Kanae Butterfly returned to the Butterfly House with a tired face.

Aoi Kanzaki immediately went to meet her and handed her a glass of water.

"Kanae-sama, are you okay?"

Kanae Butterfly waved her hand, took the water and drank it all.

"Have Mr. Aomura and Shinobu come back?"

Aoi Kanzaki shook her head: "Not yet."

Kanae Butterfly sighed, a bit of worry appeared on her face: "I don't know what the situation is. Have they found the Upper String Five?"

Aoi Kanzaki didn't speak.

She was too scared to do anything when facing ordinary ghosts. She couldn't imagine how terrifying the Twelve Demon Moons, the Upper Strings, and those monsters standing at the top of the ghosts were.

Although she was very tired, Kanae Butterfly did not rest and kept waiting in the room.

On the one hand, she was worried about the safety of Shinobu and Mr. Aomura, and on the other hand, she was concerned about the Upper String Five.

Time passed slowly.

When it was almost dawn, two figures appeared in the room.

Kanae Butterfly, who had been waiting eagerly, immediately reacted and went to meet them.

"Shinobu, Mr. Aomura, you are back!"

Shinobu Kocho could tell at a glance that her sister had not slept all night, and she got straight to the point, and the first sentence was the issue she was most concerned about.

"Sister, Mr. Aomura has defeated the Upper Rank Five, Tamagotsu."

"Did he really defeat Tamagotsu?"

Kaname Kocho was in high spirits.

Although Mr. Aomura has killed one Upper Rank after another like slaughtering chickens recently, the Upper Rank is still an existence that the Demon Slayer Corps can hardly cope with.

"It's actually very easy to defeat it. Tamagotsu has no power to fight back in front of Mr. Aomura. It mainly takes a lot of time to find its traces."

Shinobu Kocho looked a little gloomy, and sighed: "Moreover, a whole village of people were killed."

Kaname Kocho touched her hair: "Don't be sad, you have avenged them, and you killed Tamagotsu, and no one will suffer the same tragedy again in the future."

"I understand!" Shinobu Kocho nodded.

Kaname Kocho asked about the process of fighting with Tamagotsu again.

After listening to her sister's introduction, she was shocked.

Yu Hu is indeed very difficult to deal with. If it weren't for Mr. Aomura, even if they could defeat Yu Hu, they would have to pay a heavy price.

Butterfly Kanae thought of something and said quickly: "Mr. Aomura, the lord hopes you can go to the headquarters."


"As long as you are free, you can go anytime."

Aoki looked out the window. It was dawn and Ubuyashiki Yoya should have gotten up.

"Then let's do it now."

Fighting Yu Hu was almost unnecessary.

His spirit and physical strength were basically in perfect condition and he didn't need to rest.

Butterfly Kanae hesitated for a moment: "Mr. Aomura, shall I go with you?"

"You should go and rest!" Aoki waved his hand: "Dark circles are coming out!"

"No, no way!"

Butterfly Kanae was startled and her tone became a little nervous.

No matter how powerful she is, she is still a young girl, and a very beautiful girl. Of course, she will not care about her appearance.

Shinobu Kocho interrupted, "Sister, she lied to you!"

Swordsmen who practice breathing techniques, especially the pillars, have extremely strong physical fitness and strong body metabolism. How could they easily have dark circles?

"Not yet, but it may not be the case if you continue to stay up late!" Aoki reminded.

Kanae Kocho breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gently.

"I really need to rest!"

"I'm leaving too." Aoki waved to the two of them, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Shinobu Kocho looked at the place where he left: "Sister, this time I went out with Mr. Aomura, and found that he was more powerful than I thought before, especially the 'space shuttle', which instantly crossed the distant time and space, which was like a miracle."

Kanae Kocho smiled gently, "Really? When I have time in the future, I hope to ask Mr. Aomura to let me experience it too."

"Also, sister..."

While talking, the two walked into the room.


Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters.

Ubuyashiki Yoya sat under the eaves, and two children were playing next to him.

A figure suddenly appeared.

Ubuyashiki Yoya turned his head and smiled gently: "Is it Mr. Aomura?"

"The head of the Ubuyashiki family has a very keen sense." Aoki sat down next to him.

"It's just because Mr. Aomura is the only one who can suddenly appear like this." Ubuyashiki Yoya said.

Aoki didn't say anything and looked at the boy in front of him.

The boy had long black hair and bandages on his body. He looked handsome but expressionless. He was swinging the knife seriously, and every swing of the knife was very focused.

As if he noticed his gaze, the boy suddenly turned his head to look at Aoki, and his eyes suddenly became very sharp.


At this time, Ubuyashiki Yoya's gentle voice sounded: "This is Mr. Aomura."

The boy was stunned for a while, then turned around and continued to swing the knife seriously.

Ubuyashiki Yoya explained: "Mr. Aomura, this child is Tokito Muichiro. Not long ago, he suffered a major change and lost all his memories. He is always distracted and indifferent to external things. I hope you don't mind."

Aoki nodded.

As for Tokito Muichiro, he is a genius boy who became a Pillar after holding a sword for only two months. He is one of the few people in the Demon Slayer Corps who have collected all three sets of equipment: the spotted pattern, the red sword, and the transparent set.

Under the wrathful push, with the body of a young man who had never trained, he defeated a demon.

Unfortunately, he died at the hands of Kokushibo.

The two had a special relationship.

Kokushibo was called Tsugakushi Iwakatsu in his lifetime, and was the elder brother of Tsugakushi Yoriichi of Hi no Breathing.

And Tokito Muichiro was actually the descendant of Tsugakushi Iwakatsu.

Aoki's eyes moved slightly.

The nine pillars he was familiar with were gradually returning to their positions.

However, most of the upper strings had been killed by him, and they should not have a chance to show off in this life.

Of course.

For them, this is definitely a good thing.

After the final battle, of the nine pillars of the present generation, only the wind pillar Fushigawa Shigeya and the water pillar Tomioka Giyuu, and the sound pillar Uzui Tengen who retired to the second line, survived.

The others, sooner or later, all died in battle.

Including the sisters Kocho Kanae and Kocho Shinobu.

And those who survived were either disabled or short-lived.

Aoki smiled and thought to himself: "Speaking of which, they should actually thank me!"

Ubuyashiki Yoya faced Aoki, and a hint of expectation surged on his calm face: "Mr. Aomura has returned safely, so, what about Upper Rank Five Jade Pot?"

"It's dead!"

Aoki said.

Ubuyashiki Yoya's smile brightened a little: "Good! Good! One less upper rank, one step closer to defeating Muzan Kibutsuji!"

"Indeed." Aoki nodded.

Clearing the monsters first, then fighting the boss, this is the most conventional way to fight.

Ubuyashiki Yoya faced Aoki, and said sincerely: "Mr. Aomura, I invited you here this time because I actually have a very presumptuous question to ask you."

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