Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 166: King of the White Walkers reaches full level

Watching the gate closing faster and faster, the man in blue felt a little happy.

As long as he left this yard, he would be safe.

With so many people in the Royal Fist Temple, he didn't believe that the assassin would keep staring at him.

As for dragging others down with him, he was already familiar with this kind of thing, and there was no fluctuation in his heart at all.

"I wonder how many people can escape?"

Seeing that he was about to escape, the man in blue couldn't help but look back.

The scene that appeared in his vision made him feel dead instantly.

In the small yard, there were a pile of "corpses" lying densely.

He didn't count, but with his keen senses, he was sure that there were definitely more than 30 corpses.

In other words, no one else could escape!

The man in blue felt cold in his heart.

What kind of monster was that?

Was it really a human?

Then, he couldn't help but have a thought in his mind. Everyone else was dead, so what about him?

As soon as this thought came up, the man in blue's head "buzzed", as if he was hit by a hammer, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted directly.

Qingmu looked at the people on the ground and was a little surprised.

The effect of "Soul Shock" was better than expected.

These people were not as good as the four Rakshasa ghosts, nor as good as the eight people a few days ago, but they were much stronger than ordinary people.

Facing the "Soul Shock", they had no power to resist!

Qingmu checked and was more and more surprised.

"Is this, turning into a fool?"

The person at his feet had woken up, but there was no light in his eyes, drooling from the corners of his mouth, and his face was stupid.

This was not a special case.

Qingmu woke up several people in succession.

It was found that turning into a fool was still a light matter. The serious one completely lost consciousness and became a vegetable.

"'Soul Shock' should be used with caution."

Qingmu stood up.

I thought it was a control skill, but I didn't expect the damage was not low, and it also ignored defense and was difficult to treat.

This is a very dangerous skill.

It is worthy of the two-and-a-half-star quality of "King of the Others".

Qingmu threw people into the alien space one by one.

Before, he was worried that there was not enough space to place them.

Now there is no need to worry.

They all became fools.

After doing all this, Qingmu looked around, no one approached, as if the people of Huangquan Temple did not notice the changes here at all.

This is of course impossible.

When Qingmu just came here, he saw someone on the roadside.

Obviously, they are all proficient in the way of self-preservation.

Qingmu did not bother others and left directly.

This was enough for him to upgrade.

After Qingmu left, no one approached the yard.

The whole Huangquan Temple was quiet, as if the mute button was pressed.

Back to the hotel, Qingmu said hello to the Hei Tong sisters who had not slept yet, and went directly into the different space again.

There were more people this time, and it was more troublesome to deal with.

Fortunately, he was already very familiar with this process.

[Kill a ghost and gain 95 experience points. ]


[Intelligence +1. ]

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill a ghost and gain 135 experience points. ]

[Congratulations, you have upgraded. ]

Hearing this system prompt, Qingmu breathed a sigh of relief.

After reaching level 24, the experience gain was reduced. Fortunately, he was well prepared this time.

Open the system.

2 free attribute points, 1 point was added to agility to make agility catch up with other attributes. The last point, Qingmu did not increase strength as before, but added it to intelligence.

The strength of "Soul Shock" is directly affected by intelligence.

And "Soul Shock" is so powerful, of course it must be paid special attention to.

After allocating free attribute points, the strength has been steadily improved, but the next is the highlight.

Qingmu looked at the skill bar.

7 free skill points, just enough to learn level 2 "Soul Shock".

A cool breath quickly emerged and disappeared, and Qingmu felt that there was an extra piece of information in his mind before he came back to his senses.

Compared with level 1, the biggest change of level 2 "Soul Shock" is that it has become controllable.

Level 1 "Soul Shock" does not distinguish between enemies and friends, good and bad, and is a large-scale indiscriminate attack.

If you are not careful, you may hurt friendly forces, so you must be very careful when using it.

Moreover, most of them are useless and waste power.

Level 2 "Soul Shock" allows you to freely choose the range and direction of the attack.

Not only do you no longer have to worry about accidentally injuring friendly forces, but you can also save a lot of power.

Qingmu estimates that he can now use "Soul Shock" about 3 to 6 times a day, depending on the range.

In addition, you can actively control the intensity, or to be more precise, reduce the intensity.

No need to worry about turning people into fools with one shot.

In short, the attack intensity of level 2 "Soul Shock" has not increased, but the range of use has greatly increased.

"Finally, there is a way to deal with that super dangerous species that controls space."

Qingmu breathed a sigh of relief.

As a user of teleportation skills, he knows too well how difficult this opponent is.

And his control of the power of space is obviously not as good as the other party.

If you don't find a way to restrain it, you can't do anything to that super dangerous species.

After mastering "Soul Shock", there is finally a way to deal with it.


The super dangerous species has a higher power level than the "King of the White Walkers".

It is unlikely that "soul shock" will directly turn super dangerous species into fools.

Once it senses this threat, it may simply run away.

You may only get one chance, so you must be fully prepared.

With a thought, Aoki turned on the system again, and a blue screen appeared in his field of vision.

[Name: Aoki]

【Strength: 32】

[Physique: 32]

[Intelligence: 33]

[Agility: 32]

[Occupation: Hunter, King of the White Walkers, Martial Artist, Doctor]

【King of the White Walkers】

Quality: ★★☆

Level: lv25

Skills: Ghost Blood VI, Space Travel II (Extreme), Transparent World II, Ghost Swallowing II, Soul Impact II

Aoki took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

This time, it really reached its limit.

Without triggering the "Ultimate Mission", the quality of "King of the White Walkers" will not improve again.

A half-star career doesn't mean much.

If you want to continue to improve your strength, you must find a new extraordinary profession.

"Dangerous bloodline, Teigu."

Aoki thought secretly.

In this world, there are two ways to obtain extraordinary power.

He has been trying to explore, but so far, he has not obtained one.

The "King of the White Walkers" has reached full level, so there is no need to spend more energy and more time can be spent on seeking extraordinary professions.

Compared to dangerous bloodlines, Teigu are easier to obtain.

"Then the next focus is the Teigu."

Aoki made a decision in his heart.

This was his real goal in coming to the imperial capital, but he had been delayed by other things.

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