Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 149: Death of Black Eye


A ball of fire spurted out of the muzzle, and a bullet flew out. Hei Tong dodged it by the side.

She pulled out the Eight Chambers, her face became paler, and sweat slid down her fair face.

"I'm not a traitor!"

Including the black-haired boy, everyone looked indifferent and rushed towards Hei Tong quickly.

They were all very cautious.

As the user of the Eight Chambers, Hei Tong was very famous in the assassination team.

Even though she looked very weak now, they dared not be careless at all.


The ground rolled, and a figure came out.

Hei Tong showed a painful expression on her face.

This was her only remaining doll.

However, using the Eight Chambers now brought her great pain.

"Be careful!" The black-haired boy shouted.

Three people rushed towards the doll, and the remaining two continued to attack Hei Tong.


The long sword chopped down, and the blade shone coldly.

Hei Tong barely picked up the Eight Room to block it. A huge force surged, and her body flew out and hit the cabinet hard.

The physical and mental pain after stopping the medication and the pressure brought by the Eight Room, under this collision, completely broke out, and her consciousness suddenly became blurred.

The black-haired boy looked down at her: "Hei Tong, it seems that you are really no longer able to do it. I didn't expect that the famous Hei Tong would die like this!"


He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a ball of fire spurted out of the muzzle. The bullet broke through the air and shot towards Hei Tong's head.


The bullet hit the palm, splashing blood.

"Who are you?"

The black-haired boy's eyes condensed, and he took two steps back, looking at the man in front of him vigilantly.

He didn't see how this man appeared at all.

Qingmu ignored him, looked down at Hei Tong, and frowned slightly.

"Is the situation so bad?"

He had actually been following Hei Tong.

Without Hei Tong and the sacrifice of those puppets, he would not have been able to get the silver beads.

Hei Tong entered the secret realm because of his involvement.

However, Hei Tong was a killer with a very sharp perception, so he didn't dare to get too close.

Therefore, although he found that Hei Tong was unwell on the way, he didn't expect it to be so serious.

"Qing, Qingmu."

Hei Tong's vision was blurred, but he still recognized the person.

"Hei Tong, it was you who brought him here, and you have betrayed me!"

The black-haired boy's eyes were full of murderous intent. He raised his pistol and pointed it at Qingmu: "Then you will die here together!"

Qingmu glanced at him and his figure suddenly disappeared.

"Where did you go?"

The black-haired boy's spirit was instantly tense. Just like before, he didn't see the moving track at all. Could he be an imperial tool user like Hei Tong?


A piece of arm passed through the black-haired boy's chest, his expression froze instantly, his lips trembled twice, and his breath suddenly disappeared.

The remaining four assassins all changed their faces.

However, they did not choose to escape, but rushed towards Qingmu together.

Aoki's figure flashed continuously.

The four people flew out almost at the same time, and fell to the ground hard. They all lost consciousness and their bodies twitched slightly.

Aoki walked towards Hei Tong and found that she had completely fainted.


Hei Tong was training seriously, and there were many people of similar age beside her, including her sister, Natara... all her companions.

Although this kind of life was very tiring, it was also very happy, and she was filled with pure joy.

However, Hei Tong suddenly felt something was wrong. She looked up and found that everyone had stopped training and was looking at her.

She asked nervously: "Sister, what's wrong? Why are you all looking at me?"


Everyone said in unison.

"No! I'm not a traitor!" Hei Tong hurriedly explained.

Everyone raised their weapons at the same time, with a cold tone.


"I'm not a traitor!"

Hei Tong opened her eyes, sat up, breathing a little quickly, and looked around blankly.

"So you're doing..."

Her body stiffened, and she regained consciousness. She remembered that she had really become a traitor.

After a while, Hei Tong began to look around the room.

This completely unfamiliar room should no longer be in the assassin's base, but the eight rooms and snack bags were placed on the table beside the bed.

She remembered seeing Qing Mu before she fainted.

While Hei Tong was thinking, the door opened with a creak, and a familiar figure walked in.

"Qing Mu!"

Qing Mu looked at Hei Tong carefully: "How do you feel?"

"It feels good."

Hei Tong said, and then fell silent.

Qing Mu sat down on the chair next to him: "What are your plans next?"

Hei Tong was silent for a while, and said: "Find Wilfred to explain it clearly..."

Qing Mu interrupted her: "Do you think the explanation is clear?"

Hei Tong was silent.

She knew very well that since the Empire had already issued an order, it was almost impossible to change it.

Qing Mu's expression became serious: "Hei Tong, leave the assassin's army!"

He knew very well that from the moment he appeared, the suspicion on Hei Tong could not be cleared.

He didn't show up on the way here for this reason.

Hei Tong wanted to return to the assassination unit and would not accept his help.

Once he shows up, Hei Tong will have to choose a more complicated route to keep it secret.

To put it bluntly, any time he shows up, he is causing trouble for Hei Tong.

Of course, Hei Tong will be killed in the end, so he naturally can't care about so much.

At the same time, he also knows Hei Tong's feelings for the assassination unit.

Hei Tong actually has no so-called loyalty to the empire. She is unwilling to leave the assassination unit, mainly because she can't abandon her companions in the assassination unit and is unwilling to betray the beliefs of those companions who died for the empire.

"No!" Hei Tong refused without thinking.

Qingmu said bluntly: "But you have been listed as a traitor! Hei Tong, you should know best that things have developed to this point and it is impossible to save it.

Even if you don't want to leave, the assassination unit has no place for you!

Those companions will regard you as an enemy and will do everything they can to kill you!"

Hei Tong's pretty face showed a strong confusion.

Qingmu said: "Hei Tong, it's not you who wants to betray the Empire and your companions, but the Empire betrayed you!"

"No! No matter what!"

Hei Tong shook his head and raised his voice a few notes. Rather than explaining to Qingmu, it was more like helping himself to strengthen his beliefs.

"Many companions have sacrificed for the Empire. If I betray the Empire, how can I be worthy of those companions?"

Qingmu smiled: "Then you can die once."

Hei Tong looked up and looked at him blankly.

Die once?

How to die?

Qingmu didn't speak, and his figure flashed and appeared in front of Hei Tong.


His palm pierced Hei Tong's heart.

Hei Tong's eyes froze and stared at Qingmu blankly.

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