Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 150 The First Subordinate


Aoki took out his palm.

"Is this okay?"

Black Eyes looked confused.

There was no sadness or fear in her heart, only deep confusion.


He had obviously saved her before and was still trying to persuade her to leave the assassin team, so why did he suddenly want to kill her?

Although the two didn't know each other well, after spending a few days together, she was certain that Aoki was by no means the kind of irrational lunatic.

Heitong's mind was in a mess.

She was at a loss when she was forced to become a betrayer, and Aoki suddenly didn't understand that she had killed her... Everything that happened recently was like a pair of big hands, tearing at her sanity.

After a long time, Heitong regained some sense and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why isn't she dead yet?

Although her body has mutated due to taking medicine for a long time, she may not die even if she is injured.

However, this time she was stabbed through the heart and should have died long ago.

Moreover, she did not feel any pain and did not feel like she was dying from the beginning to the end.

Black Eyes looked down.

There was a hole in the chest of the clothes, and there was still a little scarlet blood remaining on the surface of the snow-white skin.

But where did the wound go?

Heitong touched it subconsciously.

Was it just her hallucination?


There is still blood splattered on the quilt after the heart was punctured!

Black Eyes suddenly looked up and found Aoki looking at him with a smile, seemingly not surprised at all.

"Aoki, what on earth is going on?"

"Actually, you are really dead."

Aoki said: "Seven days ago, you fainted after fighting the assassin."

"Wait, seven days ago? Has seven days passed already?" Black Eyes asked.


Aoki nodded: "Your body is already on the verge of reaching its limit. This time you stopped taking medicine for too long, which caused huge damage to your body.

After you fell into coma, your body completely collapsed. When I ended the battle and went to find you, your heart had almost stopped beating. "

Heitong put his palm on his chest: "Then why am I still alive now?"

Aoki didn't speak, but raised his palm and pressed it on his chest.

"Wait a moment!"

Heitong realized what he wanted to do and wanted to stop it, but it was still a step too late.


As soon as she opened her mouth, Aoki's palm pierced her chest, and a large amount of blood flowed down her body, soaking through her clothes in the blink of an eye.

"You, what are you doing?" Black Eyes exclaimed.

Aoki took out his palm, and the injury on his chest healed instantly.

Hei Tong was stunned, looked down at his chest, and understood something.

Aoki said: "When I was in the secret realm, you should have discovered that I have a very powerful regeneration ability.

In fact, let alone piercing the heart, cutting off the head, or even cutting the whole body into pieces, I can easily recover. "

"Could it be?"

The black-eyed little mouth opened slightly.

While in the secret realm, she did notice Aoki's strong resilience.

Even the Teigu doesn't seem to have that kind of power.

However, this is Aoki's secret and she has never asked.

"I share this power with you!" Aoki took out a mirror and handed it to Heitong.

If you become a ghost, you will lose a lot of things. In fact, he originally planned to get Heitong's consent before turning her into a ghost.

However, her condition was really bad.

As a last resort, he could only kill first and then play.

After turning Heitong into a ghost, he also used three potions on Heitong: "find yourself", "get rid of cannibalism" and "overcome the sun".

The combination of these three potions can greatly reduce the ghost's weaknesses.

Before leaving the Demon Slayer World, he specially asked Miss Tamashii to make a few more sets.

It can be used to save people, make minions, and trade.

The power of ghosts plus three potions is an immortality plan. Although it has certain flaws, it still has great temptation.

If used properly, it can bring him huge benefits.

The black pupil looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes turned into blood-red vertical pupils, and four sharp canine teeth grew out of his mouth.

"I see. No wonder I felt some changes in my body after I woke up."

It’s not that there’s anything uncomfortable, on the contrary, it’s so comfortable!

The discomfort caused by long-term medication, constant battle injuries, etc., all disappeared.

Aoki chuckled and said: "Do you understand now? You are indeed dead, but you have just come back to life in another form. You are worthy of your former companions, and you are worthy of the empire."

Hei Tong's expression struggled.

Aoki knew that she was lacking a reason now, so he added more information.

"In order to save you, I paid a heavy price! You can't help but repay it, right?"

"What, how to repay?" Black Eyes looked at him.

Aoki touched his chin: "Give me a free job... for a thousand years!"

Since he has turned into a ghost, he is naturally his subordinate.

In the future, he will have to deal with three other super dangerous species and needs help.

Black Eyes is undoubtedly one of the best choices.

"A thousand years?"

Black Eyes was startled: "How is that possible? I can't live that long at all."

Aoki said: "You were really not good in the past, but you are different now."

Black Eyes immediately reacted: "Can this kind of power extend lifespan?"

Aoki nodded.

Heitong hesitated for a moment and asked: "Then how long can I live now?"

Aoki said: "I can live until you get bored!"

"Live until you get bored?" Heitong looked puzzled.

Aoki said: "As long as you don't actively seek death, it will be difficult to die. No, even if you want to commit suicide, it will be difficult to succeed."

After fighting the super dangerous species, he discovered that he had overestimated the super dangerous species before.

The power of the super dangerous species is not infinite, and powerful attacks cannot be infinitely instantaneous. At least one super dangerous species is not enough to kill him.

Of course, it's not enough to kill Heitong.

After Heitong turned into a ghost, his strength was not weak.

Hearing this, the black-eyed little mouth opened slightly, with a cute expression on his face.

eternal life?

This kind of power can actually lead to eternal life?

Is there really a power in the world that can make people immortal? ?

Aoki patted her shoulder: "In short, now you don't owe the empire or your companions, but you owe me, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Heitong nodded with a cute expression.

Aoki thought for a moment and then said: "My strength is very strong, but it is not without its shortcomings."

"What shortcomings?"

"You must have noticed, right? I never had anything to eat during those days in the secret realm."

"Didn't you secretly eat it while I was asleep?"


"I didn't eat it secretly... In short, you can slowly realize the disadvantages. One of them is that from now on, you can only live on human blood.

Of course, only a small amount of blood is needed.

The point is, you don’t have to eat anymore! "

"Isn't this an advantage?" Hei Tong looked at him blankly.

Aoki was a little embarrassed and looked to the side: "Not exactly. Although you don't have to eat anymore, you can't taste the food anymore."

The sisters Black Eye and Red Eye are both big foodies.

Not being able to eat is definitely a huge disadvantage for them.


Heitong's expression changed, and he quickly picked up the snack bag on the table next to him. When he was about to eat, he stopped again.

Aoki said: "It doesn't matter, they are all ordinary snacks."

Black Eyes glanced at him, took out a biscuit from it, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, then gradually stopped moving and his expression became blank.

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