The rushing river turned into a vast primeval forest, and the desolate atmosphere hit our faces.

Qingmu stepped on a dead branch and frowned slightly.

This is not his destination.

The moment before the "space shuttle" was launched, he felt an unfamiliar space fluctuation and changed his destination.

There is another being nearby who masters the power of space, and his use of the power of space is far more skillful and powerful than him.

Aoki felt it silently for a while, then shook his head secretly.

"As expected."

There are complex and powerful spatial fluctuations here.

It was like a heavy rain suddenly fell on a calm lake, and the raindrops fell, causing ripples.

Forcibly using "space shuttle" will inevitably be affected by these space fluctuations, and the weaknesses are completely uncontrollable.

If it's just flying around on the "lake", it's okay.

However, if you are washed into the "lake", that is, lost in the turbulence of space, it will be really troublesome.

It is easy to be disturbed, which is also the shortcoming of "space shuttle".

However, no one in Demon Slayer World has done this, so it has never been reflected.

"Too careless!"

Aoki sighed and reminded himself again that this is no longer a world of demon slayers. Whether it is immortality or "space travel", although it can greatly improve his life-saving ability, it does not mean that he will not encounter danger. .

"Do you know what's going on?"

A voice sounded next to him, and Aoki turned his head to look.

Heitong stood not far away, holding Bafang in his hand and looking around cautiously.

"It should be some kind of super dangerous species that can control space and moved us here." Aoki said.

Heitong was probably implicated by him.

Although I don't know what happened, the cause should be that he used "space shuttle".

Not that this was a bad thing for him.

Heitong's strength is quite outstanding, and he probably won't fight with him in this situation, which is equivalent to having a powerful helper.

"Super dangerous species?" Black Eyes looked at him: "What should we do now?"

"Do you have any opinion?"

Black Eyes shook his head.

"Then let's explore the surroundings first!" Aoki said.

He doesn't have any good ideas.

Heitong walked next to him and expressed his attitude.

The two randomly chose a direction and walked forward.

Aoki did not fly rashly.

The sky is obscured by the dense canopy of trees, and who knows what is in the sky.

Now that "space shuttle" cannot be used, he must be more cautious.

Heitong took out the snack bag from somewhere, took out a piece of candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

Aoki couldn't help but take a look.

Heitong hugged the snack bag tightly: "I won't give this to you!"

"I didn't plan on eating it in the first place!"

After Aoki said that, he was silent for a while: "Your body is almost reaching its limit. If you continue to eat, you won't be able to hold on for long."

Heitong's experience is very complicated.

When she was young, she and her sister Chitong were sold to the imperial agency and trained as assassins.

Then she passed the selection of the elite seven together with Chitong, but because the seven could not have sisters and relatives, she was forcibly taken away and cultivated through drug injection.

The drug stimulated potential, and Black Eyes gained great strength.

But at the same time, it also made her extremely dependent on drugs.

Continuous drug use destroyed Heitong's body. She should be only fifteen or sixteen years old at this time, but her body was already approaching its limit.

The drugs also distorted her mind. Because she valued her companions, she used Bafang to turn her dead companions into dolls to accompany her.

When Red Tong betrayed the empire and joined the revolutionary army, he persuaded Black Tong to go with him, but Black Tong believed this was a betrayal of his companions and refused to leave.

The two sisters still love each other, but they both want to kill each other, forming a very twisted relationship.

Black Eyes stared at Aoki for a while, then continued to eat snacks as if nothing had happened.

She knew the dangers of drugs and had tried to quit them.

However, her body had become severely dependent on the medication and would break down faster when she stopped taking it.

Besides, she needed the power the drug gave her.

Once it loses its power, it has no value and will be abandoned.

She definitely didn't want to end up like that!


There's not much medicine left.

Moreover, we have to go back and recover, and we must leave here as soon as possible.

Aoki didn't say anything more.

The two of them continued forward.

Unexpectedly, they quickly walked out of the jungle, but the sight in front of them made them both stop at the same time.

The gray-white ground was barren of grass and covered with countless skeletons.

These skeletons are more than ten meters high, like a building. One bone on them is thicker than a human waist, and a few centimeters smaller, no bigger than a palm.

There are also various shapes, obviously belonging to different creatures.

A faint mist floats in the air, making the world hazy.

"Something has appeared." Black Eyes said.

Aoki nodded.

He also noticed.

The mist rolled, and dangerous species came out one after another. They had thick legs and tails, and their upper bodies looked like human lizards standing upright. The overall look was very ferocious.

"Do you know him?" Aoki asked.

Heitong shook his head: "I don't know."

Without giving them any time to continue communicating, the dangerous species pounced on them together.

"give it to me!"

Aoki took a step forward and stood in front of Hei Tong.

He was full of energy and was not afraid of consumption.

The aura of these monsters felt like that of a first-level dangerous species, and he could handle them by himself.

He didn't know what was going on here, so Hei Tong's physical strength should be saved just in case.

Although the imperial weapon was powerful, it was a great burden on the body, and the consumption of mental and physical strength was also terrifying.

Hei Tong stopped drawing her sword after hearing what Aoki said.

As an excellent assassin, she saw from the beginning that this man was not an ordinary person.


A dangerous species took the lead and pounced on Aoki.

In the transparent world, its movements were clearly visible. Aoki twisted his body slightly, narrowly avoiding the claws of the dangerous species, and suddenly stabbed out with his fingers turned into a knife.


His palm was like a real sharp blade, easily piercing the neck of the dangerous species, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

Other dangerous species' attacks came.

Aoki dodged and moved, and his fists flew, and no dangerous species could touch him.

Boom boom boom!

After a moment, all the dangerous species fell down.

Hei Tong stared at Qing Mu in a daze.

This person's strength was stronger than she expected, and he didn't seem to be an imperial weapon user. Who was he?

Could he be a master of the Royal Fist Temple?

But she had come into contact with people from the Royal Fist Temple, and their boxing was not like this.

After defeating the dangerous species, Qing Mu's face did not improve at all, and he stared at the depths of the fog.

Suddenly, his face changed, and he grabbed Hei Tong and quickly retreated into the forest.

This is a supplement for last night. The update has been unstable recently. I will adjust it as soon as possible.

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