do you need our help?"

Aoki thought for a moment: "Two or three days."

For him, the difficulty of killing Ernest lies mainly in how to find Ernest.

Although the palace is large, with his ability, it should take him two or three days to find someone.

Ernest is not an insignificant little person, and it is difficult for him to hide.

Moreover, he does not think Ernest will be scared enough to hide.

"No need for help." Qingmu said again.

"Two or three days?"

The night raiders could not hide their shock.

That's the minister!

The actual controller of the empire!

And he has been in the palace, with strong protection around him.

They thought that even if Qingmu had the ability to assassinate the minister, he would have to prepare and wait for a long time and slowly look for opportunities.

Two or three days is too short.

Of course.

Shocked or puzzled, no one directly questioned it.

On the one hand, Akame's judgment was on the other hand, and Qingmu's achievements kept coming, which also gave them some confidence.

Qingmu came and went freely in the dragon's den and tiger's den, and he might not be unable to do it in the palace.

After coming to her senses, Najeta frowned: "Two or three days? So soon? When do you plan to start?"

After the minister's death, the empire will be in chaos.

The revolutionary army must seize this opportunity.

However, this news was too sudden, and the revolutionary army is not ready yet.

The minister died too early, and I am afraid that it will not be possible to maximize the benefits.

Aoki glanced at Najeta and probably guessed her thoughts: "I can cooperate with you, but it can't be delayed too late."

After all, it was a transaction, and he was still very service-minded.

Najeta breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "Thank you."

This is very important for the revolutionary army.

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