Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 104: Kanroji Mitsuri's reaction

“On the first day after Mr. Aomura left, Shinobu arrived at Iikura to investigate the ghost problem.

Shinobu is a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, one year younger than me, but very powerful!

Through her introduction, I also joined the Demon Slayer Corps, learned breathing techniques from Mr. Purgatory, and finally passed the final selection..."

Mitsuri Kanroji pulled Aoki and chattered about her experiences.

Aoki listened quietly and chimed in from time to time.

"Mr. Qingcun, what about you?" Kanroji Mitsuri suddenly asked.


Aoki said: "As I said at the beginning, I basically wander around killing ghosts."

"It turns out that Mr. Aomura is also killing ghosts. Shinobu said that Mr. Aomura was not a member of the Demon Slayer Team..."

As Kanroji Mitsuri spoke, her voice gradually became softer and her face became dull.

"Have you finally discovered it?"

Aoki said nothing and looked at her quietly.


Kanroji Mitsuri suddenly jumped up: "Mr. Qingcun, why did you, you, you become a ghost?"

Aoki smiled: "It's not that I turned into a ghost. I was originally a ghost, at least when we first met."

Kanroji Mitsuri was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder Mr. Aomura gave her a strange feeling when they first met. At that time, she didn't know where the strange feeling came from.

Now I finally understand.

"Miss Ganluji, actually I..."

Aoki is ready to reveal his identity.

When they parted, he did think about whether they would become enemies if they met again.

However, after he reached a cooperation with the Demon Slayer Corps, this worry no longer existed.

He had no intention of testing human nature, nor did he want to embarrass Kanroji Miuri.

However, Kanroji Mitsuri didn't hear his words at all and turned around anxiously.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?"

She scratched her beautiful hair: "Mr. Aomura, how about we run away?"

Aoki was stunned: "Escape? Where to go?"

"Anywhere is fine! It's best to leave Tokyo and leave this country!"

Mitsuri Kanroji sounded anxious: "I heard that the world is very big, and the country we are in is just an insignificant corner of this world! As long as you escape from here, you don't have to worry about being chased by the Demon Slayers!"

A smile appeared on Aoki's face: "I'm a ghost, aren't you going to kill me?"

Mitsuri Kanroji asked: "Has Mr. Aomura ever eaten anyone?"


"Then have you ever killed innocent people?"

"I have killed many people, but none of the innocent ones have self-confidence."

"Then why should I kill Mr. Aomura?" Kanroji Mitsuri's expression and tone were very serious.

Aoki smiled and said, "I said it, do you believe it?"

Mitsuri Kanroji said: "Mr. Aomura has saved so many girls. Although he has the aura of ghosts, he doesn't have the smell of decay.

Moreover, he is also very handsome. I believe Mr. Aomura is not a bad person! "

"It's okay not to say the last reason."

Aoki laughed and shook his head, opening his arms: "However, thank you Miss Kanroji for your trust. Look at me again!"

Mitsuri Kanroji was a little confused, but soon her eyes widened: "Team uniform? Mr. Aomura, why are you wearing the Demon Slayer uniform too?"

Aoki explained: "Actually, I have reached a cooperation with the Demon Slayer Squad. Do you remember that wooden sign?"

"Wooden sign?" Kanroji Mitsuri quickly remembered: "Did I break that one?"

Aoki nodded: "That's what I made."

"It turns out Mr. Aomura is the helper."

Kanroji Mitsuri completely understood, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes shining slightly: "Great, this way we don't have to run away! Wow, wow, wow, I thought we would be chased by the Demon Slayers!"

Aoki thought for a while and asked: "Miss Kanroji, what happened to Iikura after I left? How is the Aoki Dojo? How did things develop at Yoshisha?"

He never returned to Azabu, but he never forgot the situation there.

Kanroji Mitsuri is quite familiar with her hometown, including the situation of Aoki Dojo.

"Because Mr. Aomura destroyed the Demon Cave Yahime Club, Miss Mizuno Taeko returned to the Aoki Dojo safely.

Later, many policemen came to Aoki Dojo to inquire about Mr. Aomura. The business of the dojo was affected to a certain extent, but it soon recovered.

About two months later, Mr. Keisuke Akiyama and Ms. Taeko Mizuno got married! "

"They are already married!" Aoki sighed.

The birth and perfection of Aoki-ryu is due to Keisuke Akiyama.

However, the late arrival of the "martial artist" career may also be due to Keisuke Akiyama.

But forget it, the "Martial Artist" level is now maxed out anyway.

"As for Ye Ji Society."

Mitsuri Kanroji continued: "The incident at Yejisha was exposed the next day, causing a huge sensation and everyone was filled with indignation.

That day, the Yohime Society was sealed off, and three days later, all the main members of the Fujita family were arrested and imprisoned.

Soon, Fujita Steel collapsed, and a large number of high-ranking government officials were sentenced. "

"You deserve it," Aoki said.

Kanroji Mitsuri whispered: "Actually, it is because Mr. Mizuno Kengo and all the victims and their families have united to put pressure, otherwise those high-ranking officials may not be punished.

And, it is said that even so, there are some high-ranking prisoners who are not affected. "

"Not surprising." Aoki said calmly.

There are so many bad things in this world, he has no ability and energy to care.

Miri Kanroji pouted: "Mr. Aomura saved people, good! They protected criminals, bad!"

Aoki laughed and stood up and said: "It's almost time to go. By the way, Miss Kanroji, do you want to go to the Butterfly House and meet Shinobu Kocho?"

"The Butterfly House? Oh, I know, I know, that is the medical institution opened by Shinobu and his sister, Miss Kanae!"

Miri Kanroji tilted her head: "Mr. Aomura also knows Shinobu?"

"In fact, my first contact with the Demon Slayer Corps was because of Kanae Kocho and Shinobu Kocho."

Aoki briefly talked about how he met the Butterfly sisters and the subsequent development.

"Okay! Then I'm going!" Miri Kanroji said happily: "After joining the Demon Slayer Corps, I haven't seen Shinobu yet! ”

Aoki grabbed her arm and said, “Let’s go back to the headquarters first and tell the head of the Ubuyashiki family, and then go to the Butterfly House.”

Mitsuri Kanroji’s eyes widened slightly: “Eh? Wait a minute, head of the Ubuyashiki family, isn’t that…”

Before she finished her words, the two of them suddenly disappeared.

Back at the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters, Aoki said hello to Ubuyashiki Yoya, and then took Mitsuri Kanroji to the Butterfly House.

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