Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 15: The Punishment of the Upper One and Muzan

Aoki was breathing rapidly, and every time he exhaled, a white mist would form, emitting amazing heat.

He didn't know if the enemy had caught up with him, so he could only run desperately, the farther the better.

Suddenly, the violent power in his body disappeared, and a strong sense of weakness emerged, as if all his strength was taken away in an instant.

Aoki's legs softened and he fell heavily. Under the action of inertia, he kept rolling forward until he hit a rock and stopped.

After two seconds, his numb head regained the ability to think.

"Huhu, why do I feel that the sequelae of using "blood boiling" now are more serious than when I was still a human?

Huhu, huhu, no, I can't stay here. If the enemy comes back, they will find me in an instant."

Aoki supported his body and barely raised his head, and found that there was a river in front of him.

Although this stream is not wide, the water level is not shallow, and the flow rate is very turbulent.

"This is, God helps me!"

With a weak smile, Qingmu didn't even have the strength to jump down. He struggled hard and fell into the river.


Under the rush of the water, he slowly floated downstream, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

[Ding Dong. ]

["Escape from Death" completed, the reward has been issued. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade. ]

The system prompt sounded faintly in his ears, but Qingmu no longer had the energy to check it. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Returning to the previous battlefield, the bull-headed ghost saw a strange scene.

Ling Yuzi was self-harming!

He couldn't help but say angrily: "The target has run away, what are you doing?"

Ling Yuzi was even angrier than him: "Do you think I want to? The ghost's attack has a strange power that will prevent the body from regenerating. I almost died, do you know?"

After that, she cut off a piece of meat from her shoulder, the wound slowly healed, and her face became a little paler.

"Prevent the body from regenerating?"

The Bull-Headed Ghost was startled, looked at Ling Yuzi's still tattered body, believed her, and his tone softened.

"Then how do we report to that adult?"

"We have done our best, that adult should not blame us, right?"

Ling Yuzi's face was not very good.

"Next time we meet, I must kill him!" The Bull-Headed Ghost growled angrily.

Ling Yuzi lowered his head to deal with his body, without speaking.

She didn't want to see that guy again.

This ability to prevent the body from regenerating was too terrible. When she was pressed under him before, she really felt the approach of death.

For her, her life was the most important.

"You, let the target go?"

A low voice suddenly sounded.

Ling Yuzi and the Bull-Headed Ghost both changed their faces.

The voice was right beside them, but they didn't notice it at all before.

The two ghosts slowly turned their heads to look.

A figure stood quietly behind them. He was wearing a kimono with purple snake patterns and black spots, with long crimson hair in a high ponytail, red spots on the left side of his forehead and the right side of his neck, and a long sword on his waist. He looked like a human swordsman.

The difference was his face.

There were six eyes embedded in his face, and the irises of the two eyes in the middle were engraved with "Upper String" and "Ichi" respectively. He exuded a heavy majesty.

Ling Yuzi and the Bull-headed Ghost couldn't help but tremble, and a strong fear emerged in their hearts.

"One of the Upper Strings!!"


Infinite Castle.

Muzan Kibutsuji stood on the high platform, looking down at the Bull-headed Ghost and Ling Yuzi, with no emotion in his indifferent eyes.

The two ghosts knelt on the ground, sweating coldly, and their legs trembling.

"Did you catch the target?" Muzan Kibutsuji was calm, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

The Bull-headed Ghost looked up and said anxiously: "Sir, don't blame me, it's Ling Yuzi, it was she who failed to intercept the target, so the target escaped!"

Ling Yuzi's face instantly showed a trace of astonishment, and then turned into strong resentment.

"Sir, that ghost has a strange ability that can prevent the body from regenerating!"

She pointed at the Bull-headed Ghost: "It's him! It was he who didn't intercept the target when I was injured, so the target escaped!"

The Bull-headed Ghost roared in a low voice: "Intercepting the target itself is your responsibility!"

"Shut up! Did I let you speak?"

Muzan Kibutsuji shouted coldly, and a terrifying pressure suddenly appeared on his body.

Like a shock wave sweeping over, Ling Yuzi and the Bull-headed Ghost all vomited blood, their skin cracked, and their bodies were covered with wounds.

Muzan Kibutsuji stretched out his hand, his arm turned into a thick flesh arm, and the position of his palm turned into a bloody mouth, and he opened his mouth and bit the Bull-headed Ghost.

"We must put the blame on Ling Yuzi! It's not easy to become one of the Twelve Demon Moons, we must not die here!"

"How did he know?" The Bull-headed Ghost was stunned for a moment, and his heart suddenly contracted. That was exactly what he was thinking just now.

Muzan's voice was cold: "How did he know?"

"Damn it! He can read my thoughts!"

The Bull-headed Ghost's mind flashed, and then his whole body was cold.

"Damn it? You really deserve to die!"

Muzan Kibutsuji said.


The mouth on the thick flesh arm chewed.

The Bull-headed Ghost screamed immediately, and the regeneration ability that he was once proud of seemed to disappear.

"No! Don't! Please spare me, sir!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan was unmoved and looked at him indifferently.

The screams of the Minotaur gradually became quieter, and after a moment, it was completely swallowed by the big mouth on the thick fleshy arm.

Ling Yuzi knelt on the ground, his heart filled with fear.

Muzan Kibutsuji turned to look at Ling Yuzi: "You said the target has an ability that can prevent the body from regenerating?"

"That's right!"

Ling Yuzi said anxiously: "As long as the area injured by him cannot regenerate, the surrounding flesh and blood must be cut off before the regeneration ability can be restored, but regeneration consumes far more physical strength than usual!"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan asked: "Is it a blood ghost technique?"

Ling Yuzi said tremblingly: "I don't know, but he also used an ability that greatly increased his strength in an instant. It was because of this that I was caught off guard and was injured by him."


There was a hint of gloom in Kibutsuji Muzan's eyes.

He realized more and more that his original carelessness might have been a huge mistake.

There must be some secret in that human being!

Ling Yuzi quietly raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he wasn't killed, he must have survived, right?

At this moment, her vision suddenly darkened.

A big mouth fell from the sky, and he swallowed the leftovers in one gulp.

Ling Yuzi didn't even scream, only a few drops of blood showed her ending.

Oniwu Tsuji turned around and left with an expressionless expression.

He doesn't need someone who only runs away when encountering a pillar and doesn't take his orders to heart.

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