In the sky.

A huge figure with four wings on its back, which looked like the legendary dragon, swam slowly.

The humans below were singing and dancing, unaware of the giant in the sky.

The four-winged dragon looked down indifferently, and the huge figure disappeared and appeared thousands of miles away in an instant.

The long river roared, stirring up large flakes of white snowflakes.

It plunged into the river and slowly closed its eyes.

After leaving the small village, Qingmu did not hesitate, flapped his wings, and flew all the way to the south.

Although the sky was not blocked and was vulnerable to attacks by flying dangerous species, he had "space shuttle" and was not afraid of sneak attacks.

On the surface, the flying speed was about the same as the speed of running at full speed, but in fact, flying was not restricted by the terrain, and the speed of traveling was much faster than the legs.

Moreover, there were no fewer dangerous species on the ground than in the sky.

Without the need to rest and without worrying about physical exhaustion, Qingmu's speed of traveling was extremely fast, and he left the cold zone in less than a day.

The ice and snow covering the earth disappeared, and the temperature gradually rose.

However, people's living conditions have not improved much.

There are dilapidated and abandoned villages everywhere, and most people are pale and thin, and you can tell at a glance that they have been starving for a long time.

The big trees are connected in a circle, forming a natural wall, and there are houses scattered in the open space in the middle.

Qingmu walked out of a house and left the village with only one person left.

He only knew the general direction.

The long distance, a slight deviation in the angle, the destination will be far away.

He needs to keep asking for directions and correct the route.


Qingmu flapped his wings and crossed the sky. In a blink of an eye, he came to a valley and looked down.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, forming a natural fortress. The only exit is blocked by towering walls and heavy gates.

There are several rough houses in the valley.

"Are these the robbers that the lady said?"

The empire is about to collapse, evil spirits are everywhere, and there are more and more robbers.

When he asked for directions just now, the lady told him that there was a group of vicious robbers here, and asked him to be careful when passing by.

On the city wall, the bald robber who was standing guard yawned and suddenly froze. He rubbed his eyes, confirmed that he had not seen it wrong, and hurriedly called his companions.

"Hey, look! There's a person in the sky!"

"Are you still drunk? How could there be someone in the sky?"

His companion cursed and turned his head to look.

His vision suddenly darkened, and before he could react to what was going on, his consciousness completely sank into darkness.

Qingmu's finger pierced the robber's forehead, and a stream of blood emerged from his fingertips and merged into the robber's body.

"You... what kind of monster are you?"

The bald robber looked at the winged monster who was in the sky just now, suddenly appeared beside him, and killed his companions, and was scared to death.

Qingmu did not answer and raised his other hand.


The finger pierced the bald robber's head, and a large amount of blood was injected from the fingertips.

Both robbers lost consciousness, and their bodies kept twisting and twitching.

To be a robber, you still have two brushes.

The physical fitness of these two bandits is much better than that of ordinary people, and they have a huge advantage over ordinary people in the demon world.

The stronger they are, the longer it takes to transform into a demon. I don't know how long it will take for these two people to transform successfully.

This is the first time he has created a demon in this world.

When he heard that the old lady say that there was a group of bandits who burned, killed, robbed, and committed all kinds of evil, he was tempted.

This is the perfect material.

This time in the world of "Killing Red Eyes", he has two goals, one is to collect imperial tools, and the other is to upgrade the level of "King of the Strange Demons".

Going to the imperial capital is for the first thing, but the second thing cannot be ignored.

Just take this opportunity to experiment.

Aoki threw the two bandits aside.

Suddenly, the door of a building below opened, and a drunk man walked out. He happened to see this scene and was immediately shocked.

After seeing what happened clearly, his drowsy head was completely awake, and he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Enemy! There is an enemy!"

Aoki did not stop him.

The next day.

The sun rose slowly, and the warm sunshine filled the world.

The bandit den in the valley was quiet, without a sound.

Qingmu clapped his hands and turned his head to look. That was the last ghost.

He opened the door and walked out.

The bright morning sunshine made people feel happy.


Although only the strongest leaders gave a little experience, at least it was confirmed that the idea of ​​"making ghosts by yourself and then killing them" was feasible.

However, he also found a problem.

That is, he cannot leave a curse in the body of the ghost he made, or in other words, he must actively cut off the connection.

Otherwise, those ghosts seem to be regarded as friendly forces by the system. After swallowing, they can replenish energy but cannot gain experience.

"I have to be careful in the future. Before making a ghost, I must beat it half to death or find a way to control it." Qingmu thought.

After becoming a ghost, even if I don't consider other things, just the immortal body will bring a huge increase in strength.

Those who can provide him with experience must be strong themselves.

And I can't leave a curse.

If you accidentally create an enemy that you can't deal with, it will be embarrassing.

Outside the valley is a wide river, the river water is rushing, splashing large patches of white water.

Aoki walked a few steps and suddenly stopped.

Next to the river, there was a girl sitting, with short black hair, slender figure, delicate appearance, a knife at hand, holding a bag of snacks in both hands, eating silently.

His eyes passed from the girl's face to the knife at her hand.

As if she noticed Aoki's gaze, the girl turned her head to look at him, put the snacks in her arms, and looked at him vigilantly.

Aoki's mouth twitched, and he sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect to meet her here."

Black pupil.

Red pupil's sister.

A member of the Imperial Assassin Corps.

The user of the imperial weapon Hachifusa.

The knife next to her should be Hachifusa, which can make corpses into dolls.

This ability is actually very powerful if used well.

The puppet of Kuroito is not particularly outstanding, but it still fought against most of the "Night Raid" alone in a short period of time.

It even forced Najeta to consume her vitality and let Susanoo use her secret skills to defeat Kuroito.

If she could control several super dangerous species, Kuroito might be more terrifying than Esdeath.


The main material of the imperial weapon is the material of the super dangerous species. Whether it can control the corpses of multiple super dangerous species is also unknown.

"Forget it, let's not mess with her."

Aoki retracted his gaze and activated the "space shuttle".

At this moment.

Under the river, a creature with four wings on its back, like a dragon, suddenly opened its eyes.

A special wave spread.

On the shore.

Aoki's face changed, and before he could react, his body suddenly disappeared.

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