[Kill the fifth one and get 600 experience points. 】

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

"600 experience points, only 200 points more than Naru."

Aoki sighed secretly.

Sure enough, it wasn't that Naruko wasn't strong enough, but that his strength and level were now too high, and his experience gain had dropped significantly.


No need to worry.

According to this progress, the ghosts in this world are more than enough to support him to reach the full level.

Aoki shut down the system.

Compared to the gain in experience, he was actually more concerned about the changes in "space shuttle" this time.

After feeling it carefully for a while, Aoki's eyes gradually lit up.

The change in "space travel" this time is not big, at least not as obvious as the addition of a different space after swallowing Naru Girl.

However, the importance is not at all low.

Simply put, it greatly simplifies the startup process of "space shuttle".

To put it more directly, there is no cooldown time.

The so-called cooling time of "Space Shuttle" is actually the time when the skill is activated.

As his intelligence becomes higher and higher, his mental power becomes stronger, his control over "space shuttle" becomes better and better, his thinking speed continues to increase, and the "space shuttle" cooling time has been greatly reduced.

Compared with when I first learned "space shuttle", it has been reduced by more than half.

However, with the recent addition of intelligence, the cooling time of "Space Shuttle" has been reduced less and less.

If 1 point of intelligence could reduce the cooling time by 0.1 seconds at the beginning, then now 1 point of intelligence can only reduce 0.01 seconds, or even less.

The relatively complicated activation process of "space shuttle" means that the "cooling time" cannot be reduced infinitely.

However, after swallowing the jade pot this time, the "space shuttle" activation process was greatly simplified and basically became instinctive, directly solving the problem fundamentally.


Strictly speaking, "space shuttle" still cannot be considered instant.

Especially when activated continuously, there will still be a certain interval.

After all, his thinking reaction speed is limited.

It is impossible to teleport infinitely.

However, this is his problem, not a problem of "space travel".

Aoki felt it seriously for a while.

Not only "space shuttle", "space imprint shuttle" and ""entering and exiting different spaces" have been optimized.

This is not surprising.

"Space shuttle" is the basis, and the space imprint only provides a special coordinate.

Not to mention different spaces, the process of entering and exiting is actually a "space shuttle".

Although the experience given by Yuhu is not much, his contribution is first-class. Among the strings that kill people, he should be second only to Yiwozuo, and can compete with Tongmo.

In the future, if Oniitsuji Muzan is defeated, Aoki will take credit for his contribution.

The butterfly nin looked at Aoki curiously.

She heard from her sister that Mr. Aomura's strength would improve significantly every time he swallowed ghosts, but she didn't feel it this time.

I don’t know if the jade pot is too rubbish.

Aoki looked up and found the butterfly ninja staring straight at him.

"What's wrong?"

The Butterfly Ninja glanced at his back and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Aomura, what happened to the wings before?"

Before, her attention was focused on the jade pot, and she was not in the mood to care about it for a short time. Now that the matter was resolved, her curiosity suddenly emerged again.

Aoki said: "As a ghost, it makes sense to grow a pair of wings, right?"

"Is it reasonable?" Butterfly Ninja asked.

Aoki nodded: "I think it's quite reasonable!"

The butterfly ninja glared at him and stopped worrying about the wings.

"What should we do next?"

Aoki asked: "You should be more familiar with this kind of thing than me, right?"

He always just kills and doesn't bury them.


Butterfly Ninja came to his senses.

The main reason is that this operation was completely confusing, and I was a little uncomfortable for a while.

She thought for a while: "Let's first investigate if there are any other villages around that have been killed!"

Not only because of the jade pot, but also to make sure there are no other ghosts nearby.

"I'm sure there's nothing there when I search there," Aoki said.

The two of them walked forward.

Butterfly Ninja said: "The fifth upper string is also dead, that is to say, only the first and fourth upper strings are left. I wonder if Kibutsuji Mukai will promote the new upper string?"

"It's not that easy." Aoki shook his head.

In the original work, after the prostitute Taro, Yutsubo and Hantengu were killed, Tsuji Mumei only found two substitutes, Narume and Gotake.

Among them, Ao Yue was instantly killed by Zenitsu, and his strength is about the same as that of Shi Xian. It is not certain whether he can compare with Fallen Princess.

Although it is related to the fact that Yue Yue became a ghost not long ago and is not yet familiar with the new power.

But it can also be seen that his strength is indeed not that good. To be able to become the top string is because Kibutsuji Mumei has no one to use him.

"That's good! In this case, Kibutsuji Muzan will soon become a loner!"

Butterfly Ren rolled his eyes and almost laughed.

The people in the previous village were very pitiful and miserable, but she had seen too much life and death, and she knew very well that she had to move on.

Being immersed in sadness will only stop you from moving forward.

Aoki said nothing.

Oniitsuji Mumei does not feel lonely because there are no others of his kind.

In his heart, he alone is enough to be immortal and eternal.

However, the death of Yuhu should still make him very angry.

Only two upper moons are left.

The system of the Twelve Moons is completely finished.

There is a small wooden house at the foot of the mountain.

There are piles of firewood outside the house.

It is obvious that this is a woodcutter's house.

It is already late at night, but the door of the wooden house is wide open. Scarlet blood flows out of the house, drawing a hideous bloodstain in the yard.

In the house, three people are stacked together, all covered with blood, and there is no life.

Standing at the door is a pale young man with plum-red eyes. He is holding a sturdy man in his hand. A stream of blood pours into his fingertips, and the sturdy man's expression quickly becomes hideous.

"Yuhu is dead!"

Muzan Muzan said expressionlessly: "Knowing that he is not an opponent, he still provokes. Stupid! He deserves to die!"

He no longer has any expectations for these ghosts now.

If one day, they all die, he will not be surprised.

"The wooden sign that can be used for teleportation... Is this how he entered the Infinite City? I wonder if it can be used in reverse... No, that's not the point. The key is to find a way to restrain the teleportation ability first!"


A light sound suddenly sounded in the room.

Muzan Kibutsuji came back to his senses and looked up.

When he was thinking just now, too much blood was poured in, which exceeded the endurance limit of the man in his hand, and his body collapsed.

"If you can't even bear this little blood, even if you become a ghost, you are still a waste."

Throwing the twisted corpse aside, Muzan Kibutsuji turned around and left without any nostalgia.

What he needed was a ghost that could overcome the sun and a ghost that could restrain the teleportation ability, not this kind of waste.

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