The moon was high in the sky.

The village was quiet, with only the occasional barking of dogs echoing in the night sky.

Shimura carried a bucket, bait and fishing rod and quietly slipped out of the house.

His biggest hobby was fishing, but unfortunately his wife was too strict and never let him go fishing.

He could only go fishing secretly in the middle of the night while his wife was asleep.

"Before dark, I made a nest with corn. I will definitely catch a few big fish today!"

Thinking of this, Shimura became more and more impatient and quickened his pace.

When he arrived at the familiar fishing spot, he skillfully adjusted the line, hung the bait and cast the rod.

The moment the fish hook was like water, Shimura let out a satisfied sigh.

"Today's night is really nice."

Just when he was worried about whether he would be empty-handed again, the float suddenly sank into the water and the fishing line was tightened.

"I caught a fish so quickly!"

The moment Shimura picked up the fishing rod with great joy, his face changed again.

"The power is so great! A big catch?!"

Soon he found that it was not only a big catch, but also him. The biggest fish ever seen!

Shimura used all his skills and finally dragged the fish over after a very hard fight.

Looking at the huge black shadow on the water, Shimura was a little confused.

Isn't this too big?

It feels bigger than a person!

Is there such a big fish in this small river?

As the black shadow got closer, Shimura's ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

It didn't seem to be a fish. Judging from the shape, it looked like a person! !


It's not like, it's a person!

"Is it a corpse? Did he commit suicide by jumping into the river, or did he accidentally fall into the water and drown?"

Shimura's heart was trembling, but he still suppressed his fear and slowly pulled the "corpse" over.

"There is no odor. Has he died not long ago?"

Shimura put down the fishing rod and planned to drag the "corpse" ashore.

At this moment, his arm was suddenly grabbed.

The "corpse" slowly raised its head, revealing a pair of cold golden vertical pupils.

Shimura's heart stopped beating, two seconds later


He let out a shrill scream, shook off the "corpse's" hand, and ran desperately towards the village, shouting as he ran.

"Ghost! There is a ghost!"

A look of apology appeared on Aoki's face.

He had just woken up, how could he have thought that this would happen?

"This is compensation, I hope he won't have nightmares tonight."

Grabbing a big fish weighing more than five kilograms and throwing it into a bucket on the shore, Aoki glanced at the village that was gradually becoming lively not far away, and jumped away.

Not long after.

A group of people came to the shore, holding weapons such as kitchen knives and shovels in their hands.

"Where is the ghost? Where is the ghost?"

Shimura pointed to his fishing spot tremblingly: "I just fished the ghost out of the water here."

People looked over.

There was no trace of any ghost on the shore, only a wooden barrel and a big fish tumbling in it.

The air froze. After a few seconds, someone said, "Shimura, you didn't catch a big fish, so you deliberately said there was a ghost and asked us to come here to show off?"

"I won't do that!"

Shimura said angrily, "Besides, I didn't catch any fish at all!"

"You mean, you met a ghost, and the ghost not only didn't hurt you, but also gave you a big fish?"

Shimura was also a little speechless: "Anyway, I really saw a ghost!"

Someone asked, "Well, describe what the ghost looks like?"

"Well, it has a pair of golden vertical pupils and looks very handsome."

Shimura stopped talking here. He was so scared at the time that he didn't look carefully at all.

"Okay, okay, that's it! Let's go back to sleep!"

The person next to him yawned.

"I, I really met a ghost!" Shimura said unwillingly.

"Yeah, it was a kind ghost who looked very handsome, didn't hurt people, and gave people big fish. I hope I can meet one next time."

Everyone left.

Shimura wanted to say something else, but suddenly he felt a pain in his waist.

"Ah! Wife!"

"I'll settle with you when I get home!" His wife threatened in a low voice.

Shimura said aggrievedly: "Wife, I really met a ghost! Even you don't believe me?"

His wife glanced at him: "I want to settle with you for running out to fish in the middle of the night! No wonder you are always listless during the day recently!"

Shimura suddenly wilted.

"Pack up quickly, and don't forget to bring the fish!" His wife said again.


Shimura took the fish back in fear, and since then, he has never gone out to fish in the middle of the night again.


Aoki found a rock and sat down, still feeling a little sore and weak.

"I didn't expect that the most effective skill of the 'Hunter' profession is 'Boiling Blood'."

Both crises were overcome by it.

"But the sequelae are really terrible!"

Aoki's mind moved, and the azure blue screen emerged.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 13]

[Constitution: 11]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Profession: Hunter, White Walker]

[Free attribute points: 2]

[Item: Ghost Wine Gourd]

[White Walker]


Level: lv5 (218/500)

Skills: Ghost Blood III, Space Shuttle (not yet learned), Transparent World (not yet learned), Ghost Swallowing

Free skill points: 2

Aoki didn't even bother to add the attributes, and his eyes went directly to the "White Walker" skill bar.

"Space shuttle, learn! Learn it for me!"

Today, I was really bullied by two ghosts using blood ghost magic.

But from now on, this kind of thing will never happen again!

Two skill points disappeared, and Aoki suddenly had an extra piece of information in his mind, and his body also had some subtle feelings. Apart from that, there was no change.

The attributes did not increase, and the strength did not increase, but for the first time since the great change, a sincere smile appeared on his face.

From then on, the sky was high for birds to fly, and the sea was wide for fish to jump.


Aoki's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared a hundred meters high.

Before falling, his figure disappeared again.

The space changed rapidly.

Two flashes crossed a vast jungle, and the village that was still a few kilometers away a moment ago was behind him in a blink of an eye.

The breeze blew, and the grass swayed with the wind.

Aoki lay on the grass, half of his vision was the starry night sky, and the other half was the prosperous town.

He played too hard, and now he has no strength left.

However, "Space Shuttle" did not disappoint him.

Vampire magic does not have a so-called cooling time, but for various reasons, it cannot be activated instantly.

At present, "Space Shuttle" can be used once per second without being disturbed.

The moving distance is not fixed.

Simply put, it is the range he can see.

Wherever he can see, he can reach it instantly.

With his "Eagle Eye", it can be said to be even more powerful.

If it is in the sky, a shuttle can even reach dozens of kilometers.

Of course, on the ground, especially in terrains such as jungles with many obstacles, the moving distance is greatly reduced.

In addition, landing point control is also a difficult point, especially for long-distance shuttle.

When he landed just now, the distance exceeded a little, and the knees were fused with the rock.

Fortunately, he is a ghost.

If he was a human, his legs would be useless.

How to ensure that he lands accurately at the expected position will be a long-term research topic for him in the future.

The only disadvantage of "Space Shuttle" is that it consumes too much energy.

Not only is the physical energy consumed, but the mental energy is also extremely consumed.

Moreover, the longer the distance traveled, the greater the consumption.

This meant that Qingmu could not use space travel as he wished in a short period of time.

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