Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 103 Goodbye, Mitsuri Kanroji

Layers of clouds obscured the moonlight.

In the dark mountain forest.

Kanroji Mitori ran quickly. When passing by a rock, she suddenly turned around and hid behind the rock.

She folded her arms over her chest and gasped for air.

"Oops! Oops! Oops! I met the Twelve Ghost Moons on my fifth mission. Am I too unlucky?"

Her breathing gradually returned to steady, Kanroji Mitsuri stuck out her little head and quietly looked behind her.

"Didn't you catch up?"

Her little face showed a little, but then her expression changed and she rushed forward without hesitation.


A tall evil ghost fell from the sky, more than three meters tall, like an iron tower. It hit the ground heavily, causing dead branches and leaves to fly.

"So dangerous! So dangerous! So dangerous! I almost died!"

Ganluji Mili screamed, but she rushed toward the tall evil ghost with a "whoosh".

"The breath of love, the shape of two, the troubled love!"

The pink blade suddenly came out of its sheath and slashed at the tall evil ghost's neck with precision.

At this moment, the skin on the tall evil ghost's neck suddenly turned golden.


The pink blade slashed forward, making a crisp sound of metal impact.

"Wow wow wow! It's happening again! I can't even cut him!"

With a cry in her heart, Kanroji Mitsuri kicked the tall evil ghost hard, and used the reverse thrust to distance herself.

It's not that the strength is insufficient.

Ever since she changed her breathing and created the Breath of Love, she always felt that the current Nichirin Sword was very uncomfortable to use.

"Hey hey hey, stop struggling! Low-level beings like you should just be eaten by us."

The tall evil ghost raised his head, revealing a ferocious face that looked like a chimpanzee, with the word "下鲁" engraved in his blue pupils.

"No! I don't want to be eaten!"

Kanroji Mitsuri took out a palm-sized wooden sign from her arms, one side of which was printed with a complex silver diamond pattern.

This was given to her not long ago, saying that if you encounter a ghost, break the wooden sign and someone will come to help.

This time I encountered the Sixth Chapter, and I wanted to see if I could win on my own.

Now it seems that it still doesn't work.

With the right knife, it might be possible.

"Be obedient and be eaten by me!"

Chimpanzee Demon rushed towards Kanroji Mitsuri.

"I said, don't!"

Kanroji Mitsuri grabbed the wooden sign with one hand and exerted force.


A figure suddenly appeared.

Chimpanzee Ghost's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The loose Demon Slayer uniform can't hide her plump figure, and her unique cherry-colored long hair is braided into huge braids.

Aoki asked in surprise: "Miss Ganluji?"

"Qing, Mr. Qingcun?" Ganluji Mili was confused and surprised at the same time.

"Let's talk later."

Aoki smiled and turned to look to the other side.

Kanroji Mitsuri also temporarily put aside the joy of reunion and said quickly: "Mr. Aomura, he is a ghost, and he is the strongest of the twelve demons."

"It's the sixth chapter again!"

Aoki looked at the chimpanzee-looking ghost opposite and almost laughed out loud.

Is this the first six he has encountered?

The title Six of the Last String was destined to offend him, right?

The chimpanzee ghost roared: "Who are you? Why are you here? This prey is mine!"

"Don't worry, I won't compete with you for prey." Aoki said.

The chimpanzee ghost was stunned for a moment, and stared at Aoki's face seriously for two seconds. His expression changed drastically, and without any hesitation, he turned around and ran away.


Ganluji Mili blinked: "What is he doing?"

"It should be about escaping." Aoki said.

"Defector, turned out to be a defector!" The chimpanzee ghost's eyes were full of horror.

He only learned this name after he became the Twelve Ghost Moon.

Six of the lower strings, five of the lower strings, three of the lower strings, six of the two upper strings, five of the upper strings, three of the upper strings, two of the upper strings, even ordinary ghosts can't count them.

After all these achievements, he sounded timid.

Suddenly, two figures appeared in front of his eyes.

Chimpanzee Ghost's footsteps stopped abruptly: "伱, don't bully others too much! I, I am Twelve Ghost Moon!"

Kanroji Mitsuri's expression was still a little dazed, and this Shixuan No. 6 seemed to be very scared.

Is he afraid of Mr. Aomura?

"Twelve Ghost Moons? It might be a bit difficult to scare me with this name."

Aoki suddenly appeared in front of the chimpanzee ghost, his palms raised high.


The chimpanzee ghost roared angrily, and suddenly his body turned golden, like a golden tower made of gold. You could tell at a glance that its defense power was extraordinary.

He made fists with both hands and hit Aoki like a sledgehammer.

"This blood ghost technique is interesting!"

The speed of Aoki's palm waving increased slightly.


Chimpanzee Ghost's arm was broken into three sections.

Aoki jumped up slightly and raised his palm again.


The chimpanzee ghost's head exploded like a watermelon, the golden color on its skin faded, and its body fell heavily, creating a cloud of smoke and dust.

Ganluji Mili opened her mouth slightly, her face full of shock.

what happened?

At the end of the sixth chapter, Mr. Aomura slapped his head to pieces?

That's the Twelve Ghost Months!

Aoki reached out and grabbed Chimpanzee Ghost's shoulders, letting him struggle.


An invisible vortex condensed.

The tall body of the chimpanzee ghost twisted and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[Skill point +1. ]

[Kill the Lower Six and gain 35 experience points. ]

Hearing the system prompt, Aoki immediately opened the system panel.

35 experience points?

It actually reached double digits, worthy of being the Lower Six!

However, what he cared more about was that he also gained 1 skill point.

Together with the 4 skill points left before, he can learn the level 2 "Transparent World".

Level 1 "Transparent World" can only be used for a short time and is very mentally exhausting.

If nothing unexpected happens, level 2 should be close to or even reach the level of Tsugikoku Yoriichi, which can be maintained for a long time, which is also a significant improvement to his combat power.

However, he has another choice - save another skill point and learn level 6 "Demon Blood".

Aoki made the choice without any hesitation.

Level 6 "Demon Blood"!

It must be level 6 "Demon Blood"!

That is a chance for him to overcome the sun, which is more important than anything else.

After taking another look at the data, Aoki closed the system and found that there was a huge face in front of him.

"Mr. Aomura, it's really you! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Mitsuri Kanroji blinked her big emerald green eyes, her face was rosy and she looked excited.

Aoki smiled: "I was also surprised."

Not only did he not expect that it was Mitsuri Kanroji who activated the space mark this time, but he also did not expect that Mitsuri Kanroji had already joined the Demon Slayer Corps.

According to the original story, Mitsuri Kanroji will join the Demon Slayer Corps by chance after her blind date fails next year.

And now, she is already on a mission, and she must have learned the breathing method and passed the final assessment. She has been in the Demon Slayer Corps for quite some time.

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